Wednesday 25th July 2013

llalpaca Posts: 38 Member

Time to announce our progress. As usual, tell us your results whether you lost anything or not, and what you plan to change this week if you weren't successful/what worked if you did.

I lost two pounds this week! Quite shocked. I think it's entirely down to the continuing London heatwave - less desire for food and heaps more sweat seems to be doing wonders!
Going to a big wedding at the weekend so don't expect to lose much next week, but I'll keep on track where I can.

Good luck everyone!!



  • sassyd99
    sassyd99 Posts: 54 Member
    That's wonderful Lucy! I'm sure there was some hard word in there too! Have fun this weekend!
    I'm down 1.5 lbs this week. That might better explain last week's +1 lb and I'm so relieved because I wasn't sure I could take another gain ;)
    I'm finishing 30 Day Shred next Friday and then going on vacation for a week. Iif no one minds, I'll report next week on Friday then skip a weigh in and be back on track for August 14th.
    I hope everyone else is having good luck with the scale this week!
  • llalpaca
    llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
    Well done Sassy D! It's so pleasing when that happens. And well done for keeping up the Shred. I always give up during the 2nd stage - it's the most horrid part!
    Check in when you can and keep up the good work! Til vacation time :)
  • klainef
    klainef Posts: 29 Member
    Gained .8 pounds, now at 191.8.

    I was under my calorie goal most of this week, but that doesn't matter when you're eating junk. Last weekend was my birthday, so I don't have much remorse for cheating.

    There's no more birthdays or holidays for the next month. Hopefully I'll be able to get on track then.
  • cicibeanz
    cicibeanz Posts: 77 Member
    Down 1.8 lbs from last week (which included a substantial gain from the week prior)

    Net loss 0.4 lbs from last lowest weight (recorded on the 10th).

    It's something!
  • suej234
    suej234 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi ladies! It's been so crazy at work that I forgot to weigh in yesterday! It was super early and I was in zombie mode :-) This morning I'm up 1.6 lbs...which I'm not surprised. I'm a stress eater AND I haven't been tracking. Plus my back was still sore from my PR deadlift and I used that as an excuse to no go to the gym. Silly me - I always feel better after working out. Oh well, what's done is done.

    This week I'm hoping to reign in the stress eating. It's been my nemesis. School starts again in a month, which means stress, and I REALLY need to figure out a better way of dealing with pressure and being tired that doesn't involve Starbucks or brownies! Any suggestions?
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ugh...forgot to weigh in on Wednesday so did this morning and sadly I am up 2 lbs!! :sad:

    I'm chalking it up to water weight, or stress or perhaps residual TOM flux...:grumble:

    This week I'm gonna stay on top of my water intake, and plug away as usual although I think I will weigh again each day the next couple days and keep an eye on it...:ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great week!