Struggling food addict and pregnancy

ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
Is there anyone else that struggle with food addiction or binge eating disorder?

I am so so hungry and I can't stop eating. Especially high sugared foods and drinks. I know some of it has to do with my rising insulin levels, but I'm also afraid that I'm feeding my addictive behavior. Using this pregnancy as an excuse to eat. I know it's dangerous for the baby, but I just cant stop. I also have access to a hospital kitchen, so food is readily available.

I dont know if I'm actually feeding my body and baby or feeding my addiction. I also dont know how to handle the hunger because before when I became hungry I ate or binged.

I'm thinking if I pre plan my food that will help, but it's the late afternoon temptations that always get me. I'm also more tired, so just preparing food now seems so tedious. Ugh, I just feel like I'm losing control. If anyone has advice I would appreciate it.


  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    For me it is protein that keeps me full, I need it at every meal or I am hungry all day too. This last week or two my appetite really dropped though, I`m due in a few days and my stomach is feeling so small, I feel nauseous and can`t eat like usual. But before that for the entire pregnancy I always had about 20-30g of protein at every meal and it kept me full and satisfied. Greek yogurt would probably make a great afternoon snack for you, just get it plain and sweeten it with some stevia or honey and add some fruits.
  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    My suggestion would be to have healthy foods you like first, wait 15 minutes and then if you still really want something extra, have a little. If you can, take a walk o get some exercise daily, that would make me hungry right after, but then I would have a healthy snack and not be as hungry later.

    I have had 3 babies, and I ate what I wanted with the first two and didn't really exercise. With this one, I have had a much
    easier pregnancy, and much less interventions. I wish I could have been wiser the first 2 times. Drink lots of water, exercise however you can, watch your sugar and sodium, and take your vitamins.

    I know it's hard when you are ravenous, but I will have something like high fiber bread with pb&j, or pb&banana on bread, and it does take the edge off of the hunger so I can think rationally about if I really want something else. Protein and fiber are good for filling you up, sugar just makes you want more.