Day 8 (Day 1 of L2)

So I got bored with L1 and decided to move on, quite surprised how a lot of it actually feels relatively easy............ but there is a downside.

#1: I think I strained my back last week, so it hurts my upper back to jump! Had to alter some moves and cardio.
#2: L2 puts more strain on your wrists, I have an issue with my right wrist and even my support isn't helping.
#3: Balance required, of which it appears I am lacking as I spent a lot of it trying not to fall over!

All in all a little disappointed that my body just can't do what Gillian wants, but I know better than to push myself so far as to hurt myself!


  • mrshallewell
    good girl for stepping up though. do you think you'll continue and try again tomorrow or do you think you may head back to lv 1 for a couple more days??
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Yikes!!! My childhood nickname wasn't Grace for nothing!!! I'm very clumsy and no core strength doesn't help matters. I may never graduate from L1!!

    So, will you continue? Or go back?
  • danirosevoelkel
    danirosevoelkel Posts: 511 Member
    Oh no this sounds awful for me! I have weak wrists and zero balance. I have to be very careful about that last leg stretch in lvl one. The one where you pull your foot into your butt...I fall 70% of the time haha.

    I hope you continue though, it can only get easier!
  • pennystextiles
    pennystextiles Posts: 45 Member
    I'm going to give it a go in a bit, modifying some moves and let you know how it goes!! Not too sore at all today, but back and wrist not good!!
  • mrshallewell
    OMG i have just done day 1 of lv2 and its definitely stepping things up. i feel much more worked than i have been the last couple of days on lv 1, but on the other hand i dont because i had to stop so many times especially on plaks. i will just have to keep telling myself tomorrow.... will be easier
  • pennystextiles
    pennystextiles Posts: 45 Member
    Excellent, glad you made it! I've done day 3 and it does get easier, I fall over a lot less now haha!
  • mrshallewell
    Excellent, glad you made it! I've done day 3 and it does get easier, I fall over a lot less now haha!

    Haha, funny thing is i remember doing all of these plank jumps and everything in school and i found it so easy. how the years make us floppy and stiff all at the same time. AND IM ONLY 23
  • tracym22
    tracym22 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm going to start level 2 tomorrow! eeek!!
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    I got bored as well and tried LVL2 today. My right wrist is killing me! I'm going to try a brace and hopefully it will help. It was tougher!
  • JumpinJill
    JumpinJill Posts: 63 Member
    #1 I had the same problem with level 1. Put me out for 3 days. Funny thing is for me, level one was a not as challenging as I thought it would be, so I was quite surprised I managed to injure myself.
    #2 I started level 2 today instead of going back to level 1. My plan is to get used to level 2 and then go back and do 10 days of level 1 followed by level 2 for a 40 minute workout. Then I will try level 3. I will also agree that wrists and shoulders is where level 2 hits you. All these plank exercises. I had a hard time just holding myself up for 30 seconds and then trying to make myself lift a leg or 2, not easy!

    Anyways! Keep going at it, no pain no gain right? That's what I keep telling myself everyday. I feel like I get a good workout with her dvds so I am going to keep on going.