August Goals

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
I'm sure some of you will have some ;)


  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Hope to get started with the program in earnest and no interruptions. I plan to de-load on all lifts since I haven't trained in several weeks and really concentrate on form.
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    I've been lurking in the group for a while but have finally decided to dive into SL 5X5.

    Goals for August are:

    1. Be consistent and keep on schedule with the lifting
    2. Have fun on vacation mid-month, but keep active and avoid overeating
    3. Start logging my foods again (it's been awhile)
    4. Keep up relationships with my new MFP friends - I sheepishly admit, I never thought encouragement was important before (so bull-headed) but am amazed how accountable I feel when other people are rooting me on :-)
    5. Not to ever give up again!!

    Edited to add:

    6. Take my measurements for the first time ever and
    7. for them to be less, no matter how little change there may be, by month's end.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I would like to get up to:
    60 lb squats (currently at 45).
    90 lb bench press (currently at 65)
    90 lb row (currently at 65)
    55 lb OHP (currently at 45)
    90 lb deadlift (currently at 65)

    Although I guess my ultimate goal is to just stick with my MWF lifting program.
  • tatasmagik
    tatasmagik Posts: 185
    My goal is to keep lifting. At the end of my next cycle, I plan to weigh and measure to see progress and keep to that for the next several months. I'd like to increase the OHP and BP but slow and steady, 5 pound increases each week. Keep being mindful and honest about food. I don't have mini-goals for the month, but I am in the 30 day photo challenge and hope to see some weight change in the negative direction by mid-month. School starts up mid-month also and I need to decide if I'm going to go or cash in for my degree. Kids start back, too. Birthday at the end of the month.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Always good to have goals!

    1. Find my true TDEE, then go down about 200 calories from that. Focusing on eating the food to support what I love and body recomposition, not so much on weight loss. Fat loss, I have no problems with. Weight loss, meh, not so worried.

    2. Keep working the Texas method, and listening to my body.

    3. Check my ego at the door. Every time I go to the gym.

    4. Figure out what glorious food I am going to move on to now that I have thoroughly explored the ice cream realm.

    5. Try not to hold my breath until preschool starts in September.

  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I am starting SL on Saturday so I am setting some goals for me.

    1, to be smaller, in inches lbs can fall where they may

    2, to increase my cals and make good food choices

    3, (a loose one). I would like to squat 50 kgs. Currently I am on 40kgs, I know to start light and I am going to Deload a bit but not back to bar. I will take this one as it comes though.

    Really looking forward to getting going on this. I was going to start with this program but I bottled it and went with a gym progr an have now done 7 wks of new rules 4 w.

    August. Bring it on !!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Squat 185lbs
    -Bench 110lbs
    -Row 115lbs
    -OHP 80lbs
    -Deadlift 215lbs

    I like having weight goals to work toward since it's the only thing I seem to consistently stay focused on. I modified them a bit after last month. I did hit my July goals for bench and deadlift, so I increased those to see what I can do.

    -Find an intermediate program for when I wrap up round 2 of SL. I'm not sure where I want to go yet.
    -Get a Bodpod scan, VO2max test, and an RMR test done to see where I stand.
    -Not be such a piggy with my food. I looked up Overeaters Anonymous meetings in my area and I'd like to go to at least one. Anything is better than what I'm doing.
    -No cardio goals since I won't stick to them, but maybe start doing yoga. I need to do more stretching than what I'm doing.
  • kmrichardson1
    kmrichardson1 Posts: 41 Member
    Mostly I've been lurking but I figured now was as a good as ever to start posting a bit more!
    My goals are to:
    Squat 175
    DL 205
    OHP 80
    Bench 100
    Row 85 ( I'm so bad at this?)

    I'd also like to keep working on pullups!

    My diet needs major work...that's a big focus this month.
  • storm15918
    storm15918 Posts: 88 Member
    My goals are:

    - Fix my squat form and get to around 100 (currently at 65 though I may lower that more)
    - Get bench press up to 90 (currently 65)
    - DL somewhere over 150 (currently 135 as of tonight, yay for getting to use the big plates for the first time!)
    - Keep progressing with OHP and rows, but I don't have any specific goals for them
    - Lose some inches!
  • karimacs
    karimacs Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a newbie and have been doing a lite version of strong lifts for about 3 weeks now. My goal for August is to lose a few pounds and inches and increase my weights too. I'm currently at:
    Squat 75 lbs
    OhP 40 lbs
    Dead lift 80 lbs
    Bench 50 lbs
    Row 50 lbs

    I'm loving the way I'm feeling since I've started lifting and want to continue but I also am a little scared because I'm new to this and afraid that I may get hurt as the weight increases because I workout alone without a partner. Any tips?
  • GoTimeBaby
    my goals are

    -to lose more weight/inches
    -get my upper body strength up, Im only benching 65lbs right now and 55 OHP, 60 rows , so at the least I want to get in the 70's
    - squat 200lbs
    DL - 185

    maybe a little overly ambitious, but I'll get there.
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    My goals are;-

    Log consistently and plan my food better so I'm not reaching for the sweet stuff
    Really restrict my sugar intake again
    Hopefully these two above might just manage to take five pounds off in August....

    Get ohp to a consistent 27.5kg comfortably

    Don't beat myself up if I only manage two lifting sessions a week and pt tabata for cardio

    Prob deload my squat as well
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Stick with the elliptical, yoga, and the weights. May go to twice/week lifting rather than 3 times. Getting kinda burned out on all the squatting again ... that didn't take long. :laugh:
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    August goals... Hmmmm...

    ~ Incorporate at least 1 cardio day on my non-lifting days
    ~ OHP 55 pounds (my arch nemesis-- setting it at a very low goal)
    ~ Squat 95 pounds

    As long as I'm progessing on the other lifts, I won't worry too much about where I end up. I'm fiddling with my intake in search of the sweet spot, so we'll see what the measurements do.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    hit 200 air squats
    do 15 full press ups in one go (max 8 at the moment)
    deadlift 90kg.... -(198lbs) this would be awesome - but maybe unachievable - going to attempt 80kg tomorrow and I'm scared...
    finally move up from 25kg (55lbs) on the OHP - going to deload and rebuild up so hoping deloading will help me go up!
  • cats847
    cats847 Posts: 131
    My august goal: be consistent, and then see where that takes me. Hence, I won't even set specific lifting goals, I'll just let my body do what it gotta do! Who knows how much more I will be lifting at the end of the month...consistency is key! :-)
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Stick with the elliptical, yoga, and the weights. May go to twice/week lifting rather than 3 times. Getting kinda burned out on all the squatting again ... that didn't take long. :laugh:

    I actually dropped my squats to 3x5 because I am tired of doing them EVERY time. So i am kinda there with ya.

    Ok- One of my August goals are to maintain my calorie increase. I am so glad I upped it to 1800ish because I feel fuller and I am starting to progress in my lifting and losing :). Also I want to try at least 3 new exercises that I haven't done. I haven't decided which ones that will be but I tried a new "couples" core exercise yesterday, so that is one down two to go.

    I am going to work extra hard on my self confidence this month. I am always so critical about not being where I wish I were instead of taking a moment to enjoy that I have came this far!

    Now weight goals:

    Squat 110 Comfortably (currently 95ish)
    Bench 90 (currently able to do roughly 3 sets at 85 before fail)
    OHP 60 (currently at 58)
    Row 100 (currently 90)
    Deadlift 150 ( currently 135)

    To the new ladies, You got this and please use this group they are a huge inspiration and VERY supportive. To the regulars keep up the awesomeness :drinker: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • vanessa915
    vanessa915 Posts: 68 Member
    Since I'm totally new to the group and new to SL 5x5, I'm going to keep it simple. My goal for August is to stick with the program. Period. I'm starting today (although I did a light set of workout A on Saturday to test it out) and I'm really looking forward to it! I love that this is a simple program to keep track of. I'd also like to be smaller by the end of the month (inches-wise at least, if not any pounds).

    A non-lifting goal I have, or challenge I've taken on is to give up any kind of soda and candy for August. I don't drink a lot of soda, but I realized it was increasing from the 1-2x/month to 1-2x/week and I wanted to nip it in the bud. I also noticed that I was dipping into my coworker's candy dish on a daily basis. A mini-Milky Way here, a Laffy Taffy there, and next thing you know there's a few hundred extra calories per week without even thinking about it. So I'm trying to give up candy for the month (although not desserts on the whole...I'm not a robot!).

    Looking forward to reading through these threads and I've already gotten some great info, so thanks to everyone here!

  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    -Be more consistent with my workouts. 3x a week SL, and add more cardio (ok ANY cardio is more than I have been doing!) 3x/week
    -Keep my calories around 1700 (maybe a bit more if I do a ton of cardio)
    -I'm doing a sugar-free challenge with some friends so nothing with added sugar till Sept. I tend to binge really bad once I start on anything sweet.

    Progressing on my lifts isn't my main goal since I'm trying to drop some fat but I would love to:
    -be comfortably and consistently at 200+ lbs for deadlifts
    -hit 100 lbs for my bench. Part of my trouble with the bench is I very rarely have a spotter so I don't push it. Otherwise I think it would be one of my strongest lifts.
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Helloooo Strong Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I haven't been posting much - summer vacation (and all it entails) has been kicking my butt in the consistency department. I have still been lifting - but only 2 times a week with any regularity. Not progressing much as a result.

    August goals:

    Get my butt to the gym and lift the things!

    Start running again - I am training for a 10 km in November for a charity I support.

    Don't stress if I don't progress much with weights for the next couple of months - lifting for now will be to support my running goals (and to maintain my LBM and strength as much as possible). I will get back to ramping up the lifting in the fall!

    Welcome to the new folks and thanks to everyone for being such an inspiration to me!!!
