Starting Weight



  • aljohnson89
    My starting weight is 344. I'm setting short term goals starting at a 20lb loss. Excited to start this journey. Good luck everyone!
  • Way2slk
    Way2slk Posts: 48 Member
    I started my journey and LIFESTYLE change on April 6 2013 and I weighed 379. Currently I am at 324.5 and my goal wieght is 250. have not seen that since high school.

    You can see my diary and I take on all friends, but you better ready to communicate and interact. I don't blow smoke and cheer as this is too important to me. I will help and share what I learn from my dietitian and counselor. I am addicted to carbs and try to limit them at all costs.

    See ya.
    Stephen (Way2slk)
  • mep0430
    mep0430 Posts: 37 Member
    I vividly remember the day I dragged my scale out of the garage (that says a lot, lol!), dusted it off, and changed the batteries. I also remember being terrified and sick to my stomach. I'd been intentionally oblivious for years, but I knew that at my age, something had to change. The message was loud and clear - I weighed 341.2 lbs, which was so demoralizing I can't even put it into words. My reaction was to go online and buy a Bowflex TreadClimber and I never looked back. The monthly payment was a great motivator. Plus... it was staring at me from the corner of my bedroom, lol!

    Age: 44
    Height: 5' 7"

    SW: 341.2 (05/27/12)
    CW: 165.4 (08/03/13)
    GW: 150

  • Andrezia
    Andrezia Posts: 33 Member
    Same here! Small, attainable goals that give you more motivation when you accomplish them!
  • Hiahwahnah
    Hiahwahnah Posts: 2 Member
    I started at 317. I got down to 290 but stopped working. I am at it again starting at 312 this time. I weigh in on Fridays.
  • Pamelabradham
    Well here I am to begin my journey with Y'all weighing in at a whopping 330.
    I started on Aug 1st and have done ok so far.. I want to be down to 175. I have not bought a scale as of yet, I weighed at Dr's office.
    I'm so tired of not being able to do things without feeling winded or like I am gonna die. Not being able to wear a Normal size in a t-shirt besides a 4/5 x. tired of being on blood pressure and diabetes meds, and last but not least I am doing this for myself !!!
    So with that said let my Journey begin !!!!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    My starting weight in Sept of 2012 was 400 since then I have lost over 100 pounds I weigh myself every day when the summer we do a lot of camping
  • profosho
    profosho Posts: 17 Member
    Started the year at 440 pounds am now down to 359 as of today. On a very strict PSMF diet. Feel free to message if interested, it is not for the weak minded.
  • JustMeee333
    Starting weight: 308lbs
    Current weight: 230lbs
    Weigh day: Monday (weekly)
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    My starting weight was 365lbs, I started changing my eating habits/exercising about three weeks ago and I'm now 360.8lbs.

    I weigh in on Wednesdays.
  • schaaf95
    schaaf95 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello to all! My starting weight was 301 on September 24, 2012. That was my wake up call because my doctor showed me my lab results, cholesterol over 300, liver and kidney functions decreased and I was one step away from type two diabetes. I have never been successful in the past because of my injuries - I was in the United States Marine Corps and injured both shoulders and both knees. I have had multiple surgeries to correct the issues, but the damage was done. I am now plagued with osteoarthritis in both knees, arthritis in my hips and atrophy, impingement and a decreased range of motion in both shoulders.

    Despite my limitations, I became as aggressive as I could to loose the weight. By January 2013, I had lost 40 lbs by changing what I ate, how often I ate and how much I ate - no exercise was done at this time. In January is when I plateaued, I was not losing anymore weight so I had to start working out. I found a personal training center where I live and they were able to work with my injuries and limitations, the only rule was "Give 100% of what you have no matter how much you think it is, and the results will eventually come."

    So I did that, I gave 100% every time I went in,I was sore, fatigued, vomiting, etc, but I always gave it my all. In January, I could not run 200 meters without stopping half way through it, now, I am running 4 miles in under 40 minutes. I am lighter and stronger than when I was even in the Marine Corps. To date, I am down 110 lbs. I say this to give glory to God who has made this possible and to hopefully encourage those who get discouraged on this journey. I still have a few more pounds to reach my goal, at that point my strategy will change to toning up rather than loosing the weight. I usually weigh in on Saturdays.

  • schaaf95
    schaaf95 Posts: 10 Member
    Good job Mr_ABC_aka_JO. My first 40 lbs lost was on eating habits alone. Which shows that there is something to the statistic that it is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.
  • eyemama5
    eyemama5 Posts: 4 Member
    It is so good to hear all of your successes!! When I started on MFP in May I was at 328, I am now 25 lbs down and wanting to get below the 300 mark soon!! I weigh almost every morning and usually record my weight on Saturdays. My daughter has lost 80 lbs with MFP. She encouraged me to start. I'm so glad she did! She has been my inspiration and now all of you are too!
  • jeanettabruntjenvanslyke
    Two weeks ago. I went to the doctor's and they weighed me in at 301lbs. I said wait a minute let me take my shoes off; it didn't help much it showed 300lbs. This has been my highest weight in my life. I have started a diet immediately and lost 4lbs but then my nutritionist refer me to this web sight and and how it helps keep tracks everything for you. So I'm just starting with this and need all the help I can get and the recommend program she has given me.
  • Holdensmommy810
    Hello all! I started this journey last year and lost about 50 pounds and slacked off. Things got bad finacially and it was cheaper to do dollar menu at mc ds then grocery store for good stuff. I gained it all back! i started in january trying to change my lifestyle and got hurt training for a half marathon... So i took a month and ahalf off and started back. When i started using MFP agian i was at my heaviest ever in my life 377 last weigh in which i do sunday morning i was 362. I dont think i have ever said the numbers out loud! i dont know what my number goal is im thinking about 200 and decide from there....
  • erilynbmore
    erilynbmore Posts: 42 Member
    Starting weight: around 350 I don't know exactly
    Currently 250
    weigh in on Sunday
  • jlgbennett
    i started on 3/13/13 when I got told my liver was bad and to heal it I had to stop eating High fructose corn syrups and the like. I started at 427 pounds. I have lost 22 pounds at last weigh in was 17 days ago. because I weigh so much I can only be weighed at my Doctors. I love this site. it has helped me so much. even my Dr approves :bigsmile: I wish you all the utmost luck and will power! :love:
  • dawnnamira
    dawnnamira Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm Dawn (or Dee, I answer to both). I realized I needed to change in August '12. I'm not sure what my highest weight was, because I didn't have an accurate scale until about 370. That was in September, I think.

    I'm at about 330 now. It's been a slow journey, and I'm definitely trying to keep it slow because I have lots of other issues to work through while I continue on these steps towards being healthy. I know there are probably people who will say I'm not eating well enough, or exercising hard enough, but I'm doing what I can manage now, and that's what's most important for me.

    I suppose I weigh in every few days, just out of curiosity, but I don't let the number on the scale bother me much. I only record the number about once a week, and I take measurements every month. I can see improvements in myself every day, even if they are small things like drinking more water. Hopefully we can all make a new lifestyle together!
  • maestrafiable
    maestrafiable Posts: 2 Member
    Starting Weight 343, just joined MFP today!!! A month ago, I was 352, hoping to keep up this pace! BIG Goal # 1 299....but i like taking it 10lbs at a time. I get excited for like the 339, 329, you know what i mean..... that keeps me motivated so far!!!!
  • auntiecorri
    I started at 311, that was 2009-2010. When my husband was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (2011), we dramatically reduced our sodium intake, and I lost about 25 pounds. This June I was hospitalized with chest pains, low blood pressure and high blood sugar.:smile: Thankfully everything turned out okay, but it was a wake up call for me to get my act together and get real about losing the weight and getting my blood sugar under control. Since June I've lost another 25 and currently weigh 255.