fresh start

Ok so i haven't been on here much at all lately. with so much going on i let it overwhelm me . i stopped logging my food and stopped exercising and of course am now dealing with the consequences .... weight gain :( yup ive put on 3 kilos which i had worked so hard to get off and im pissed at myself . but the people in this group have been so supportive and even when i wasn't logging i would get a message every so often just touching base which made a huge difference. i have started logging again and exercising again ....slow road back but am better for it thank you to all of you. you have no idea what it means to me i really really appreciate it :D


  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Good for you! It's never to late to start or start over. Don't beat yourself up over the gain, and just keep on moving forward. You've got this!
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    So good to see your sweet face again! I haven't been tracking my food either,although I am a few pounds from goal. I promise though,I am still accountable to all of you and I watch what I eat. I have slacked on exercising so dear Aboele,I will start fresh also. Love your honesty and determination. Never too late for a fresh start. Stay in touch.:heart:
  • Aboele79
    Aboele79 Posts: 40
    Thanks so much for your kind words :D am just going to keep going :D
  • susanjean62
    Just like your quote is saying on your ticker"I AM stronger than my challenges". Believe it,dear friend.:heart: