What things can u do now that u couldn't do b4?



  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    - NOT take a fistful of medications every morning! No more high BP!

    - NOT get elbowed all night long for snoring - no more C-PAP!

    - Give bags of clothing to GoodWIll because they are too big.

    - Wear horizontal stripes!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,708 Member
    Not feeling guilty about my physical appearance.
    Walking - no make that striding - with my head up.
    (Being able to walk in the first place.)
    Perspective - appreciating what I have now because it used to be so much worse.
    Smiling - a lot.
    Being happy and making the people around me happier too.
    Impressing people - because of my attitude, not because of how I look (well, maybe looks, too).
  • k9qt
    k9qt Posts: 16
    I will be ecstatic in a size 12. I could not image fitting in a 4 or even a 6.

    I couldn't either, when I got into a 12, I thought 'this is it, I'll be happy if I never lose another pound' but then I realized I'd underestimated WHAT I could do with this new little tummy. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could wear a four or six! Still, I'll hold up a pair of size 4 jeans, just out of the dryer and think "NO WAY" LoL Just wait - it's very exciting, but I'm not sure we ever get use to wearing sizes so much smaller than we were prior to surgery!

    Oh yes! I was going to the thrift store to get a pair of jeans here and there until I was down to a size 8-10. That is when I went on a shopping spree buying 3-4 pair of jeans, bought them nice and tight "knowing" I wouldn't be loosing much more at all and this is where I would comfortably remain. Only to have them falling off of me 1 month later. I am now a 4-6 and still can't believe it myself. In fact I had to go to a few different stores thinking to myself "wow they really changed the sizes of normal clothes" but they didn't, I am actually down to that. It is strange when I look at my jeans though and then look at myself in the mirror, it still doesn't seem like that person can wear that! But I can..........We can all do it!
  • k9qt
    k9qt Posts: 16
    Went to a scary movie last week and was able to not only fit in the seat but pull both my feet up into the seat and hug my knees!
    Walking all day without hurting!
    Reaching my back for an itch......
    TMI...sorry but this was my biggest "private" accomplishment....hehe...actually being able to reach AROUND to wipe again.
    Not feeling like I'm being choked by my seatbelt because of my stomach and my short height.
    Love the energy I have
  • itsanewdaycassandra
    Fly in an airplane
    Walking without pain
    playing with son and dog
    there is so much that I can do now!
  • fourshads
    I am 7 weeks post surgery, down 48.5 lbs and can now do the following:
    - wear my wedding ring
    -paint my toenails
    -walk a mile without being breathless, having leg pain or low back spasms
    -help my husband garden without resting every 5 minutes
    -sleep better
    -taking less nsaids for body pain
    -get more done around the house due to more energy

    And, I am looking forward to expanding the list as I progress. Thank God for this surgery; I am reclaiming my life and better health.
  • ibellflower
    ibellflower Posts: 3 Member
    My goal was to get to size 12 again. I missed size 12 because of stretch pants and taking in all my clothes and am now at a size 6.

    Crossing my legs ;}