Don't hurt yourself! 7/24

aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
Ever seen one of these guys and just waited for them to break their neck?

So yeah, some of that is pretty bad. A couple scenes might not be suggested if you have a weak heart. As far as I know nobody died.

Today's mission, should you choose to accept it, is watch a video, or series of videos, that show you proper form on something you're already doing or would like to do in the future. If you're into weightlifting I would suggest watching Mark Rippetoe or Dave Tate. If you're into kettlebells, or yoga or whatnot I'm not sure. Maybe that could be the level 2? Show me some good form with something outside of weightlifting. Don't be like the guys in the videos. Don't hurt yourself.


  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Wow some of these were painful to watch!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't finish! I felt my body crippled in pain!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEK! I had 3 previous trainers tell me FORM is everything and adding too much weight too soon is DANGEROUS!!!!!!! I said it before...he used to say men are the worst for adding too much too soon!
    I feel faint after watching all that! This southern belle ist too delecate to allow her eyes to be assaulted with such mayhem! Whew! Cover myself with my handkerchief! I do declare!
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member

    Why do people do that stuff? If I'm not sure how to do something, I will find a 'how to' somewhere online.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    As outlandish as these are, there are one hundred million thousand other little form errors with little things that we wouldn't even think about. Do you squat down to pick up a pen off the floor with good form or do you do the one-footed lean? When you pick up the milk jug off the counter are you facing it, or in the middle of turning around already? It's these little things that seem to be the culprits when someone says "and then my back went out". The real culprit is not using proper form for pretty much everything.

    *Yes, I've known people who've had their back or shoulder or elbow go out on them by doing stuff like this.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    As outlandish as these are, there are one hundred million thousand other little form errors with little things that we wouldn't even think about. Do you squat down to pick up a pen off the floor with good form or do you do the one-footed lean? When you pick up the milk jug off the counter are you facing it, or in the middle of turning around already? It's these little things that seem to be the culprits when someone says "and then my back went out". The real culprit is not using proper form for pretty much everything.

    *Yes, I've known people who've had their back or shoulder or elbow go out on them by doing stuff like this.

    I can testify. I am extra careful with form whenever I am lifting something heavy. But the last two lower back injury episodes I've had happened when I was doing everyday stuff: sneezing & reaching for a jar in the pantry. (It was a big bendy sneeze, okay?)

    So I know I need to concentrate on strengthening my core, but I also know that I need to be more aware of form when doing day-to-day activities. :smile:

    These are the instructional yoga videos I revisited today:

    How to Correctly perform the Upward Dog Yoga Pose

    Cobra v. Upward-Facing Dog

    Wheel Pose Sequence: Yoga Journal At Home

    And a new core video for me:

    How to Do the Hip Raise Exercise