Heatwave messing with your workouts?!

Phew, by eck, it's 'ot. etc etc.

Has anyone found it harder to drag your already sweaty self to the gym in this humidity?


  • katz6910
    katz6910 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't go to the gym, but home work outs have definitely taken a back seat on hot days!
  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    Nah, just need to don an 80's sweatband!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    insanity is TOUGH in this heat! i ahve never sweat so much in my life!
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    Lifting isn't so bad, anything requiring actual movement - oohya beauty.

    I resemble a tomato halfway through!
  • linzijoy
    linzijoy Posts: 109 Member
    I went to the gym to do an hour of cardio the other day but nearly passed out after 40 mins - I was way redder & sweatier than I normally am when I train!

    That said though, I LOVE the heat and could definitely get used to living in this kind've climate!!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I workout first thing so the sun's not too high in the sky :laugh:
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    I've tried early morning and late evening but with no air con at my gym its tough going.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Phew, by eck, it's 'ot. etc etc.

    Has anyone found it harder to drag your already sweaty self to the gym in this humidity?

    I run outside and do weights at home, what I did notice last night when it was a bit cooler was that my pace was quite a bit faster, so running in the heat has done some good. I noticed similar a few years back in the gulf, when I got back to UK I was much faster than I had been.

    The good weather is nice for weight training and yoga in the back garden though
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    My main exercise is walking so with the nice weather I've been doing it more! So worked out quite well for me!
  • markdoutre
    Far too tempting to have a nice ice cream or sit out in the sun with a cold beer. Especially at weekends when its "shall we have a BBQ?".
  • JustMeee333
    My main exercise is walking too, and been trying to get out as early morning as possible, or sticking to the shaded places!