Everyone keeps telling me I'll gain it back after the pill!

Everyone keeps telling me I'll gain back the weight as soon as I quit
the pill! Going to a doctor, I have learned so much more to losing and keep-
ing off the pounds. Each weigh-in brings up new data on BMI, BMR, and the
Physics behind the numbers. I count calories and eat healthy. I have a new
confidence about the calories and nutritional value behind each food.
I am conscious about my current BMR and not to go over that daily amount.
I exercise and then drink 1/4 c of protein smoothie to keep my muscles
happy. The Adipex pill is only a tool to get the weight off. It's up to me to
apply all that I have learned. I am more addicted to the 64 oz. of water than
the pill!
Does any one else get this?


  • alishyapremock
    alishyapremock Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I took the pill over a year ago for 5 months then my dr retired so i was off it until almost 3 months ago when I started seeing a new dr. I did not gain back any of the weight that I lost from it last year but I also did not loose nearly as much weight with out it as I did when i was on it the first time. I've not lost as much weight so far this time either but I'm also taking a Lower dose.
  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    People say a lot of stuff- don't listen to the negative! Even if you did gain it back, wouldn't it be better to have some of the weight off for a while?

    ---- But I think you'll be able to lose and keep it off!!!
  • faunae17
    faunae17 Posts: 17
    I have now met the doctor's goal of 25 BMI! For my personal goal, I'd like to lose another 10 pounds. I don't have any pants that fit! That's so cool! I'm in a size Medium scrubs at work. Woohoo! I'm weaning off the Phentermin Hcl 37.5 mg. My cholesterol is now 145, My tsh is 0.5- might have to adjust for the lost weight. So for all my fitness pals-- I will check in monthly with updates on the maintenance and health stats. Please continue to support me, and I will continue to support all of you! :) Nancy
  • amoreslove
    amoreslove Posts: 15 Member
    That's great! Congrats on the healthy lifestyle you are now living!

    I imagine you are just as likely to gain weight after going off of phentermine as you would be after stopping any diet program. The key will be to maintain the good habits you've developed. I plan to only take this for month or so (I'm just taking half a dose per day). I don't think it's lessening my appetite anymore, but I'm still managing to stay within my calorie goal, so that gives me hope. Fingers crossed that I can keep up all of my efforts after I stop taking it!

    Good luck!
  • faunae17
    faunae17 Posts: 17
    Thanks , everyone! I am officially done with Dr. visits. They gave me a month's worth of pills to wean off. I lost 50 pounds and hope to lose 10 more. Then, I am on maintenance. Now to get my husband losing his spare tire...
  • TheFairyJester
    ofcourse ,

    and if anyone goes back to eating crap you will, if you don't you wont. its that simple
  • IamKitreenaGayle
    Adipex isnt a magic pill.. It is a weight loss tool to help you learn new and better life habits/choices. I have been on it since March. I stopped taking it because I thought I was prego and never got back on it. I only gained 5 lbs and that was because I started eating sweets again lol. So totally my fault and nothing to do with the meds. Now I am back on it and feel fine. That 5 lbs are gone already.
  • mandimahoney5
    You only gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn.

    Some people take pills and think oh I can now eat any thing, diet is over after they use the pills. But that is incorrect. You stil have to watch your weight, and eat as many or a little under the calories you burn each day to maintain your new weight. You need to Chang your lifestyle forever, not just when you are loosing.