Today a dog ran headfirst into my front tire!

OMFG! A dog ran into my front tire while I was biking at 20mph today! Luckily I am ok and so is the dog. He had no leash on and I thought that he would just stay on the grass like he was but nope he moved onto the path and decided that charging head on into my front tire was the best move, throwing me off my bike causing me to scrape my leg and arm, ugh every dog I see without a leash I'm slowing down to like 2mph. So my question is has anyone ever had this happen to them? A dog run into them? I thought it was so weird, could not believe it.


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Have had dogs dart toward me several times. Each time the Airzound either stopped them dead in their tracks, or sent them running.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Have had dogs dart toward me several times. Each time the Airzound either stopped them dead in their tracks, or sent them running.

  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    Airzound is a very loud bike horn. I have read that a loud noise or yelling "No!" will deter most dogs. This article may help.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Airzound is a very loud bike horn. I have read that a loud noise or yelling "No!" will deter most dogs. This article may help.

    Yeah, it has a little airhorn for the handlebars, and a bottle for the air tank. It pumps with your bike pump.
    it is LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDD. Much louder than a car horn, and higher pitched.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    In June 2012, I hit a dog while doing 20 mph, and hit my head at 20 plus whatever force was added as I whipped straight down to the pavement. It was a head on t-bone collision as I was watching two other dogs chasing me and didn't see the one run out from the side. Apparently he was laying in wait for me. I tell people it was okay since I broke the fall with my head, lol. Seriously, I hit the pavement with tremendous force, totally destroying a very nice Specialized helmet. I truly believe the helmet save my life, or at least saved me from from very serious brain injury. Unfortunately, I think the dog died later from the impact. I have seen his two friends but not him since then. I had a pretty bad concussion. A lady stopped her car and offered me a ride but I was so dazed I refused. I rode my bike home (only four miles) but my memory is very patchy. I am old enough that I grew up before helmet use was widespread and part of me used to think of of helmets as an inconvenience, but I will never ride without a helmet again, not even a short "around the block" ride.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    I will never ride without one ever ever! Either.
  • allenhandley
    allenhandley Posts: 134 Member
    I have had several chase but never hit one. If I see them and have enough time to prepare a loud yell and squirt from the water bottle will deter them. Man. you are having trouble with autos and dogs!

    Glad you were not hurt worse.
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Had a dog chase and take a nip out of me earlier this year but never ran into my wheel. Glad you're ok though!

    And as for helmets? I work as a nurse and have seen plenty of traumatic brain injuries: not the path I would want to take, so anything I can do to mitigate that risk I do.
  • KansasRider
    KansasRider Posts: 76 Member
    Yelling "NO" or "BACK" in your best Alpha voice works wonders. Has saved me a few times. ... so has ny brain bucket!
  • pryme57
    pryme57 Posts: 10 Member
    No dogs, but have almost hit other things.. rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels..etc. Saw a skunk on the side of the road digging for something. I must have scared the hell out of it it because it jumped up and turned its tail towards me, fortunately no cars were around so I moved quickly to the middle of the road and it took off.
  • hmoffatt
    hmoffatt Posts: 51
    Consider it an opportunity to practice your sprint....
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    On February 3, 2012 a dog hit my front wheel while I was doing 20+mph. The last thing I remember is turning my head to see the other dog leaping off of the bank at my bike so I did not see the dog coming from the front that hit my tire.

    I don't remember anything of what happened for the next 30-40 minutes. My helmet prevented me from losing an ear and experiencing even worse head trauma. My left shoulder is total separated now and would require a cadaver tendon to repair.

    I would have ridden my bike the 16 miles home I suppose from the eye-witness accounts except my bike was not ride able. I lost a decent amount of skin on my left leg and left arm.

    I now carry "Halt" spray for dogs, I slow down when I see a dog just in case the get in front, once the dog is safely to the side and/or behind then I sprint unless it is uphill, and I carry a knife to protect myself from the dog owners who get mad when I spray their precious little ball of fur (Big Golden Retriever actually that ran my across the double-yellow line three times).

    I am an animal lover but not so fond of pet owners who refuse to secure their animals.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    My coworker did the same thing but when he fell he broke his Femur, he spent over a month in hospital and had crutches for 4 months after surgery and still walks with a limp...I always slow down for dogs and trained mine to sit when he sees a bike lol
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    No dogs, but have almost hit other things.. rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels..etc. Saw a skunk on the side of the road digging for something. I must have scared the hell out of it it because it jumped up and turned its tail towards me, fortunately no cars were around so I moved quickly to the middle of the road and it took off.

    Ah yes squirrels.... I was told that if's best if you aim straight at them rather than try to guess which way they will move and end up both dodging the same way, unfortunately squirrel must have been told to stay put and cyclists will swerve round you.
  • emaren
    emaren Posts: 934 Member
    Many years ago I delivered newspapers on my Viking Gold Sar bicycle (I miss that bike)

    I would encounter dogs on a regular basis, each time getting chased - thus improving my cardio ability :)

    On specific house only had a Sunday paper and they would often let their dog out to chase me - I complained to the newsagent, but they too thought it was funny.

    One Sunday I left my bike at the entrance to their driveway and quietly walked to the front door, I crunched the paper up and crammed it in their letter box (this is how you do it in the UK) and then started to run back to my bike - the house owners opened the front door, the dog bolted out after me and......

    Just as it got to me, I kicked it, really hard in the ribs (I aimed for its head and missed). The dog was pretty sturdy, but obviously shocked. It stopped and backed away looking at me. I stood my ground and it obviously realized that if it got too close it was going to get kicked again. The owner yelled obscenities at me, but I just stood there out-staring the dog.

    Eventually the owner called the dog back and once the door was closed behind it, I grabbed my bike and sprinted up the street..

    When I got back to the newsagent, they fired me for kicking the dog.......

    Oh well......
  • Strangelyinsane
    Strangelyinsane Posts: 120 Member
    Most of my miles are in rural areas of Western Washington where many dogs are not on leashes. I am a regular practitioner of "NO!" and "Bad Dog!". It generally works pretty well. I did have a pair of very hungry looking fighting dogs with metal spiked collars chase me in India once. I realized that I couldn't ride faster than they could run...but I also realized that all I really needed to do was ride faster than my wife at the time...still miss her... :)
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290

    Cool thanks for the video, geez you think people would control their animals especially at the Tour De France!
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Most of my miles are in rural areas of Western Washington where many dogs are not on leashes. I am a regular practitioner of "NO!" and "Bad Dog!". It generally works pretty well. I did have a pair of very hungry looking fighting dogs with metal spiked collars chase me in India once. I realized that I couldn't ride faster than they could run...but I also realized that all I really needed to do was ride faster than my wife at the time...still miss her... :)

    I hope you're kidding.