Falling off the wagon..?

I know we all hit those "walls of weakness" But this is so frustrating!!! I was doing so well and getting really excited for my future, and the BAM!! Something happens that just throws me under the bus. I start binge eating, I am not getting enough rest and I pretty much halt on all my progress. I gained a little weight back.. I've been trying to get myself back on track but then I get this pesky little summer cold and blah blah blah... you know how it goes. What do you do to try and push yourself back in the right direction?!?



  • Need2lose456
    Need2lose456 Posts: 131 Member
    Great saying...Weightloss is like driving, if you veer off the road, just make a U-turn and head back in the right direction!
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Hey I'm in the same boat right now. With my Father-in-law's passing away I have not been eating or exercising the way I normally do and I have gained 3 pounds in 2 weeks. But I think the best way to get back on track is to start every day off right, you may not stay on the right course throughout the day but eventually you will stay on track the entire day. Life happens and there are some events that it is hard to get back on track for you just have to keep trying. And don't beat yourself up when you don't stay on track.
  • anditsbecca
    Very Good advice ladies!!! I also got a little bummed out because my cousin just had her baby and I'm so happy for her but I also envy her so I've been a little blah!!! I just need to keep my dreams and goals fresh on my mind!!! I go to my Dr. Monday, I will let you ladies know what she says :)