Whole Life Challenge Fall 2013

Is anyone else's box participating in this fall's Whole Life Challenge?

Here's a link for my box's group if yours is not participating...


Here are the details of what the challenge is:


Just wondering how many of us are going to be doing this. It is my first time. Anyone else have any experience? Just figured I would start a thread for Fall 2013. I also did one on the general forum.


  • fakeittomakeit
    fakeittomakeit Posts: 48 Member
    Looks interesting but I have a hard enough time just remembering what my WOD is on any particular day. Best of luck to everyone who participates in this challenge!!
  • Ichigo2012
    Ichigo2012 Posts: 31 Member
    It's hard enough for me to just cut out white potatoes and grains. I need baby steps.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    It's hard enough for me to just cut out white potatoes and grains. I need baby steps.

    LOL... Grains are rough... White potatoes are worse...

    I have been doing the golden/yukon taters instead...which still isn't great, but it is a decent compromise. They make awesome baked taters with just some butter. Mmmm Last night I fried them with garlic/salt in butter.

    I get the baby steps. They do have different levels for the competition.... beginners to hard core. Smart!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    It's hard enough for me to just cut out white potatoes and grains. I need baby steps.

    I don't find it terribly hard during the week. Work helps provide structure to my days and keeps my eating on track. Weekends I usually allow myself a cheat meal or two just to make sure I don't binge.
  • WillieMN
    WillieMN Posts: 51 Member
    I'm signed up for my CF gym. I'm not doing RX, but deciding between int/beg. I have a natural fruit juice in my morning smoothie and my cream in the coffee. Either way it will help me focus on the weekends when my nutrition strays. Mon - Friday I'm usually fine but think cleaning it up will help my performance.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    ^I don't think I'll come close to RXing a workout for a LONG time. Too many weaknesses to fix first.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    Sweet! Good luck! I signed up for full RX. I am normally 80/20 anyway, so I figured what is the point in doing the challenge if not to challenge myself. My hubby keeps asking little questions. I think he may actually try to do this with me...not sign up, but do it.

    I would love to get him CFing and to go Paleo. At least he's taking baby steps. 4 bottles of water and only 1 pop yesterday for him.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    I also decided to do the Advocare 24 day cleanse going into this. I figured I'd do the detox right before to "prime the Pump" so to speak.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    I'm not sure I will be able to consume enough carbs to fuel my workouts if I do it strict. kind of hate sweet potatoes a little bit. I can give up dairy, but I won't be able to meet my protein needs without it.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    I'm not sure I will be able to consume enough carbs to fuel my workouts if I do it strict. kind of hate sweet potatoes a little bit. I can give up dairy, but I won't be able to meet my protein needs without it.

    What about fruit and meats?
  • ksellen1
    ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
    My box isn't doing it but I'm challenge crashing and joining another box's team.

    You don't have to go strict if you don't think you can do it. There are 3 levels to pick from.

    Rx YES: Sweet potatoes and yams

    Intermediate YES: Sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat, wild rice, as well as corn and soy oils.

    Beginner: YES: Sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat, wild rice, as well as corn and other whole grains.

    Do it and pick the one that suits your needs/goals. They don't give you this info until you sign up....which I did. Let me know there are more questions and I'll see if I can find answers for you.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    Sweet! Glad to have someone else doing this!!!!

    Seemed like there was more interest up here for the Spring Challange. Maybe others will jump in soon too.

    Best of luck with your challenge and let's keep some chatter up in here and let each other know how we're doing once it starts. :happy:
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    I need 190g protein, that's about 2 pounds of meat. and I also need 200g carbs on WoD days. That's like 7 bananas. Really expensive on the meat side, and not particularly doable from the fruit side.
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    I'm signed up for this too with my box! This will be my third time participating in the Whole Life Challenge (first one last fall, second this past spring).

    In the past, I signed up for full RX, but I'm considering intermediate this time around - I generally lost most of my nutrition points to yogurt (ok, and alcohol) and it's allowed with intermediate.
  • georgie304
    georgie304 Posts: 143
    Cool! So then clearly you like the Challenge?... I signed up for RX. I am pretty much doing 80/20 already, so I figured I can easily go all in for 8 weeks. I tend to do really good with a rigid program for a specified time. I am an OCD type personality.

    So a clearly marked goal for a clearly marked length of time is my ball game!
  • wiginn
    wiginn Posts: 147 Member
    Did my prelim workout & measurements this a.m. Reviewing all of the info to get ready for clean eating to start tomorrow!!
  • georgie304
    NICE! My coach is talking about pulling out for our box... Only 2 people signed up to do it. :ohwell:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    We are doing a Breadless Box challenge for Sept 9-Oct 9. Enjoying myself this week and Sunday I will clean it up and get grooving.

    We will be in teams with a coach assigned to each one.