Monday 7/29

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
Good morning! How's everybody this Monday?

I got in my run this morning (2.5 miles on a hilly route). Trainer session after work. Had a good day yesterday as far as food & activity so am feeling like I'm back on track.


  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    OK i also vow to do some exercise this afternoon. We went up to the lake over the weekend and its more fishing and party time than focus on being healthy. This coming weekend is my son's wedding so this will a good weekend but not in the exercising dept.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    Hello everyone

    Today I did 1 hour at gym and I'm going to have a swim this afternoon as well. I'm getting used to having cheat days on weekends again and I need to stop that before it's too late lol However, I plan to eat within calories and drink at least 6 glasses of water

    Have a great day :wink:
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm back at work this week in my normal office so I'm looking forward to my life getting back to a normal schedule - and packing my lunches for work!! Today is supposed to be a rest day, but I won't be able to excercise tomorrow, so I"m switching the days. So tonight I'll do 30 minutes of strength training and run 3 miles.

    I'm leaving for vacation on Saturday, so this week I really want to drop a couple of pounds. It seems I"ve been stuck again - this happens to me a lot and it's very frustrating because I want to see the scale move! The only thing that makes it easier is knowing that the weight is sticking around because I'm building muscle, not because I'm failing to get smaller! I continue to gradually lose inches, and last week I actually purchased a size 10 pair of shorts! I haven't bought anything smaller than a 12 in years (I can't even remember when), so it was pretty exciting.

    Anyway, let's have a great week, Die Hards!!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    I need to drink tons of water today, because of the salty food and booze I indulged in yesterday. Of course, I was completely lazy yesterday afternoon and last night, and didn't even go to the grocery store, so here I am at work with NOTHING packed to eat. I already went and bought coffee, but resisted the urge to get a bagel with cream cheese, which was my go-to when the old me didn't pack breakfast. I'll try to hold off til lunch, and get out of here to find something healty to eat. I'm kinda in the mood for sushi, but going out for sushi when I'm starving could be disasterous... On the exercise front, I seemed to have tweaked my left knee, I'm thinking by trying to do tae bo (either that, or just getting old). I'm going to take it easy tonight and just do some stretching and yoga for about an hour before bed time. Glad everyone is staying committed, I really value the inspiration you provide! :)
  • Ammebee
    Ammebee Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all,

    Going to stick to my calories today & try not to touch the extra ones gained from exercise. Plan to walk 6k after work.

    Have a great day :tongue:
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Happy Monday Diehards!

    I have an appt. to take my car in this morning for service, with the possibility of being stuck without transportation for several hours. If that happens, my plan is to make the most of it and take a long walk while I'm stuck in no-car limbo.

    Because of my odd schedule, I won't be able to get to the gym until later today/tonight.

    Sodium was very high yesterday, so focusing on water today.
  • okishkash
    okishkash Posts: 142 Member
    Started a normal week today. Cooked this morning and planned my meals for the day. Getting back to my walking schedule. It is so HOT here! Hard to find the motivation to walk. I end up trying to get it done after 9:30pm.