July ;)

Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
Hi ladies, since we seemed to have moved from our weekly chat I changed the title to just July but you can come and change it back when you want. I can't believe it's July already! Where did the time go I have done TF and TF/CLX Janelle summers style and before I started Mfp I did the hybrid in your book of TF/CLX . Don't forget the other 12 weeks of TF. Man I suck! While it's great I have done all that I really don't have to much to show for it. I started body beast and am on week 5. I really like it and you know what? I can see my bicep now! I am just so amazed by this. It was there but now I can see it. So something is working.

I am going to be here on MFP for a year soon (in sept) but I keep at it. A lot of my friends are just amazed that I haven't lost and that I am still here all this time. I think it has mostly to do with you ladies in the beginning who helped make me stick to it and then we had some newbies join in and I have stuck around even longer. :) I think the hardest part is the diet part getting my cals just right is frustrating. I have done so much research and know that the whole TDEE thing is the way to go. It just me getting there. So I keep it up. You can too! Just think if I can surely you ladies can too!

I had a normal 4th of July a day off with hubby and the kids enjoying daddy being home. He took off today too. So we went to the lake 1hour away and enjoyed the day. We have two parties to attend too Tomro one for a one year old ( my nephew) and one for our friends little girl who is six. It's going to be hot and I already got burnt today being in the boat :( oh well I'll just have to stay in the shade. I hope you all have had a great 4th and enjoy the rest of the weekend! Oh and no workout for me today or Tomro back at it Sunday or Monday ;) keep moving ladies!


  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I love the "July" topic idea.

    I haven't really been exercising religiously as I was last winter. I try to follow a week but it's just not happening. daily. So, I do what I feel like that day.

    The only thing that I can report is that my fave SIL is in from Vegas. I haven't seen her since last Christmas and both she and her husband looked at me and TOLD me NOT asked me that I lost weight. I was shocked only cuz my SIL and her husband rarely ever say that to someone unless it's a significant amount. So, of course I downplayed it cuz I still don't see myself as other people see me. I still see chunk and dimples. I told them I did lose 9 lbs total then plateaued in April got frustrated and regained 7 lbs of the original loss back. Anyway, I took measurements and I am losing my inches again (not as much yet as what I lost before) and I keep hovering over the same number on the scale. Bottom line, I'm not used to the compliments cuz I still don't see it and feel it yet.

    I will be seeing more of my inlaws on Sunday for my nephew's 1st bday. I'm trying to figure out what to wear since it will be a hot one that day. It hasn't been a hot summer at all in the Chi!

    Have a great weekend!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    I hope you all had a fun holiday!

    Well, I can say that last week, I only pressed "play" just once in the whole week. I'm still trying to find motivation and trying to organize myself. I really NEED to do it in the morning before the kids get up. So, that's my goal this week. Go to bed early so I can wake up early and be done by the time my kids get up for summer school/or activities.

    I miss hearing from you all!

    I know you all still have your BEAST mode on!
  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Glad you had a good time for the holiday's, I enjoyed seeing family and having lots of cookouts :) I didn't have time to push play more then 3 times. I am so far this week though and man am I sore. I hate being sore. I think I just need to drink more water. I do lots of stretching more then beast does but I am still sore. Maybe as charlean says I am just more pron to being sore. That's about it for me as far as what is happening for me. I am busy and vbs is this week also another church's is next week so busy busy for me. Come on ladies get your butts in gear. ;) hope to see you pushing play soon.
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hi friends,

    I have not been logging in my food diary entries. My weight has crept back up to my starting weight. I need to rethink strategies to avoid my boredoms and laziness in exercising and junk food snacks. I know what the right thing is to do and I have been making poor decisions.

    I will be going out of town from July 18-27th. We are heading up north to the UP of Michigan for a family reunion (husband's side). The place we are staying has no internet so if we go into town which is 20-30 minutes away, I may be able to log on. I haven't worked out since July 4th. I'm still planning on taking Turbo Fire with me. I'm just in a blah mood

    I hope you're all doing better than I am. Chat soon! Take care!

  • Vini9
    Vini9 Posts: 343 Member
    Hi Stel,
    I hope you trip was really fun from what I activities I saw it sounded like it. :) I have been kinda off myself, while my weight is staying the same I just feel like I don't care. I DO care but my minds just not into it. I go through phases like this though and I do feel better about myself so I push on. I do have kinda a NSV. The other day my hubby made a four wheeler trail through the woods now I don't ride other then on the back, but I was walking the trail and my son wanted to race. I hate to run but it sounded kinda fun so I did and I enjoyed it. I wasn't out of breath like I would have been before and it actually felt good to move my muscles. I would have to say the only down fall was I was sweating like crazy about 2 minutes after I was done running like I do when I do a HITT. LOL but my kids loved running with mommy and my son.....well of course he won. :-D keep pushing play!
  • preshusgem
    preshusgem Posts: 204 Member
    Hey all,

    I just wanted to end this month by saying that I'm still alive...just not kicking it or anything. I pressed play once while on vacay and I haven't pressed play since I've been home. I've gained weight. My number is more than what I was when I first started in November.
    I'm just trying to find motivation again....