Starting tomorrow

jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
I have a friend coming over today to take my before pictures. Normally, I wouldn't talk about my plan to start, but I'm hoping that by telling others I'll stick to it.

I've been full of excuses lately. I've watched the workouts and have to say I can't listen to Shaun T for more than a minute at a time. I'm a speech therapist and all I want to do is fix his speech. Can anyone recommend some good workout music?


  • cieramist37
    I completely understand aobut Shaun T when he talks in Hip Hop Insanity he's not as bad but for some reason this one drives me nuts. Personally what I do is I use pandora either on my computer or my phone/ipod. I turn him all the way down and put on subtitles so I can read what he is saying. On pandora it is free if you dont have it and I like using the Workout station because its filled with high energy songs..sometimes when were marching in place like he makes us do I break out into my own moves and it helps me keep going without getting bored. Hope this helps!
  • jenswan70
    jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
    Just completed day 2. I'm going to try to complete a playlist on iTunes for exercise. Unfortunately, I appear to have absolutely no sense of rhythm. I figure at this point doing my best to keep up and keep moving for 30 minutes is the most important thing. I look really funny on my walks because I'm trying to incorporate tilt, tuck, tighten.
  • cieramist37
    Lol its ok..There are some moves he does that make me feel like I don't know how to dance, like at the end of the Fat Burning Cardio where he puts his arms out like an L and you have to left to right and right to left...That one ALWAYS gets me and I feel so weird doing it!! So I am so glad I do it in my home. :). Congrats on finishing day 2 before you know it you'll be finished!

  • nayahnayo
    nayahnayo Posts: 13 Member
    When the workout starts it asks you if you want the music normal or even louder. if you choose even louder you barely hear him. I actually like his talking.............. and I am working it and i am going and i am getting me some abs lol..... I love it

    Ciera do you mean the freak. i love it
  • jenswan70
    jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
    Day 4: I'm doing better, but I'd never do the workout in the presence of anyone but my cats. I do okay until he throws in the kicks. I feel extremely off balance. Hopefully that will improve as I strengthen my core.

    I don't believe in wasting time worrying about the things that I'm bad at but have to admit I've always been kind of envious of people who can sing and dance.
  • cieramist37
    YES! The freak...LOL i ALWAYS feel so weird when I do it..LOL!
  • jenswan70
    jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
    Day 7: I've lost 2 lbs, 2 inches off my waist, and 1 inch off my hips.