
Name: Erica
How many kids do you have: This is my first!
Fitness goals: To lose 19lbs of baby weight, and get back into an active lifestyle.
Where do you live: Ohio
Anything else you'd like to share: I'm AlpacaFight on reddit!


  • salydra
    salydra Posts: 29
    Kids: This is my first.
    Goals: To get down to my ideal weight of 125lbs. I've already lost the 60 I put on from my pregnancy! I also want to get into better shape and be equipped to keep my weight under control for my next pregnancy.
  • Oodalolly
    Oodalolly Posts: 3
    I'm 34, three kids (7,5 and 7 weeks old). And I want to lose about 50 or 60! Add me if you're a reddit mom!
  • riku1
    riku1 Posts: 1
    Kids: 1st (Lillian!)

    I'm 22 years old and a sahm, originally my weight gain was before I got pregnant. I had a really bad car accident which left me bedridden for over a year due to insurance complications, (They didn't want to cover my surgery for my ACL/MCL/Meniscus and because I couldn't afford it I never got the surgery... :( )

    After I got the surgery I dropped from 230-170 then immediately got pregnant

    My goal is 150lbs!
  • Well this thread is a month without replies but...

    I'm Mae, I have 4 kids (10, 8, soon to be 3, and 1)

    I weigh 103kg and want to get to 68kg. I don't know conversions, i don't want to know conversions. I'm from the US but obsess too much over pounds, so this is a way for me to obsess much much less.

    I know once I hit 87kg I will no longer be "obese" and once I hit 72kg I will no longer be overweight :)

    I'm losing through diet and Tabata/jogging.

    I have lost 5.9kg in the past month... and have 3kgs to go to my first big goal (100kg)
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member

    I'm Mel. I have one daughter who is turning one in a couple weeks. I have come to accept that the extra belly I am carrying is my own weight and responsibility, not just residual weight from pregnancy.

    I'm 5'4.5" (that half inch matters, dammit!), ~122 lbs. My bfp (according to my scale) is like 29% so I think I definitely fall int he "skinny fat" category. I need to lose the bad fat on my waist and get some muscles. My goal is 115 in the mean and I wil go from there.

    I used to lift and I would like to get back into it once hubs and I get a house and can put in some weights in the garage. Currently, I jog on my lunch (when I can fit it in) and I lead a pedestrian lifestyle.