Been on Metformin for 1 year with no weightloss?!

Hey guys,

I was put on Metformin almost a year ago and I've lost really no weight at all. I'm on 1000mg and have had no luck. Do any of you suggest anything else I should do along side with it. Obviously I will need to workout and eat heathier, but any other suggestions? What time during the day to take it or what foods or exercises helped you get the weight off faster? Any advice would be wonderful, we are wanting to get pregnant within the next year and I have about 100lbs. to lose.

Thanks guys!!!


  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    Dear Alyssa,

    First off, congratulations on the four pounds you've lost since you joined in May 2013. Any progress is good, so don't discount it.

    I recently started Metformin, and it unfortunately hasn't helped my weight issue. In all fairness, though, this is my first day attempting weight loss on Metformin, so I'm not an expert on Metformin and weight loss.

    That being said, I read that women with PCOS do well with low-carb diets since our hormonal imbalance makes it difficult for our bodies to appropriately process them--they tend to turn right to fat instead of being used for energy. An article I read particularly cites not consuming more than 40% of one's caloric intake in carbs. Although I love carbs, I'm giving it a try. Will let you know how it goes.

    Good luck with everything,
  • thatsingergirl
    thatsingergirl Posts: 70 Member
    From what my doctor told me (and what I've read online) Metformin alone doesn't usually cause weight loss. It just keeps blood sugar low, and helps your body use the sugars in your blood stream as energy for muscles instead of floating around and causing high insulin levels and all sorts of health problems.
    If you limit your carbs or eat low-glycemic, and incorporate exercise with the metformin, you will probably see more success, as your body will be metabolizing things more like a non-pcos body would. Just what I've gathered....
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    What the Metformin does for me and weightloss is that I no longer suffer from the constant hunger that I use too. this month has been a rough month for my family so I was not paying close attention to my diet, and I didn't exercise as much as I normally do and I gained 5 lbs.

    I have lost a good amount of weight since I started on MFP and was prescribed metformin but when I have my best successes I am diligiant with my food, and I work my @$$ off. So as other's said Metformin does not do the work for you, you still have to work hard to get the weight off but it helps eliminate some of the obsticals we face.
  • fairie_marie
    fairie_marie Posts: 106
    Met really has helped me lose the my weight. When I am not on it I am at a stand still. Since you have been on it so long I would ask your doc to up it to 1500. I was on 1000 mg for a long time. In Jan I went to the reg doc because I was about to pull my hair out over my weight loss, I was about to resort to asking for weight loss pills. He told me to have my gyno up my met. I did and I have lost almost 45 lbs since she upped it. I try to keep away from sugar unless it is in fruit. I have traded white bread in for low cal wheat bread, and just have tried to stay in my calories. I was working out a lot but I havent been lately. GL and you can add me if you want.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I was on 1000 mg but my re told me that for pcos it needs to be higher so upped to 2000mg my labs were normal before the change but I did not notice any difference in how I felt till the increase new I feel less hungry