What to do with clingy baby while I work out?

becoming88 Posts: 23 Member
I feel really motivated to start working out using my Cardio Party, Ab Jam, and 30 Day Shred DVDs, but I have noooo idea what to do with my spoiled rotten 11-month-old while I work out. I hold her pretty much 24/7 (I know, I know), and I can already envision how this working out thing will go -- 10 minutes in (if that long), she will be crying and holding up her little arms for me to pick her up. Any bright ideas? I like the idea of walking with her in a stroller, but she's not a huge fan of riding in a stroller, either. lol. As you can see, she is THE BOSS around here! What do you other moms of little ones do to keep babies entertained while working out?


  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I have a 15 month old that is the same exact way. Hes my first and of course I held him all the time. I didnt listen to anyone when they said not to hold him 24/7. Oh well.

    I try to work out as soon as I got home but he just screamed and wanted to be held. Even when I would have my step son play with him. Now I just force myself to do it when he goes to bed at night. It takes him a bit to fall asleep but I have no other time to do it. My hubby works nights so its just me and the boys home at night. Hubby does watch him on the weekends so I can other wise I do it when he naps.

    Good luck.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My bossy three year old won't let me do videos in the house. She now wants to run when I do too. I've been sneaking away in the mornings when everybody is still asleep.
  • becoming88
    becoming88 Posts: 23 Member
    Errrmmm, the bad thing is, she sleeps in the bed with me and I'm afraid to leave her in there by herself because she can crawl FAST and doesn't know about falling off of things yet. :/ Geez, I have really screwed myself here, haven't I? LOL
  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    No you haven't! :-) my boy will sleep with us sometimes too. But he falls alseep in his crib. They are only young once. We gotta enjoy it while We can right?!
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    do you have a saucer or something you can put her in and put dvd in that room she is in. It wont hurt her for you to leave the room for ten min while she is in that and just put baby monitor in there and you can hear what she is doing and you wont be that far from her if she really needs you. i went threw that with my oldest and now i when i can work out i just do it naps or night or use to put my son into something like that with some toys. they will get over this stage and you will be fine. good luck. mama of 4 soon to be 5 so btdt!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I put up a bed rail on one side of the bed and lay a body pillow across the foot of the bed. Stops them for long enough to cry for me.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Errrmmm, the bad thing is, she sleeps in the bed with me and I'm afraid to leave her in there by herself because she can crawl FAST and doesn't know about falling off of things yet. :/ Geez, I have really screwed myself here, haven't I? LOL

    Why "lol"? That's not funny, at all. You child is NOT "the boss", of you, or anyone else. I sincerely hope you don't actually say that to her, or you might very well have a royal snot on your hands in less than a year.

    You are really crippling her self-soothing and independence skills by coddling her and holding her so much all the time. I realize different babies have different needs, but that is not normal or healthy, for you OR your sweet little one. Please do yourselves both a great service and start putting your foot down.

    Get her sleeping a crib, first off. It will be HELL getting her used to it, but I'm afraid that's no one's fault but your own, now.

    Some tips on building independence: When she cries to be held, try giving her a brief hug down at her level, or sit down on the floor and play with her/distract her with a fun toy. Try to limit the number of times you actually pick her up, where her feet leave the ground. (Obviously use your discretion, if she NEEDS to he held then naturally you should pick her up.)

    Good luck. I'm afraid you have a lot of bad habits to de-condition out of her, now, and it will be the farthest thing from easy. But it will be very worth it, and she will be stronger, happier, and better for it.

    (Sources: I'm a mother to a 15 month old, and worked at a daycare with infants and toddlers for three years.)
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Get your exercise in while she is sleeping - you deserve to have a break during that time!

    Also, put her in the stroller and start walking - she will get used to it eventually.

    And if all else fails, have someone else watch her while you work out (husband?). It will be good for her to have play time with someone other than you, and again - you totally deserve that break, mama!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    my 9 month is the same way! Most of the time, i can put her in her high chair in front of the tv and me working out and the tv is enough to distract her. Also, i give her snacks like the graduates crunchies or puffs to eat while i workout. She loves them and they keep her busy. LOL
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I was in your same boat with my first baby. A good way to excersize with them is by going on runs with a jogging stroller on long walks/hikes with them in a carrier. I have got so much use from a good Ergo carrier and BOB jogging stroller! I would do my DVD's when my son fell asleep in the stroller just before we got home and just leave him (inside the house) in the stroller while I did it, or wait until my hubby got home and would do it while he hung out with him. He coslept in our bed too I ended up putting rails on the bed and the second I would hear him in the monitor I would go in and get him. He never fell out.

    Theres nothing wrong with holding or sleeping with your baby. I have a strong independent 2 year old who now sleeps through the night in a toddler bed.
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    There is nothing wrong with sleeping with your baby (as long as you are doing it safely, not after having drinks or taking medications that could make you so groggy you are unaware of rolling over on her, etc). My 28 month old sleeps with me, and she is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. And the furthest thing from a brat. At 11 months, she (your daughter) is still an infant, not a toddler yet, so I see nothing wrong with holding her often either. This is called attachment parenting, and it's a lifestyle and parenting choice, so don't let people make you feel bad about it. You may not be able to do videos withour her wanting to be held, but you can absolutely make up your own routine that incorporates her. My toddler loves to mimic me working out and "work out" with mommy. Try jumping jacks while she watches you. Squats while using her as a weight. Pushups with her riding on your back. Walking with her in a stroller. Burpees where you give her a smooch every time you get to the floor. Trying wearing her in a wrap, sling or backpack and going for a power walk or hike. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    There is nothing wrong with sleeping with your baby (as long as you are doing it safely, not after having drinks or taking medications that could make you so groggy you are unaware of rolling over on her, etc). My 28 month old sleeps with me, and she is happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. And the furthest thing from a brat. At 11 months, she (your daughter) is still an infant, not a toddler yet, so I see nothing wrong with holding her often either.

    I completely agree with this. I transitioned my oldest to her own bed when she was two without any issues at all. She was excited to have her own little bed when we converted the crib to a toddler bed. You just get so much more sleep if you breastfeed.
  • roulachan
    roulachan Posts: 2 Member
    Let's remember to be supportive. We are all moms and in the same boat. There are a variety of parenting styles, and I would argue that a baby deserves to be held as much as possible. Yes, it requires a bit more sacrifice on your part for the first year or so, but I believe these babies are better adjusted as they grow up.

    My third child is 4 months old, and I have a 7 and 4 year old as well. I used attachment parenting principles with them, and they are MORE independent than other children. Well, time will tell with the 4 month old, but you get what I am saying! So good job and keep it up!

    As for working out, I second the jogging stroller and ergo suggestions. Maybe give her something to keep her distracted in the stroller? I also carry my daughter on my back in the ergo and she loves it! Plus pushing/carrying a baby burns more calories! Maybe try to do it when it's her nap time?

    Good luck!
  • EHAMum
    EHAMum Posts: 8 Member
    I agree, it is so important to be encouraging. There is nothing wrong with giving a baby as much love and care as you can.

    For night time, I highly recommend putting your mattress on the floor, and in a corner once your baby can roll. This is very important for safety - you can then lie baby in the safe corner and you sleep on the outside part.

    In relation to exercise, you can either
    (1) get the father to watch / hold your baby while you exercise - ie go out of the house and go for a run.
    (2) if your baby is ready for a nap (ie has had feed and clean nappy and comfortably dressed), strap him in a jogging stroller and you can combine exercise with getting him to sleep.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Stroller naps are the most restful naps ever.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    My DS likes to get underfoot when I'm trying to do videos. He thinks it's a dance he can do too (we have "water dance" and "cracker please dance" and "change my diaper dance" so I'm not surprised). I have a toddler backpack I carry him in when I do walks; it's a metal frame with a canvas seat. He's two years old though, and almost grown out of it so we might have to transition to a stroller more often.

    Also, I have a bike with a toddler trailer; some days he enjoys it, other days he has a fit and insists he should be sticking out limbs and waving at passers by. We're working on that.

    Best thing by far, is that I found a gym in town with a babycare. Some days it's full, and I have to walk with him in his canvas baby backpack, but other days I can leave him in the care room and go work my butt off on whatever equipment I want that day.

    Good luck to you!

    PS--I coslept with both my kids, and both have transitioned to their beds by about 2-2.5. DS is still sneaking in to bed with me if he wakes up during the night, but really haven't had too many problems. I've always had a playpen for their "own space", dunno if that helped the bed transition because they were used to "personal space" already.
  • alyssarof2012
    alyssarof2012 Posts: 33 Member
    My son is 5, and now works out with me when I do (he loves anything to do with gaining muscles and working out), but during past weight loss attempts when he was younger I either gave him to someone else in my family that lives in the house or put him down for a nap. If he didn't nap, and there was nothing wrong with him like a dirty diaper, hunger, etc. then I'd let him cry/whine it out while I did my dvd. He'd stop way before it was over, anyways. Is the baby so clingy that she won't play on the floor near you, or watch a movie on a laptop near you? Some days my kid was that clingy.
  • Elicur
    Elicur Posts: 78 Member
    I work out whenever my two babies nap, which is usually only in the mid afternoon. After all, you can always do chores when they're awake and pleasant. I sacrifice my nap, television, endless scrolling through facebook and reading time to exercise.
    It'll be worth it.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    Try walking with them in a carrier. Or just provide a cool toy and a special snack. Make it a snack they don't get anywhere else (same with the toy) and they'll be more likely to relax and enjoy the ride. For videos you can use them as the weights, trust me a 30lb toddler makes a hell of a weight. Especially when they're giggling and squirming. My youngest is two now and he enjoys doing the workout with me because he's been included in them since the begining.
  • NewDeb13
    NewDeb13 Posts: 8 Member
    I know I'm all late replying on this thread, but with my first child, I didnt workout due to her always wanting to be with me, thus I gained weight, but now at 3 years old, she's also the most secured and independent child ever!!!! The only advice I can give is to make a schedule when you can workout while someone else can watch the child. This I do with my second baby.
  • Ohhhh how I have been in your shoes twice!

    The easiest thing I have found is to wait for them to take a nap!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I thought I'd chime in because my DD has been super clingy and fussy all week long. I ended up wearing her in a carrier and doing 4 miles to one of my Leslie Sansone DVD's. The swing didn't work, she wakes up as soon as she senses I'm not right next to her (we co sleep), and I am too tired to work out earlier in the day.
  • My 5 month old is the same way!! When she goes down for a nap I put her in her swing where I can see her from my treadmill so if she wakes up I can talk to her until im done.. if shes awake I put her in the walker or the play mat where she can see me and sing and talk to her!!! Some days I can only get 5 or 10 mins in at a time ( I also have a 5 and 6 year old who wants a lot of my attention too) but even the few mins here and there add up and i know it wont be this way forever.. the days my husband has off from work I make sure I get a good work out....
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I have a 8 year old, a 7 year old, and a 2 year old. My children are independent as can be and I held and cuddled them. I STILL baby wrap (carry) my 2 year old. I put him on my back and go for walks or if it's nap time (and I want to go for a walk), I put him in the stroller. He gets to play at the playground for his exercise and I'm right there with him getting more of my own exercise.

    If you are confident enough, you can baby wear as you workout. It is definitely harder but you'll get a better workout that way. I have done Zumba with my baby on my back (with alternatives that would substitute for moves that I would feel unsafe with). He has fallen asleep on my back as I was doing Zumba.

    You may have to find another way to workout but that is ok as long as you are getting your exercise! Or as others have said, do it while the baby is sleeping.
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    First of all, she didn't ask for parenting skills. Second, there is NOTHING wrong with co-sleeping. I did with all my children and MANY other mothers all around the world co-sleep. I do agree with putting her into a playpen/crib after falling asleep so safety is there. You sound like a person that says "once a c-section, always a c-section" which is not true.
    Errrmmm, the bad thing is, she sleeps in the bed with me and I'm afraid to leave her in there by herself because she can crawl FAST and doesn't know about falling off of things yet. :/ Geez, I have really screwed myself here, haven't I? LOL

    Why "lol"? That's not funny, at all. You child is NOT "the boss", of you, or anyone else. I sincerely hope you don't actually say that to her, or you might very well have a royal snot on your hands in less than a year.

    You are really crippling her self-soothing and independence skills by coddling her and holding her so much all the time. I realize different babies have different needs, but that is not normal or healthy, for you OR your sweet little one. Please do yourselves both a great service and start putting your foot down.

    Get her sleeping a crib, first off. It will be HELL getting her used to it, but I'm afraid that's no one's fault but your own, now.

    Some tips on building independence: When she cries to be held, try giving her a brief hug down at her level, or sit down on the floor and play with her/distract her with a fun toy. Try to limit the number of times you actually pick her up, where her feet leave the ground. (Obviously use your discretion, if she NEEDS to he held then naturally you should pick her up.)

    Good luck. I'm afraid you have a lot of bad habits to de-condition out of her, now, and it will be the farthest thing from easy. But it will be very worth it, and she will be stronger, happier, and better for it.

    (Sources: I'm a mother to a 15 month old, and worked at a daycare with infants and toddlers for three years.)
  • EHolstrom
    EHolstrom Posts: 2,563 Member
    Ok then, not going to read through all the comments so sticking to OP. Try doing them when she is napping or busy with something else(such as eating breakfast if youre not EBF) You may need to split the videos up. If its a 20min video you may need to do it in 2 10 min segments. If possible adjust your sleep schedule. I was unable to get things done so I ended up staying up later than my daughter so I could. You could use that time for exercise. If all else fails maybe try a baby carrier. I used a Mei Tai for walks with my daughter and it was great.