Music Playlist-walking

jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
These seem a little tame for harder workouts but worked just fine on a chilly walk around the neighborhood this morning... it came to almost a half an hour walk:

Via Dolorosa-I think it's Sandy Patti's
Te Deum-Marty Haugen
Magnificant-Fr. David Herman
Shepherd me O God-more Marty
Night storm-and one more.
Father Lord of Earth and Heaven-Erika Provinzano-found on divine office

couldn't do more than walk this morning! did I mention it's COLD?


  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    Hey, a half hour is great, especially if it's cold. Love your play list.
  • _KrisMarie_
    _KrisMarie_ Posts: 146
    Good for you for getting out in the cold! I am bad about that. Luckily it doesn't get too cold here. Where are you at?
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Cold?!?! My "excuse" is that it is way too hot! And humid in the southern United States! The humidity will absolutely take your breath away just walking out the door!

    ETA: my playlist? I just set my phone to pandora on a Christian station. I will probably go to Laudate and listen to the podcast of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. That is absolutely beautiful!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Cold?!?! My "excuse" is that it is way too hot! And humid in the southern United States! The humidity will absolutely take your breath away just walking out the door!

    ETA: my playlist? I just set my phone to pandora on a Christian station. I will probably go to Laudate and listen to the podcast of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. That is absolutely beautiful!

    absolutely COLD. it's never this cold in pittsburgh this time of year. I'm freezing.... FREEZING I say. Hoodie? it's a SWEAT SHIRT ahhhhhh... nog digging it.... and up here, people have complained about the heat, but we were still wearing coats well into May.. very uncool. gimme that southern heat any day...