Wedding Arms???

Hey Ladies! 3 months and 13 pounds to go for me, trying hard to stay motivated! A question for you - what are you doing to get your dream arms??? I have been doing Body Pump, but recently started doing power yoga more regularly and think I might be getting better results. Even with my work, though, my arms aren't where I want them to be! Would love any help!


  • lilbuddha007
    lilbuddha007 Posts: 30 Member
    I just started doing the workouts from this blog --

    for arms and man, they are aching. Hope they help you too.
  • rnt2225
    rnt2225 Posts: 4
    Awesome, thanks so much! I will give them a try :-)
  • designgirl08
    designgirl08 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm getting married in September too! I just started PureBarre and I can't believe the transformation in my arms already! Love it! If you don't have one in your city, you can always order the videos!
  • fit4flava
    fit4flava Posts: 1
    Hello! I am getting married in November and I have started working on my arms! I started bookcamp and last week we focused on our arms several days! I am doing a few of those exercises each day to get them ready to throw that bouquet to the single ladies!
  • rnt2225
    rnt2225 Posts: 4
    I've actually been thinking about trying Pure Barre - great to know. Thanks!!
  • rnt2225
    rnt2225 Posts: 4
    Also congrats!!! Hope the planning is going okay for you, our stuff is *finally* starting to come together :-)
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    i do the barre classes offered at my gym about 3 times a week and supplement with other strength training sessions. i'm starting to get good muscle definition, but it's currently still covered up by some fat :/ hopefully with time, eating right, and more exercise, the muscle will emerge, haha.

    great topic, btw!
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I am following New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's crazy the definition in my arms and legs that I can see. Granted, it's still not where I want to be, but that's mostly because I still need to strip some fat. But lifting weights has been the best decision I've ever made.