Looking for MFP Jawbone Team mates


I have a had a Jawbone Up for about a month now and purchased because I was tired of waiting for a Fitbit flex to become available. I must say I have really enjoyed it thus far but do miss the challenges and leaderboards from Fitbit.

I am looking for some "Active" MFP and Jawbone UP members for team mates to get the competitive juices flowing. It's motivating for me to see a leaderboard and I enjoy challenges as well. If you fall into this group please add me: jwmsjr@gmail.com




  • Ginn24
    Ginn24 Posts: 9 Member
    I purchased my Up for exactly the same reasons as you. I too miss the leaderboards, etc from Fitbit. Have sent you an invite on Up and on MFP.
    Gin ????
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi James,

    I too was waiting for the fitbit flex, couldn't wait any longer so got an UP. It certainly has made me more aware of putting in more steps.

    At the moment the UP teams are doing a step challenge, girls versus boys, sadly I think the boys will win.

    I will look out for you on the UP. :-)
  • sdonovan4
    sdonovan4 Posts: 155 Member
    Sent ya a invite on UP
  • sdonovan4
    sdonovan4 Posts: 155 Member
    Feel free to add me sdonovan415@gmail.com
  • zarabeth
    zarabeth Posts: 16 Member
    I would love some UP teammates, but have no idea on how to add anyone. My daughter got her fitbit about the same time I got my UP, and although I very much like my UP, I would like the same level of support she seems to find with her fitbit.

    Anyone who can add me I would so appreciate it. Thanks
  • jeansig
    jeansig Posts: 6 Member
    I just found this group and glad to see other Up users. I requested invitations to Steven and James as those were the emails available. I look forward to the competition and support from both these sites. I have been an UP user since April but have now joined the MFP and UP together. What a great compliment. I also use Endomundo for my GPS tracking of my bike rides, walks and jobs.
  • morgain5
    morgain5 Posts: 12 Member
    I am also looking for UP teammates. I'll gladly accept anyone to my team, because I love having mutual support that comes from seeing how well everyone is doing. It helps motivate me to do my best, too!
    I'm morgain5 (AT) gmail (dot) com
  • amandasilva
    amandasilva Posts: 50 Member
    Hello there :smile:

    I am also a Jawbone UP user in search of more friends. I can always use MFP friends and UP teammates!
  • dolljrsw
    dolljrsw Posts: 3 Member
    Also new to the UP and looking for teammates. I don't have a very active lifestyle but am looking forward to having some leader boards and stuff to help push me. Please feel free to add me dolljrsw at gmail.com
  • graisinbrand
    Feel free to add me if your up for some healthy competition and motivation! brandon.gibson@temple.edu or feel free to just find me by a simple search -- Brandon Gibson
  • AprilVee2014
    Ape Vee
  • getfitbehappylovelife
    Hey guys, I would love to add you all as team members on my jawbone! Send me a friend request on here and we can add each other! -Stephanie
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    just joined the group. looking for teammates as well. friend request/teammates will be sent out.