Welcome!!! Please introduce yourself!



  • theashsplash
    theashsplash Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Ashley and I'm 22. According to the guidlines for my height, I need to lose about 220-235 but for now I'm saying I want to lose 200 and see where I'm at.

    I've always been big. I just love food. I really do think sometimes I'm a food addict. I love trying new foods, cooking, baking, etc. I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm sad. When I step on the scale and see that I've gained weight I go eat some more.

    My sister just got engaged and they're planning on getting married in about a year. She asked me to be the maid of honor and while I'm ecstatic for the honor, I'm dreading bridesmaid dress shopping. My sister is a size 2 and I would hate for her pictures to be shadowed by the giant whale standing next to her. Haha just kidding....kind of.

    Anywho, I actually started MFP over the summer and derailed a bit but since she got engaged two weeks ago I've been going strong and I've lost 7 lbs since coming back! I'm so excited and would love some friends for support!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello my name is Tiffany and I'm 33. I need to lose about 250lbs.
    I've always been obese ever since I was little. I am married to a wonderful man who loves me no matter what size I am.
    I am also a full time Grad. Student
  • benwatt02
    benwatt02 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All!

    My name is Ben, and I live near the bustling metropolis of Des Moines, Iowa.

    After 38 years of morbid obesity, I've had enough. My soul is on fire for Jesus, and it's about time my body reflects it as well.

    It is day 8 of the rest of my life, and I am down 20.3 lbs! I started at 405 lbs, and almost ready to bust out of the 390's forever!!! I can barely contain my excitement!!

    I've been married to a saint of a woman for nearly 12 years now, and have three incredibly beautiful girls.

    So far my food intake is something I'm struggling with - BUT, it's not that I'm getting too many calories, it is that I'm not getting enough, coming from a fat guy - that just sounds weird! My target is 2,740 calories per day, but am lucky if I hit 2,000!

    I'm drinking over a gallon of water a day, and am sweating profusely at inopportune times! My co-workers are aware that I'm on this new journey, and have so far been accepting. That aside, though - I'm not doing it for them, so quite frankly - I DON'T care!!!

    I'm excited for this new journey, and would love some support, and could give a bunch, too! Have a GREAT day!
  • chatondoux
    chatondoux Posts: 38
    Hello (:

    My name is Deborah, I joined this group quite awhile ago (I think? haha) and never really posted. I try to avoid the forums because usually they aren't filled with friendly people, takes only afew to spoil the bunch IMO. But I thought I'd introduce myself here, see if anyone's still active as generally a lot of posts in this group are from last year. But hey if some of you are still around and would like to support, and have some more support for yourselves please feel free to add me :)

    A little more background on me, I turned 31 this April. I do still live at home with my parents, they have been very supportive in that sense. I moved out for almost a year when I was 18 until my dad got transferred out of state and I didn't want to live that far away from them even tho it was only like a little over 2 hours. So I left where I was living with my fiance and a friend of mine and her fiance. Actually we had gotten in a fight with them and we moved out afew months before my parents moved, but when they moved they made it clear my boyfriend wasn't going to be moving in with them aswell. So he moved back in with his grandparents upstate another 3 hours from the already 2 I would be away. Long story short I found out he was looking for someone "closer" and honestly I can't really say I blame him other than the way he went about it.

    I have a sister who is 3 years younger than me. She moved out about a year ago, two hours north, and she is basically my best friend so I took her moving very emotionally not well. I also have a brother who is 5 years younger than me, and he has been married 1 year just this past weekend and has a home with his wife and my nephew just turned 9 months old. So as you can see I'm clearly the one who hasn't amounted to anything, and I say that with sadness but at least with honesty. But that's okay because I plan on changing that :) It's never too late to start.

    I started afew years ago at 472 pounds, and once I got going with MFP I had lost a total of 60 pounds and I was elated. Time passed and I had a birthday, I had the best birthday. When I turned 30 my sister took me to the brookfield zoo in Illinois. I LOVE zoo's. I took pictures of all of the animals and I wore my HRM and burned an ABSURD amount of calories. That night we ate at the Paula Deen restaurant and I ate SO much that even with my probably 2-3k burn I still barely made it under calories. And that was the beginning to my slippery slope. I have a terrible addiction to mountain dew. I could drink a 2 liter in a sitting, I could buy a 6 pack of the 24 oz bottles and within a day or two it would be gone. I'm happy to say that this year I officially restarted MFP. And while I still haven't gotten back to where I was I'm confident that by the end of this year I think I will be :) I gave up mountain dew Jan 1st and that was something I never thought I could ever do. I haven't really drank regular pop since then either, tho I have had some strawberry lemonades.

    I have a long road ahead to lose probably in total 250-300 pounds maybe more. I'm not so much as looking for an end number on the scale I just want to be happy in my body. I'm only 5'4 so probably will have to lose 300 actually. Everyone starts somewhere tho and I'm on my way :)

    Sorry for writing a book too I get like that :\ haha
  • This group doesn't seem to be very active, but I thought I would give it a try :)

    You all can call me Mrs. Shabby

    I am 22 and live in Florida with my husband and two year old daughter.
    I have been huge my whole life. I'm 5'11'' and honestly, I don't even know my current weight. I do know it is close to 400, so I need to lose a good 200.
    I work full time, sitting at a desk and spend my spare time snuggling with my two loves and playing videogames.
    It is hard to find time to workout and even harder to eat well. I am a picky eater on a very small budget who can barely cook... McDonald's is just so easy...
    Anyways, I started working out this week (just following a YouTube video in my living room) and have a special meal plan to start next week.
    I also have my old PS2 set up with a copy of DDR and a dance pad. I think that could be fun and effective!

    Feel free to friend me, I use the mobile app mostly.
    I'm sarcastic and always good for a laugh
    P.S. Golly this is a cute smiley... :smooched:
  • Hello, my name is Chardae.

    I live in Chicago and I am currently unemployed.

    I am 5.9" I weigh over 300 pounds and I want to reach my goal weight of 160. I have a hard time staying motivated and fighting those cravings. I just started this working out again after 6 years and it is really hard but i'm trying. I'm tired of not being able to live life, I'm 26 and i don't travel, I've never been to a bar or club, I don't really do anything. I'm so tired and out of breath all the time. I'm determined to change all of that this time.
  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I was shocked, even though I probably shouldn't have been, several months ago when one of my doctors told me that my BMI was 57. I was referred to a Nutritionist- which my health insurance refused to pay for as I don't have diabetes or heart disease (PCOS and obstructive sleep apnea apparently don't count). When the lady on the phone informed me of this, I couldn't help but hear the word "yet" tacked to the end of that sentence. So I started calorie counting. I pulled out my WiiFit only to discover that the weight limit is 330 (I weighed 347 at the time but now weight 305). I was angry at the makers of the WiiFit board, gravity and most of all myself. Still, with the awesome support of friends and family, I pulled myself together, got out some old fitness dvds and started exercising. About a month ago, I had to have my gallbladder removed and while I've been forced to stop exercising (doctor's orders) , my weight loss has continued. It's been about the 4-5 weeks I was told to wait to start exercising again after surgery. So soon I will be exercising again. I'm looking for people who are in the same boat so to speak to support and be supported by.
  • 366to266
    366to266 Posts: 473 Member
    Where is everyone from this thread?

    I want to know how they are all getting on!
  • Hello New Friends!

    My names is Erica and as of yesterday morning I weight 333. My goal is 135, so I have a very long way to go. Even though I am two pounds this side of being 200+ away from my goal weight I would still really love to join your group. My weight fluctuates so I am often over my current poundage. I can really relate to the movie theater chair issue, so I just had to click, "Join This Group"!

    I am from Mentor, Ohio; it is a suburb of Cleveland. I work at an airport so I am sitting nearly the entire day. I have a very sedentary lifestyle that I would love to change. The normal fitness ideas would be way too much for me. Walking up a single flight of stairs make me winded (anyone else?).

    Help, encouragement, tips, anything is appreciated and most welcome.

    Thank you!
  • I have over 200 pounds I need to shed and I am looking for weight loss buddies to accompany me on this journey.
  • New here! Hoping to lose 212 lbs (give or take) Could Use lots of support because I'm afraid of failing, yet again :( which leads to more weight gain.... this is hard!
  • dianeonamission
    dianeonamission Posts: 317 Member
    Hi there... I'm new to myfitnesspal... I lost a good 25 pounds with Weight Watchers Online, but think I can do it with help from this site, the Striiv app for walking, etc. I still have 200 pounds to lose.

    Question: Do you all know of any good sites that discuss meal planning (as in, a general outline of what to eat when) and good sites for recipes that take into account nutritional information?

    Looking forward to meeting you!

    I also posted this same message in the "starting in the 300-400 pound" group - not sure which is more active, but I definitely could use support!
  • Hello,
    My name is Jodi.
    I live in Oregon.
    I have been married for 27 yrs.
    I have been on MFP for at least a year but never posted or added friends until just about 2 weeks ago. I think it was because I wasn't committed to it. Then finally decided to seriously get my butt in gear!!
    I walk, Zumba, and use the stationary bike for exercise.
    I have lost 30+ pounds but need to lose close to 200 more.
    Would love to have anybody on this thread add me, as I have definitely realized how much it helps to have support. Plus I would like to support everyone also!!
    My user name is luveeyore21!!
  • fourtywater
    fourtywater Posts: 2 Member

    My name is Jason

    I live in Phoenix, AZ

    I am not married but I have an awesome woman in my life.

    I am currently at 412.

    I gained most of this weight while working and going to college full time.

    I just started a low carb diet with my girlfriend.

    I have tried to lose weight but failed at it several times.

    I am at my heaviest I've ever been in my life.

    I take full responsibility for my weight. I will blame no one or any food.

    I'm considering LapBand surgery.

    Looking to make a change.

    Lost weight? Please share your successes with me.
  • Stacylynn1977
    Stacylynn1977 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Stacy, I am 36 years old, from South Atlanta in georgia, I have 200 lbs to lose, maybe 220, we will see when I get there, I am getting a grasp on my food pretty well, the working out is my problem, I have no one here to physically motivate me, wish I did, i could really use a work out partner, anyone, would love to add new friends that are like me and help motivate each other, please make sure your diary is open-to me that is how we help each other, thanks!!
  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    What's going on, party people?

    I'm looking down the barrel of a goal of almost 220lbs of fat loss. I topped out close to 460lbs and want to make it down to 240lbs. My first goal, though? I'm going to get down into the three-hundreds, stat.

    If you need some motivation and encouragement, feel free to hit me up.

    You can do this. It's possible, and most of it is all in your mind.

    Let's do some work!
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Hello everyone. This is so embarrassing -- joining a group that I really DON'T want to be a member of! My top weight was 500 pounds. I'm down to 400 now. Have been using MyFitnessPal since early December and will have my first weigh-in on Feb. 3rd -- so we'll see if it's working! I spent 11 weeks of 2013 in the hospital and was in ICU several times, and not expected to make it. If I didn't have such wonderful grandchildren I really wouldn't care if I lived or died, but I want to stay alive for them.

    It's really frustrating to think that even if (when) I lose another 100 pounds I'll STILL be morbidly obese. At this point it seems kinda hopeless but I try really hard. Also frustrating is that my mobility is impaired from arthritic knees, making it hard to walk or get any exercise. Anyone have any ideas? I don't allow anyone to take my picture, so that's why I don't have one to post. Oh, forgot to say my age -- I'm turning 57 next week.

    I worked for the same employer 18 years but got "laid off" when I was hospitalized, and now they're too afraid of my health to hire me back. Needless to say, I have a lot of time on my hands and I get overwhelmed thinking of how far I have to go. Living in a small, rural town, I don't see anyone else supersized. I'm so happy to find this group! Thanks for reading, Valerie
  • SuppaModel
    SuppaModel Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my name is Nia but I go by "Suppa Model". I am 488lbs and my goal weight is 250. I am married and I have three children, one teenager and two toddlers. I have always been overweight all my life. I've worked in fashion hence the name Suppa Model because everyone used to tell me I should be a Plus Size model but back then you had to be a size 18 to be a model. Times have change you can model at size 22-24 but I'm size 36-38 so my love for the industry has changed because I'm a outsider looking in. I'm a voyeur looking inside but never wearing the pieces or experiencing the joy fully. So I work in Advertising and Branding now, a tell people what other people want to see because I have become the master of that.

    Even though I've gained weight I have tried to maintain appearances. I was very happy with myself before I had my last two children and gained 125lbs. I was still able to shop in stores and clothing fit better at size 26-28 and 30-32 and I was able to wear shoes but now I have to order everything online and it doesn't even fit when I get it. I just hold it in my closet hoping I will lose the weight to fit it one day. I have to wear men's shoes or slippers and I'm fighting for my self esteem everyday.

    I made a decision today to wage war on my fear and my compulsion to eat all the wrong foods for all the wrong reasons. It's going to be a long journey and I will need support and would love to be a support to others also. So lets work together to build each other up! Who is with me? #teamsuppa
  • SuppaModel
    SuppaModel Posts: 6 Member
    @Typhonrex -Congrats Wow how did you do it! I need to lose 250lbs. What did you do?
  • Valereee
    Valereee Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Nia. Welcome. As you see, people rarely post on this "200 To Lose board". Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone out there. You ARE very beautiful and I could definitely see you as a super model! My top weight was 500 pounds and as of last Monday I weighed 383. I know what you mean about "ordering clothes and having to return them." I have a box ready to go back to Roamans! Best of luck to you on your journey. Take care, Valerie..........