Hey Ladies :)

jessimamma09 Posts: 7 Member
I got to typing my into onto the intro thread & I felt like I was going in to much detail lol so I decided to post a thread with my intro included! Hope that's okay!

My name is Jessi. I am 23 years old (24 in august). I am Married with 2 little boys. My boys are now 4.5 years & 1.5 years old. We live in a very small area in Northern Middle TN.

I have struggled with my self image & weight my entire life. Even in middle school I had very low self esteem. I thought I was "fat" & compared to the other girls I WAS bigger. I think I hit puberty younger than most. I got my menses & started wearing a training bra both at age 11 in the 5th grade. By 7th grade I had boobs & hips that none of the other girls had, I couldnt share clothes with my girl friends anymore & felt huge. I think the combination of this & the fact that I was sexually abused from age 7-11 is what caused my self esteem issues.

In 9th Grade I met & started dating my hubby! By the time I was a senior I was in the 5'6"-5'7" range & weighed about 150. That was the best I'd felt in my entire life, It's still a bit on the high side of a healthy weight for my height, but that's why it's my goal! After Graduation I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) & boy did I start putting on the weight :(

Hubby & I married in April 2008 & Immediately decided to start a family! We found out we were pregnant in late May! My pre pregnancy weight was 190. After having my son I actually lost weight very easily (without trying) & got down to the 175 lb range pretty quick. but by the time he was 1.I was right back up to the 190 lbs I was before & stuck right around this weight until 2011 when I was pregnant with our youngest son. Once again after giving birth I lost weight fast, I got down to about 185 this time. & once again gained it all back.

More recently, I got on the scale last week after not looking at it in a while but noticing that I looked terrible. I was 205 lbs. I dont want to get any bigger & I'm ready to get the weight off & keep it off! I am technically Obese right now at 200 lbs & I want to be healthy for my kids! I want to be able to play with them, hit baseballs, play soccer etc. I want to live a long happy life with them & enjoy it & feel good! I am so tired of not liking my body. I am excited to start this journey & hope some of you will be my weight loss buddy & we can help each other along the way!


  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Hello! Good luck on this journey!
  • Hi! Good luck :)
  • hawaiibetty
    hawaiibetty Posts: 3 Member
    You CAN do this! You WILL do this! good for you for taking that first step!!!!
    Its a lifetime journey, a lifetime of change and it will improve YOUR lifetime and that the lives of your little ones.
  • Hello and good luck!
  • ash778
    ash778 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey, good luck with your weight loss journey. I have 3 kids and I'm trying to loose some of my baby weight from my last baby...which is now 2. I want to loose about 30 lbs. good luck and feel free to add me if you would like. :)
  • Good luck :smile: