There goes Blizzard's Titan......
Posts: 301 Member
Apparently money does grow on trees when you have a captive audience of 13 year olds...0
On another note, I read this... possible expansion story lines?
"The Burning Legion is small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. We took out their de facto leaders twice within this generation of mortals. It isn't they aren't a threat, but their big muscle was always Sargeras who is MIA for different reasons depending on the most recent retcon.
The Burning Legion itself is a big threat, but it is Deathwing or lower without ol' Sargie making a return.
Now, with MoP we even see that the threat level doesn't always escalate. What is at least on expansion level threat league, but doesn't need to be Deathwing/BL high? The Titans, the Old Gods, and maybe Azshara.
The Titans are a possible expansion villain in my eyes. Not Sargie, but the Pantheon. Remember that the Deathwing story arc began in Vanilla and was touched upon every expansion since them (some more so than others) and has been passed to Wrathion.
The Titans are similar. We have the recovery of the data disks in Uldaman in Vanilla. In Wrath we had Ulduar and the Algalon storyline where he decides to spare us, but we have to send the message. Meaning the metaphorical envelop saying "all is fine" has the address written handwriting that the Titans may be able to read, but recognize as not Algalon's. In Cata we destroy the weapon Algalon was meant to use (Halls of Origination). If they had an alarm set to go off if Loken died don't tell me that didn't send a second alarm. One that would raise eyebrows considering it happened so soon after the "all is okay" message was sent. The whole Mogu storyline is Titan laced, and potentially more alarms being sent with these ancient machines (including holding cell for Ya'shaarj) being messed with.
Mark my words. The Titans are coming to find out what the hell is going on with Azeroth.
The Old Gods could be three expansions on their own since Blizz has hinted they have a similar goal, but aren't all in lock step. It wouldn't necessarily being OMG Old Gods all the time similar to Cata, but a background plot similar to the Sha of MoP.
There still is N'zoth who was as Ghostcrawler put it "writing Deathwing's checks". Cata set him back, but we didn't take out the boss. Cata was the equivalent of purging Northrend of Kel'Thuzard, Anub'arak, and a few others, but never taking down Ice Crown Citadel. Instead Neo Naxxaramas, or something, was final instance with the power to take the fight to Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. Don't write this guy off.
There is also the Old God responsible for the Emerald Nightmare. This has mostly been seen in the non-game materials and wrapped up there. However, it would be easy for Blizzard to bring this back since they left some wiggle room behind.
There are five old gods. C'thun is dead, but is trying to be rezzed by his followers. Yoggiekins of Ulduar is effectively dead. Y'shaaraj is out as of this expansion. Remove N'zoth and Emerald Nightmare we have a fifth one yet. Either we know nothing of this guy/gal/thing or it is the one bank rolling Azshara.
Azshara is interesting. She has lots of Ifs with her being an expansion villain. She could be to the Fifth Old God what Garrosh is kind of is to Ya'shaaraj. She could play in with Sargeras and the Burning Legion. Keep in mind she has Neptulon kidnapped and presumably under her mind control. If she has split from the Old Gods she still has managed to take control a portion of one of their forces. I'd say the only thing really holding her back from the role is bad memories of Vash'jir and how to work an expansion where the main threat is under water.
Sargeras I'm kind of leaving out as I have trouble seeing what he could be alone. If he isn't making a presence with the Burning Legion it would mean his eventual showing would be Burning Crusade 3.0. It is possible that he might end up showing in the Titan Expansion that I believe is coming. The Titans come not as antagonists, but figure if we have defied the odds so far that maybe we can help them against Sargeras? On the other hand, if Sargeras is in the upcoming Burning Crusade 2.0 expansion that would give the Titans another reasons to get off their couches and see WTF is going on with Azeroth. If we can repeal Sargeras 2-3 times (War of Ancients, Medivh's Mother [somewhat], BC 2.0) we may be an even bigger threat.
That's six possible expansions right there without even resorting to left field ideas like Mists of Pandaria. There is even a possibility of using retaking Argus (Draenei home world) as to MoP what this Burning Legion expansion would be to Burning Crusade.
EDIT: One last thing about the Titans I feel many forget. They loved nature. But the sentients they made? All golems and machines. Our fleshy little heroes will look as tainted to some of the Titans by the Old Gods as the Faceless Ones look to us. The Titans aren't "Good", but Order. Maybe they will be chill in the same way the N'aaru are with Light/Shadow with us being in the middle. Then again, they could be Knight Templarish considering they are the opposite of the Old Gods (for the most part) while the N'aaru are Light and Void within one being already."0 -
My least favorite person in the world of Blizzard...0 -
perhaps at the very least there is potential that wow will get better atleast. Im just waiting for something as good as wrath.0
OMG. Why can't WoW just DIE already?! I keep trying to get into it again but I can't. I just can't.
But if they bring in the Naga as a playable race, I might be happy. Maybe.0 -
I think that The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King were at the top of the bell curve for World of Warcraft. I don't see how the game can recover its previous splendor. They have made the things that should be hard too easy and the things that should be easy too hard and in the process they alienated so much of their fan base. I am not saying it is impossible but I don't see how it can be done.0
I play on a private server, so much more enjoyable even though it's 3 expansions behind.0
So do you just play by yourself all the time? Do you have a group of people that all log in to that same server to play with you? Do you all just give yourself all the equipment or do you try and play it honest?0
thats a decent idea about the private server. The main problem is that even with wow at its worst i have yet to find a game that i like better. ( currently unsubscribed) If it was free i would probably still be playing it now. With mists i would only feel like playing it a couple times a week, which didnt make the $15 feel worth it, on the other hand perhaps playing it every day is not the healthiest option. what do i know. But the magic is defiantly gone, although i will say that if you have a group of friends that you play with that usually makes it a lot more fun.0
I prefer playing on the free UO server then WOW any day of the week. I'll take the 2D animations and graphics and the free ranging sandbox any day over that linear raid crap.0
thats a decent idea about the private server. The main problem is that even with wow at its worst i have yet to find a game that i like better. ( currently unsubscribed) If it was free i would probably still be playing it now. With mists i would only feel like playing it a couple times a week, which didnt make the $15 feel worth it, on the other hand perhaps playing it every day is not the healthiest option. what do i know. But the magic is defiantly gone, although i will say that if you have a group of friends that you play with that usually makes it a lot more fun.
This is me, currently.
I had FINALLY geared up to being a top DPS on my realm just before MoP came out....between RL / Work and the grind to hit 90 (with concurrent "loss" of all my hard-earned gear) it just died for me. I've stayed paid up, and I keep TRYING to get interested again, mostly because I love my guildies (who I've been with over 5 years now through several different guild changes), but I've been toying with the idea of cancelling all week, tbh.
I've even thought about re-starting my EvE characters, which a from just after Beta, so some of the oldest / highly trained left in that game. I dunno....0 -
I prefer playing on the free UO server then WOW any day of the week. I'll take the 2D animations and graphics and the free ranging sandbox any day over that linear raid crap.
Wow doesn't that bring back some memories, COPR POR.
I really liked Warcraft's storyline and hated the idea of it gonig MMO. I can't stand playing it since it's what made MMO's mainstream and a grindfest for max level and better gear for raids.0 -
There are many different types of servers out there.I am on Genesis server on
I started a 3 box group of my own using innerspace.
Only perk is 2 times xp,but with a very low population I deem it a necessary evil.
They have a few more servers with lots of bumps and armor or start at level 65. I think I'm around levels 29-30, slow but no stupidity or constant stress like on live. In fact I think i will fire it up after the kids go to bed.Reminds me of the good ole days pre Planes of Power with EQ. Yeah...I'm an old gamer.0 -
Reminds me of the good ole days pre Planes of Power with EQ. Yeah...I'm an old gamer.
Oh lord, old school EQ. The week long grinds to gain a level, the massive exp loss upon death, hell and post hell levels, rediculously long camps for gear like the FBSS and GBS. What a contant headache of very little reward with redulously high risk. And how much I miss it all.0 -
Ha! CR in The Hole,my now ex-husband would get so pissed going down there with his rogue.
Medding with spellbook covering everything? Sigh..I miss it too.0 -
good ole days pre Planes of Power with EQ. Yeah...I'm an old gamer.
PoP was right before I ended my streak from 1999. I know how you feel. If you haven't yet, don't try going back even though it's free now... definitely not the same game.0 -
Alienate the players that made the game a success was the first of many nails in the coffin. I remember having to grind spend long nights trying mats, pots, elixers, flasks, resist gear just be able to into a 40 man raid. They got rid of the 40 mans which made WoW awesome at the time and went more casual every EXP pack.
Achievements was another nail in the coffin. It was no more about running around the best raid gear or have a good PVP rank title in the center of the main cities for other players to be jealous of and want to get to that level.
X-Realm everything. Final nail in the coffin. The game isn't a community anymore everything is just pickup now of days. Running to an instance was fun and you stuck with the game to the end. Now its 1 wipe everyone leaves and finds a new group. Its no challenge anymore.
Those times won't ever come back but hey it was fun while it lasted. Activision-Blizzard I lost faith when Diablo 3 came out and looked like a bad console port to PC and more of a Beta. I was right all along since its coming out to consoles.0
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