Welcome Everyone !



  • rachael116
    rachael116 Posts: 62
    Hi everyone! My EDD is 2/17/14. I had my first apt yesterday and went in thinking I was only 6 weeks but I'm actually 9 weeks! This will be our 1st (hopefully!). Super excited to be apart of this group and it is nice to 'meet' you all!
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Hello mommies! My EDD is Jan 26th. I have a 12 month old son (surprise, you're getting a sibling!). I'm 33, a full-time working mother and im feeling overwhlemed with this surprise. (And a little guilty because I didn't want to stop my weight loss goals.)
    I'm 14w today.
    Are there any other 2nd time (or more) moms out there that are surprised at how big their bellies have gotten?!?
    I didn't have this big of a bump the first time around for another 4 weeks! Yikes. Maybe bloat? I'm already into maternity clothes!
  • berrymelt
    berrymelt Posts: 10
    Hello. I'm due March 9th 2014 with my 4th. I have 2 healthy daughters and one who is in heaven.
    I forgot about the morning sickness I suffered those last 3 times......what was I thinking????
  • irishastoria
    irishastoria Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! My name is Erin and I live in Astoria, Queens, NYC. I am 31 and I am 10 weeks into my first pregnancy (due 2/21). My husband and I have been together for 12 years and we are very excited for our new addition. I work in the fashion industry and I have been really lucky to have had no pregnancy symptoms at all so and thus have been able to keep up my routine pretty well. Plus, I am always looking for a new excuse to buy new clothing, even if I will have to find a way to fit it teeny, tiny apartment.

    I am very active (running 20 to 30 miles a week, 3 to 4 hours of strength training a week) and found an amazing OB who is herself a marathon runner and really going to help motivate me to keep fit throughout. I am hoping to keep up my current activity level with modifications up as long as humanly possible.

    I have more issues with diet which is why I joined--I am really hoping to find ways to keep my eating on track. I, even before pregnancy, always have had issues getting in the right balance. I tend to consume too much protein (I think a side effect of living with my husband, who lifts weights) and my sensitivity to wheat and gluten. I have never gotten the hang of how to handle low gluten or gluten free. My husband is also a very picky eater, so as a result, I have trouble broadening what I eat since I hate cooking for one :(

    I am looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • aulisse
    aulisse Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 31 and into the 15th week of my first pregnancy. Due Jan 22nd. We suffered a m/c a year ago, so my eating during the first trimester was mostly due to anxiety and nerves. Ready to get back on track! I will most definitely indulge in moderation, but the nightly banana splits and donuts need to stop TODAY! HAHA! Feel free to add me for support. So happy I found this group. Good luck to all!
  • nelsaphine
    nelsaphine Posts: 212 Member
    Hi everyone i'm so excited about this group. I took a test this wknd and it was positive!! :smile: I confirmed it at the clinic yesterday, I'm just 7wks almost 8 wks with due date of March 14th!!:love: I am beyond happy and feeling so blessed!! This is my 3rd pregnancy, my two girls are 13 & 12 and we have been trying for another baby for 7 years!! This is an answer to prayer for sure!!
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    According LMP my due date is 13 feb 2013 but as per scan its 20 feb 2013

    But as per my gut feeling it will be before both of these dates.
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Hello mommies! My EDD is Jan 26th. I have a 12 month old son (surprise, you're getting a sibling!). I'm 33, a full-time working mother and im feeling overwhlemed with this surprise. (And a little guilty because I didn't want to stop my weight loss goals.)
    I'm 14w today.
    Are there any other 2nd time (or more) moms out there that are surprised at how big their bellies have gotten?!?
    I didn't have this big of a bump the first time around for another 4 weeks! Yikes. Maybe bloat? I'm already into maternity clothes!

    Congrats I think we were together in pregnancy group earlier, my first one is almost 14 months old.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I hope you all don't mind if I sneak on in here. My EDD is April 16, so slightly out of the group range. I just got a positive test yesterday and am still kind of freaked out.

    I'm 45 and will turn 46 in November. This is #8 for us. The other kids are 24, 19, 18, 13, 6, 3 and 21 months. If this is a successful pregnancy, my kids will span 25 years.

    The irony here is that I'm pretty sure I've been going through a mid-life crisis and had decided to get in really good shape (2 kids in 4 years did a number on my old body!). I've been running for 9 weeks, eating much better and I even quit smoking 6 days ago so I could run better. My goal was to look really good in a bikini next summer. I'm still going to join the local gym in another week and continue to run, etc. The bikini might have to wait til the following summer, but I see no reason to start sitting on my tush now.
  • Hjbaker
    Hjbaker Posts: 165 Member
    Hi All,
    Congratulations and best of luck with your pregnancies.

    I am almost 26, have been married for 2.5 years and am so so so happy to be 20 weeks pregnant with our first child, a little girl.

    My due date is actually Christmas Eve 2013, but only she knows when she will be born.

    I lost nearly 10 kgs in order to get fitter for pregnancy, so far I have only gained 3 -3.5 kgs back and trust me, it's all in my bump.

    I've had an easy time so far, no morning sickness or any other ailment. I love it! I have been slack with MFP logging, but have been relatively sensible with eating.

    I'm looking forward to sharing issues, support and advice with you all :wink:
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    Hi All,
    Congratulations and best of luck with your pregnancies.

    I am almost 26, have been married for 2.5 years and am so so so happy to be 20 weeks pregnant with our first child, a little girl.

    My due date is actually Christmas Eve 2013, but only she knows when she will be born.

    I lost nearly 10 kgs in order to get fitter for pregnancy, so far I have only gained 3 -3.5 kgs back and trust me, it's all in my bump.

    I've had an easy time so far, no morning sickness or any other ailment. I love it! I have been slack with MFP logging, but have been relatively sensible with eating.

    I'm looking forward to sharing issues, support and advice with you all :wink:

    Yay! Another first timer! hehe
    This is my fourth and my doctor is so funny at my appointments. "Do you have any questions?" "Nope, everything seems fine." "good!" Than about 15 minutes of chit chat lol
    I love to see the excitement and wonder at all the new things you newbies experience. Takes me back, ya know :)

    Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks mommy_hood for inviting me to the group. I haven't been active on MFP at all after smashing my tablet to pieces!! Hope you're all doing well and I'll be sure to do a proper introduction and read through yours when I have better access.
    Congratulations all, I wish you every happiness in your pregnancy.
