August 4th Weigh-In

mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member

Man guys, I am just slacking when it comes to this! I am so sorry, again, for missing the postings on Monday!

Congratulations for reaching our group goal of losing 20lbs as a group! You guys are doing great! Keep it up!

Here is your weigh-in for the week! Good luck!!!

REMEMBER! This is measurement week. Take your measurements and see how much you have lost in the last month. Tell us if you've found a difference!

Start Weight:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:

Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?}

WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?}

GROUP CHALLENGE: Lets lose 30lbs as a whole!!!

10lbs lost: achieved! 7/14/2013
20lbs lost: achieved! 7/28/2013
30lbs lost:
40lbs lost:

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Remember, we are an open group!

If you don't want to do the challenge anymore, please let me know. If you are not active after two weeks, I will remove your name from the chart. Any suggestions? Concerns? Send me a message! You can also add me to see when I post!


  • jmom376
    jmom376 Posts: 234 Member
    Start Weight: 218.60
    Current Weight: 213.40
    Goal Weight: 198.60

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?} This week was good as far as tracking and eating went. Next week will be a challenge for me--I am going to the beach for 3 days. Not planning on tracking, but will try to make healthier choices.

    WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?} I just realized that I am now Obese & not morbidly-obese any longer. I am actually getting close to being overweight (BMI 32.2).
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    Start Weight: 185
    Current Weight: 184
    Goal Weight: 165

    Hello to all!
    My "Birthday Month" is over....thank goodness! HA! I had lots of different groups of people wanting to celebrate at different times all month....I didn't gain, but didn't lose either....

    My daughter & I are starting the Paleo Diet....lots of lean meat, fresh fruits & processed grains...not much if any dairy.....will let you know how it is coming....It is like Low Carb, but not as much fat & it allows fruits & veggis w lower sugar...

    Going to try to go back to exercising 5-6 days a week.....
    Good luck!
  • erillyn
    erillyn Posts: 65 Member
    Start Weight: 148
    Current Weight: 144
    Goal Weight: 135

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?}
    For me again, it is going out to my parents house and eating out there. I have no control as to what is going into the food, but damn it taste so good I can't help myself!

    WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?
    Knowing that I have a BMI of 25.5 and so close to having a normal BMI again.... GREAT feeling!
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Start weight: 128
    Current weight: 128
    Goal: 119

    Well I've been on holiday this week, I stayed at home and my mum came to visit me so we've spent most of our time cooking, eating out, and going to the beach so I haven't been logging and I have definitely gone way over my calorie goal each day and have not fasted. I'm not too worried about putting weight on as I'm determined to lose most of it this week and get back to fasting. Sometimes it's good to have a break from dieting and enjoy yourself!

    Hope everyone had a great week :)
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 242 Member
    Starting Weight: 212.4
    Current Weight: 213.4
    Goal: 192.4

    As I thought, I'm up. I'm starting TOM as well, which usually puts me up as well. This week is going to be hectic again, which usually doesn't bode well for keeping my motivation. We had a few people quit at work, which means I'm working tons of hours until we can hire some more people. Ugh! But I can look forward to this weekend. We are going camping with my parents, brothers and their families. This should be fun. I won't be watching what I'm eating (because I want to have fun and not worry about it) but I'm sure I will be active and such. Hiking and swimming. We'll see what happens :)
  • nataschalouise
    Is it okay for me to join in please? Thanks :)

    Start Weight: 170.8
    Current Weight: 170.8
    Goal Weight: 145

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?} This week my bike broke, so I couldn't cycle to work as I usually do, which would burn 1500cals a week! However got a gym membership on Friday, so looking forward to more potential weight loss.

    WEEKLY NSV: Noticing my legs are starting to change shape.
  • dsclemente
    dsclemente Posts: 70 Member
    Start Weight: 140.0
    Current Weight: 137.0
    Goal Weight: 127

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?} : I had way too much stuff to do this week and the weekend was horrible. I went from work to a baseball game on Friday. I then had a training early Sat morning and did not have anything to store my lunch in so I had to eat out. I tried my best to eat well but this restaurant was putting tortilla chips in your face. Than afterward, I had to attend a friend's birthday which he ordered pizza and there was wine. Then on Sunday we were given baseball tickets and because we had to run errands in the morning, no time to make something healthy so we had to eat at the ballpark. Oh geez :/ Soooooo difficult to stay on track!

    WEEKLY NSV: What was your weekly non-scale victory. What made you squeal with delight and made you proud of you?} : I still lost weight during the week. I was down to 136.1 but then I gained but according to this I lost .1 so I a way I still lost. So weird. I also some how ate low carb at all those places besides the birthday party. That did me in!
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    Start: 198
    Current: 199.2
    Goal: 185

    Struggle: I am not doing anything to do lose weight. I'm not tracking, I'm not exercising, I'm barely watching what I eat. I had derailed after my trip and still can't get back on track.

    strength: Lady at the chinese restaurant that I used to go to all the time when I was pregnant recognized me and said I had lost a lot of weight! So hey, that counts right? Then I caught myself thinking, you should've seen me a couple of months ago when I was 17lbs hey, i'm gonna do it!
  • mommamellymac
    mommamellymac Posts: 205 Member
    of course, welcome to the group!
    Is it okay for me to join in please? Thanks :)

    Start Weight: 170.8
    Current Weight: 170.8
    Goal Weight: 145

    Weekly struggle: {Are you tracking? are you eating correctly? are you working out? Did you forget something?} This week my bike broke, so I couldn't cycle to work as I usually do, which would burn 1500cals a week! However got a gym membership on Friday, so looking forward to more potential weight loss.

    WEEKLY NSV: Noticing my legs are starting to change shape.