Yeah, I could REALLY use some decent friends at this point.

JosieFury Posts: 18 Member
So easy reader version: I'm 29 and I've been bulimic since I was 5. My weight has been all over the place, to say the least, and I've other not so fun issues attached with it all.

I've had it lately that people LOVE coming to me with sanctimonious, gossip-mongering, flat out abuse disguised as "concern for my well being." I'm sure at least a few people have had this happen, but **** does it hurt. It just seems to be glossed over that I still have boundaries and emotions.

I kind of accepted a while ago that full recovery just isn't going to happen for me, so I just kind of...function? I don't know the proper word at the moment as I'm more than a little pissed. But yeah, I'm kind of torn up to **** about this and could really use some friends.

Note that if you add me shoot me a message that you're from here w/a quick intro, I'm a tad scatterbrained and my memory isn't the greatest sometimes.


  • yulinda
    yulinda Posts: 154 Member
    I don't even talk to people about it anymore because they dont have any damn thing productive to say. I have been bulimic for about 15 years, I'm 32. I understand they need to find people who vet yet. I'm here if you need an ear!
  • LentilMuncher
    LentilMuncher Posts: 3 Member
    I'm here if you ever need support or an ear.
    I've found so many people can't understand this and it's so hard to talk about it.
    I've had eating problems since I was 11-12 and developed EDNOS at 15.
    My weight is constantly going up and down and it's always either " far too low" or "normal, but you could loose a bit more" <-- I don't think people understand how damaging that can be.

    Anyway, feel free to talk to me <3
  • yulinda
    yulinda Posts: 154 Member
    Just noticed my typos, that should say I understand the need to find people to vent to, smh.
  • JosieFury
    JosieFury Posts: 18 Member
    I'm the bloody queen of typos, LOL. Y'all are more than welcome to add me if you'd like.
  • STAR4W
    STAR4W Posts: 11
    feel free to add me, I have been told I give a great ear and advise...sadly never take any of it we are warrior women, and we should help our buddies in this battle. i feel that if I can't help myself, helping someone else is the next best thing. :)
  • JosieFury
    JosieFury Posts: 18 Member
    feel free to add me, I have been told I give a great ear and advise...sadly never take any of it we are warrior women, and we should help our buddies in this battle. i feel that if I can't help myself, helping someone else is the next best thing. :)

    Haha, I'm one of those too...always have a way to fix everyone else - me, er. Not so much.