Looking to Add Friends

I'm looking for friends on both MFP and Nike+FuelBand my SN is the same on both sights. I usually get on MFP more often to log my food intake. I log onto Nike+ about once a week.

I'm looking for friends so that i can compete and help to stay on track.


  • I will look to add you to my fuel band. My name is Heather and I am new to MFP and haven't added anyone here so feel free to add me if you like.
  • RobogirlDax
    RobogirlDax Posts: 5 Member
    Please add me, I only got my Nike+ Fuelband for 1½ week. My name on Nike+ is Robogirldax :)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Mine should be the same. Feel free to add me.
  • 2bjemm
    2bjemm Posts: 47 Member
    hey i would love to add friends on my nike fuelband community, feel free to add me; my screen name is : 2bjemm

    im so excited to finally meet more people that use this :)
  • smbsilva
    smbsilva Posts: 9
    my fuelband name smbsilva
  • vswraith
    vswraith Posts: 4
    Hey, has anyone figured out a way to link the Fuelband calories burned with
    MFP? Fuelband id is vswraith
  • srey0701
    srey0701 Posts: 196 Member
    Add me on both! screen name is sareynoo for both profiles
  • smbsilva
    smbsilva Posts: 9
    if anyone can figure this out let me know...
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just got mine on Wednesday. Feel free to add me to Nike+. My user name is: TimEasterday
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    You all are going to love your Fuel Band! My name is Mzgreen03 ... add me!
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Hi everyone. My plan is to buy fuel band Saturday but I'm not
    currently using one. I use droid but realise it might work w/
    my iPod.Idk much more.Anyone have any advice or input
    they might offer? Thanx.

    about me .. I have about 52 more pounds to lose.
    43.0yo. 5'7. Sw316, Cw187, Gw135

    Hope to make some friends,
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Hi everyone. My plan is to buy fuel band Saturday but I'm not
    currently using one. I use droid but realise it might work w/
    my iPod.Idk much more.Anyone have any advice or input
    they might offer? Thanx.

    about me .. I have about 52 more pounds to lose.
    43.0yo. 5'7. Sw316, Cw187, Gw135

    Hope to make some friends,

    I wish Mfp would let us edit more than once.

    I'm user: lotusspark w/ Nike fuel too. If anyone wants to add me. :)
    Does everyone love theirs as I do mine? I wore it all day .. love it!
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092

    Just found this group, got my Fuelband last night. Please feel free to add me on here and on Nike+ (Screen name is bexter80)

    Cheers, Bex
  • Bex2Bslim
    Bex2Bslim Posts: 1,092
    Added people above that I could, thanks :)
  • I am adding those on this message board! Please accept my requests on Nike!
  • i am also looking to add friends for my nike fuel band please send me a request: patrisha Soares
  • matttt2323
    matttt2323 Posts: 6
    my Nike+ id is mattify if anyone wants to add me.
    FACERFIT Posts: 6 Member
    Nike Fuel : IAN FACER
  • Ruben_244
    Ruben_244 Posts: 258 Member
    Sounds good add