New mom looking for friends

hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
Hey everyone! I had a baby July 6th and he is still in the NICU (coming home soon)! I'm looking for fellow moms for support. My current weight is 209 and I'm hoping to go down to 140.


  • mommynilk
    Hi and welcome!
  • missemmapeel
    missemmapeel Posts: 69 Member
    Friend me if you'd like.

    I had my baby last year in July, and joined MFP to get back in shape and lose the baby weight.

    A year later, I've never been stronger or felt better. This has totally changed my life!

    Hope your little one gets to come home soon and that you cherish these first few months together, when you are your baby's whole world :)
  • meganyoung1106
    Welcome! I am so sorry to hear about your little one...I hope he gains weight quickly and comes home soon :) I just had a baby at the end of March. I'm slowly getting back into being more active on here...I fell off the wagon a bit and it's time to get serious and healthy again.