So, What's Your Goal?

We have such a diverse group of people, with different goals. We have people who want to build muscle, people who want to lose fat, people who want to do both...those trying to get stronger...more a faster mile...the list goes on.

So, what's your big fitness goal? :smile:
When did you start working on it, and when do you want to reach your first (or next) mini goal?


  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Get stronger and faster.

    2013 goals copied and pasted from my profile:
    1) Run a 5k/mudrun (2 mudruns done! 1 10k done!)
    2) 32 Mile hike
    3) Increase strength
    4) Run a 10k at under 8:00/mile (Current best 8:05)
    5) Decrease my body fat through cutting/bulking (currently bulking at ~2400 calories/day)
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I want to be much stronger and a bit leaner.

    I want to be able to squat or deadlift my bodyweight.

    I started lifting around mid May after being a cardio junkie. Trying to find the sweet spot of intake to lose some fat and gain strength.

    I also want to drive my ice cream truck cross-country to hump rally's leg, but I don't have a timeline on that one. :laugh:
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member

    But in all cereal bowls, I want the jiggle to decrease.

    I technically started a year ago, but wasn't doing any strength training until earlier this year. I want to accomplish my goals by my birthday next year, which is roughly a year from now.

    *increase strength (mostly my upper body is lacking). I'd love to be able to bench my goal weight by the time I reach my goal weight.
    *lose about 50 more pounds, give or take. I'm dependant more upon what the mirror and tape measure say than the scale... we might break up for a while because it's been a major PITA for a month
    *be able to do backbends, handstands, round offs... to name a few
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Strength goals:

    Do a pull up. Seriously, it was not this hard as a kid. Wtf is my problem?

    Deadlift 135. This is more than my body weight and I *really* want the big plates! I'm only at 105 for 3x8 now.

    Bellydance goal: three quarter shimmy on the down. Double time.

    Flexibility goal: I want my splits back.

    Weight goal: I'm okay as I am now, but wouldn't *hate* being 2-5 lbs lighter. Therefore I'm on the world's slowest cut.

    Long term goals: become the sexiest professor in town and stay healthy all my life.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I want to be down to 180 lbs by my birthday (which is also Guy Fawkes day). This shouldn't be too difficult considering that my last weigh in was at 188.4 and I haven't weighed in for a while (I lose really slooooooowwwwwllllyyy)

    To be able to squat MORE than I weigh. Can do two reps with 185 right now. I want to do more reps of that sh[/u]it.

    Learn to do more weight lifting things. Yeah, that's how I'm going to explain it.

    I want to run a 5k (not a specific one, just 5k on the treadmill) by the end of the year. I ran my first mile today! :bigsmile:

    I want to bench press some more cats! I met a guy in a Petsmart who had a 23 lb Maine Coon cat and I asked if I could bench press him. The guy just made a face at me and slowly walked away.
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    I recently got serious about my lifting, and discovered the secret to building muscle: caloric surplus. You can't do it without eating a bit extra. I'm approaching this like bodybuilding now.

    My goals are to get back lost muscle, plus another 5 lbs. That is 20 lbs total and will bring me to 160, which will be a good weight. I may want to go bigger eventually, but this is enough of a challenge for now.

    And of course to be healthy long-term, of which a big part is physical fitness.

    In the meantime, that requires a focus on lifting and eating a bit over maintenance + calories burned. (around 250 cal extra on a good day).

    I know I'll benefit in terms of how I look physique-wise, as well as how easy certain tasks will be.

    I suppose it can't hurt to eventually be able to deadlift 400 lbs for reps, either. I am going to be starting incorporating deadlifts within the next few workouts, and I should probably do them once per week. I plan to start with 80 lbs.

    And of course improving flexibility, core strength, and having an aesthetic physique. Too many formerly lean, aesthetic, lifelong male lifters end up big with bad posture and high body fat in their 60s, looking like ogres.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    My goal is to lose over 100 pounds From 296 to 170... and maybe more.

    During the past few months I also realized I want to be strong, I want to be fearless, and I want to be healthy.

    So I've started strength training. Just squats, benchpress, deadlifts and overheads for now...

    I also want to be able to run until my veins pump battery acid and the world starts to fade away.

    By the end of this I want to be able to go on adventures around the world, jump off cliffs, do ANYTHING.

    More importantly than any of these I don't want to have a heart attack in my 30's, nor diabetes, and I want to have the ability (even if I don't necessarily utilize it) to have children.

    I just want to be healthy and strong and love myself. :)

    Also, I would love to be able to rock a Rogue costume... just saying...
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    -Lose 70-80lbs
    -Bench 315 for 5 reps
    -Squat 405 for 5 reps
    -Deadlift 500+
    -Run a 5k continuously
    -Run a 10k
    -Compete in a PL meet.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    long term goals:

    to lift very large amounts of weight

    wilks score over 300

    short term goals:

    wilks score over 250 (based on calculated 1RMs which I appreciate are not as reliable as actual 1RMs but it's still something to aim for)

    to be able to squat my husband.... I don't think I'm far off doing that as my calculated 1RM is already around his weight, although I'm going to wait until my working weight for squats is the same as his weight before attempting this as he probably wouldn't appreciate it very much if I drop him on the floor.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    The broad general goal is to be as fit as possible for as long as possible.

    -That entails keeping up with my running
    -eating right and keeping a low BF%(10-12%) May take a run or 2 at going under 10%
    -I currently do only body weight moves for strength training b/c I am curious to see how far it can take me and I like it. I think too many people underestimate this type of training.

    My specific goals that I am working on currently are doing a human flag and a muscle up.
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    My ultimate goal is to participate regularly in Iron Man Triathlons, and also Marathons. Note I said participate, not compete. I have no illusions about being able to podium, or even be in the upper half of the finishers in my age group.

    Other Goals:
    - Lower my BF %
    - Maintain a healthy diet
    - Start lifting heavy things (need to balance out strength and cardio)
    - Increase my swim/bike/run endurance/performance

    Crazy Goals:
    - Participate in the American TTT (
    - Participate in Ultra Triathlon (
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    To lose enough weight that people ask me if I work out.

    Just kidding.

    I just want to do mud runs without dying. And be hot.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i thought i had already answered this....guess not.

    i want to be able to run a 5K the whole way through...not slog through it as i currently do. a 10K, half marathon, marathon, tough mudder, etc etc. half marathon and tough mudder are actually happening next month and october, respectively. i will walk/jog/not die, hopefully ;) TL;DR version: improve endurance and level up on my beast mode-ness.

    i'd like my cholesterol to go down. high cholesterol runs in my family, despite none of us having real weight issues.

    i want, throughout all of this, to be the best me i can be. i want to be happy and surpass my current happiness level, which ain't too shabs right now ;) i mean, REALLY surpass.

    continue lifting heavier and heavier. i want to be strong, fit, healthy, muscular, lean but not sinewy. i want to have a 50/50 balance of feminine curves and muscular curves. i'll admit, i want a flat tummy so i can rock a bikini like the hottest of the hot. and i'd be lying if i said i want my thighs to keep touching....not aiming for a thigh gap because that's genetic (you either have it or you don't) but i would love to walk without the chafage!

    so, overall: strength, endurance, superhero beast, happiness/self-worth.
  • I'm into fitness more for how it makes me feel than anything else. With that being said, I'd like to drop 10lbs by the end of the year and 30 eventually. I'd also like to get into triathlons but with 3 kids, I just don't have the budget for it right now.
  • SAR4Life
    SAR4Life Posts: 153 Member
    - Get leaner
    - Be more durable (less injury prone)
    - Be more efficient on my next Mt. Rainier attempt
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    To increase my Badassery Score as high as possible.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Live long enough to see my boys become better men than me...
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    :devil: get big muscles
    :devil: gain weight
    :devil: run 5k
    :devil: shred harder, sk8 faster
    :devil: look even better naked
    :blushing: do like 2 pull-ups
  • tomoswilding
    tomoswilding Posts: 56 Member
    I want to lose 50lbs. I lost 70lbs 2 years ago and put 40lbs back on. Once that's done, phase 2 will be to tone and get a bit fitter. I've already got a decent level of fitness for a big guy, (I'm fitter than a lot of my friends,) but I can do better. I'm hoping this will bring me confidence, health and sexy ladies.