Dec 2013 Babies



  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Our ultrasound is next Monday (the 15th, I think). I'll be 20W3D. We are not learning the gender. My husband is sure it's a boy. I'm thinking girl. Either way, baby still needs the same stuff and we'll raise it the same way! We're getting pretty stocked up with baby stuff here already. Being a little late to the party, our friends already have kids and are giving us stuff left and right. Crib. Linens. Mattress. Clothes. Car seat w/3 bases. Swing. Check! I'm not sure if we'll have a shower as everyone is so generous already.

    I got a call from my 88 yr old grandpa the other grandma, who passed away in October, premade baby blankets and bibs for all 8 of her grandkids to have as we had our own babies, their great-grandchildren. I didn't know this and it was such a wonderful surprise. I think after my ultrasound I'm going to drive to his place to pick ours out. What a beautiful gift!

    Feeling great here. Up nearly 7 lbs. Not thrilled but I'm eating well and exercising so I'm not stressing about it. Just booked a little "babymoon" for around 23 weeks. I'm sure we'll do another local trip after that, but a 7 hr drive time makes it probably the furthest in distance and at 4 nights probably the longest in duration.

    @ Bamorford--So will your family/guests know ahead of time...just not you guys? I think that sounds fun. An acquaintance had a shower like that. The invites told the gender and that mom & dad didn't know. Kinda cute!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great!!
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Hey, glad to hear people are doing well :)

    I have my ultrasound next Tuesday when I will be 19+6. I will be finding out the gender if possible. I feel very strongly that it's a boy so I want to know to be sure either way. I really have no preference, I just want a healthy baby but I am a bit too much of a control freak!

    I am finally feeling well - energy back and no nausea any more. Now I need to get back into some diet and exercise! I've put on a whopping 20lb which is ridiculous - I only put on 25 in total last time! So I am hoping that will slow right down now. I'm still less than when I joined MFP (and which was my starting weight at last pregnancy) so I guess that's good but still I know that most of it is not baby and I feel flabbier than I should!

    Anyway, hope everyone is keeping well :)
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    my mom and sister want to have a sex reveal party and have me the only one that doesn't know what the baby is until the big reveal, but i'm a little unsure of being the only one NOT "in the know." does anyone have an opinion or have any experience with sex reveal parties?

    I think big sex reveals are fun, but I would expect to do it the other way. IE, you know, and you do something big to reveal it to everyone else. My DH and are planning a cute little reveal to announce the sex to our other kids. On the way home from the ultrasound we're going to buy a giant teddy bear in either blue or pink, wrap it up in a big box, and let the kids open it to find out. Then the teddy bear will be for the baby. :) I've also heard of putting a bunch of pink or blue helium balloons in a box, so they all float out when it's opened. Of course, the important part is getting a photo of everyone's reaction! :)
    also i would love any recommendations on anything baby! cribs, diapers, rocking chairs, etc. phew, there is a lot of stuff for babies! Thanks all!

    The best recommendation I can give is to not overbuy. Stick to the essentials, and put money aside to buy things as you need them. A lot of new parents end up with a TON of baby stuff that sounded cute or useful, but ends up gathering dust. Or else it turns out the baby hates it! Remember, all baby *really* needs is to eat, sleep, poop, and stay warm. Well, and a car seat, if you have a car. Also, wait to stock up on things like diapers, bottles, or formula until you know for sure which brand works best for you.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    FYI...I just created a "fit, fab, & pregnant...due Dec 2013" group.

    *edited to fix name

    It's not showing up when I search the groups...

    I found it. Here's the link for anybody who is interested:
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    I am so glad everyone is starting to feel better! Whoop!

    @Cnlargent, hahaha, I can't believe your tech slipped! I was really hoping at my last appointment that someone would slip ;) But unfortunately we will be waiting untile the 31st..darn it! I know what you mean about the dreams, tho! Before I was pregnant, I had very vivid dreams of having a little girl (I have a 4 year old son), she was blonde and looked like my husband (which is a good thing ;) ), but as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I had a dream I was pregnant with a boy. So who knows. I am feeling girl, but what do I know! :tongue:

    @Tinybry- I am glad you are feeling better, and don't worry, I have been packin on the lb's lately myself. I am thinking it will all start to slow a bit. I also think that if anyone has been at a deficit for a while, their bodies try to "make up for it" by gaining quickly in the beginning. I finally have some control over my diet and energy levels and feel a TON better. At least my bloat has gone down, which is a good thing :ohwell:
  • We are due December 3rd! Have changed my goal to maintenance which is about 1700 calories a day, but I might need to change that since I have gained so much weight even though I'm running 6 days a week. It's difficult to stay on track when you are constantly HUNGRY. Don't forget that you can add "eating for pregnancy" to your daily food journal. Trying to focus on staying healthy, not just staying "skinny." I'm sure it's harder for us ladies that have had weight loss success to see that scale go up. Looking forward to meeting my little guy. Congratulations December mommies!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Update Alert - I found out Thursday that I am having a boy!!! Me and hubby are so thrilled :)
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Jem - thanks! That does make sense too - I guess I had been dieting for well over a year and had lost a fair amount of weight so my body is probably rebelling a bit now!

    Queenmolly - I am due on the 4th so very close to you! Well done for keeping running too!

    Bangemup57 - congrats, lovely news!
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    Jem411 - Thanks :), I won't believe the slip up until the 23rd when we find out what we are having for sure, but my instinct has always been a boy! LOL

    Banemup57- congrats on finding out you are having a boy! :)
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats, bangemup! Exciting news!!!!!!

    So funny thing happened yesterday, I got sick! I haven't been sick for well over a month! I felt fine most of the day, made my son some pizza (and of course took a bite of it). After that I was instantly nauseous and ended up getting sick. I was fine after about an hour or so. I really think the grease didn't agree with the baby or something. After that I couldn't even see a pizza commercial without thinking I was going to lose it! ha! Totally strange too, I absolutely love pizza!
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Update Alert - I found out Thursday that I am having a boy!!! Me and hubby are so thrilled :)

    Oh, woohoo, congratulations!!! I so think and feel I am having a boy but won't find out for another two weeks, when I am 20.5 weeks... Can't wait but I will just have to!!

    I haven't bought much baby stuff other than a ergo baby carrier and clothes...lots of second hand, organic stuff except for under clothes, they're all new :)

    Ooh, little kicks all the time!

    Enjoy these weeks everyone!
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Congrats, bangemup! Exciting news!!!!!!

    So funny thing happened yesterday, I got sick! I haven't been sick for well over a month! I felt fine most of the day, made my son some pizza (and of course took a bite of it). After that I was instantly nauseous and ended up getting sick. I was fine after about an hour or so. I really think the grease didn't agree with the baby or something. After that I couldn't even see a pizza commercial without thinking I was going to lose it! ha! Totally strange too, I absolutely love pizza!

    Hey, I had that too, just this morning I was gagging and nauseous thinking, what?? Not that again?? But I guess it is just the constant changes and growing, which I love!!! :)
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Hahah, right! I had someone tell me the other day that M/S is a sign of a strong pregnancy...okie dokie, lol. Made me feel a little better.

    With my first, my skin was amazing, my hair grew like crazy and zero sickness. This one: breaking out...and I mean everywhere (so cute), my hair is actually falling out and a bit of sickness. It's unreal how night and day they are from one another! Iife is a crazy beautiful thing!
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Hahah, right! I had someone tell me the other day that M/S is a sign of a strong pregnancy...okie dokie, lol. Made me feel a little better.

    ha, I like that! Pimples not so fun though, I have some spots too, kind of takes away from that 'glow' I was hoping for ;)

    This week I have all of a sudden started to feel like I have a cold at the end of every day. Not sure whether I actually have one or whether it's pregnancy-related! I jump out of bed fresh as anything in the morning and then buckle late afternoon. Wish I could have a nap every day!
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    My instinct is junk! She's a GIRL :) So much for all the OWTs and comparing it to my pregnancy last time! Ha ha...although it is a 10% chance they are wrong :)
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Yay! Congrats!! We're you hoping for one gender or another? I don't recall what your current family consists of.

    I recall the first words out of my US tech's mouth were, "I always say he, never she so don't take what I say to heart". Ours was positioned so we couldn't tell even if we wanted to know (which we don't).
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Congrats cnlargent:smile:
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Congratulations!! We'll find out in 1 week and 1 day...
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Yay!!!!! Congrats!!! I am counting down the days until I will be reporting here! How lucky are we! :wink: