Hi All!!! Ideas

Just thought I would start off by saying hello. So glad we are all here to support each other. What are you ladies doing for exercise? Since I'm not 6 weeks pp yet (I will be next week!) and I had a c-section, I've just been doing some power walking and increasing my distance and intensity. I can't wait to actually start exercising next week. I will for sure run. I'll probably die after a quarter of a mile though. I'm so out of shape! But I'm not sure what else to do? I don't want to join a gym. Who has time for that!? I have a treadmill but prefer running outside while the weather is nice. I'm thinking maybe zumba DVDs or insanity. I would hate to pay for the insanity DVDs though. I'm hoping I can burn them from someone. Any ideas and suggestions to add to my workout schedule to keep things changing and rev up my metabolism?


  • lindsay0515
    lindsay0515 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I'm 9 weeks PP and ready to get rid of this pooch! I'm starting back with the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred program. I had really great results with that before I got pregnant and you can get great results with not much time commitment each day! I'm also doing the BeFitMom Bounce Back Fast ab program to help repair my diastasis recti. After my abs are back together, I'll, start my Tracey Anderson Post Pregnancy Ab workout and start the C210K program for a race in April. Signed up for the race today and booked the hotel so I'm doing this! :happy:
  • sonyact
    sonyact Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm almost 8 weeks postpartum and TOTALLY ready to lose the rest of this baby weight. I'm down 32 pounds, but I not only want to lose the last 8 of baby weight, but get down an additional 15 to my goal weight of 125. I'm really excited about getting there this time since I know it is achievable!

    At 2 weeks postpartum, I started walking. I got up to two stroller walks per day with Boo Boo of about 2.5 miles each. I'm now still walking, have gotten back into Zumba and do a little light aerobics and strength training (I do all of these on my WII System).

    What I'd LIKE to do is Insanity. I have the DVDs (someone burned them for me) and I'd like to get back into P90X as well. I'm a bit concerned it might be a bit much for me since I'm still nursing and want to keep my pumping and nursing up to speed.

    I'm really interested in what everybody else is doing as well!
  • TaraTobyLogan
    I LOVED insanity. I did it religiously for a month and a half until I got pregnant. Oopsie. It's a 60 day program. It's HARD but you feel great after. I think I'm going to start again... Check ebay for a used set of DVDs to save $$. If it doesn't come with the calendar you can google the schedule easy peasy.
  • mommynilk
    I'm scared of ordering on ebay or amazon because I read reviews saying the DVDs don't work and such. Unless you order through the beach body company. What has your experience been?