wt of baby at birth 1st vs 2nd



  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    Baby 1: 7lb 6oz (3 days past due date, gained 25lb)
    Baby 2: 9lb 6oz (born on due date, but I had gestational diabetes with this one, gained 23lb)
    Baby 3: 8lb 4oz (born one day early, gained 26lb)
    Baby 4: ?? :) (due in 9 days, gained 20lb so far, according to the ultrasound it should be about 8lb at birth)

    For me it looks like all babies are a bit bigger then my first, but I don't know for sure what to expect with this baby, it is definitely feeling smaller then baby 2 for which I'm super thankful!!

    Update, Baby 4 was 9.05lb and I gained bet. 21 and 22 lb total (I didn't weigh in for the last pre-birth weight). Ultrasound was off lol..
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my first was 9 12, second was 10 even, they were both boys, my little girl is a month old and she was 8 1
  • Erinthebodo
    Erinthebodo Posts: 215 Member
    Thank you for cont to post ladies! I went to the midwife this week and my lil one is actually measuring really small. Funny how I start by worrying about one size and then start to worry about another issue. I'm gonna stop worrying and whatever size this little man is... he will be perfect! Having said that... I LOVE to see these so please cont to post them :happy:
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    First baby girl, 35lbs gained: 8lbs 9oz
    Second baby girl, 23 lbs gained: 7lbs 6oz

    Both girls were born right around their due date. So much better round two :)
  • samarieL
    samarieL Posts: 33 Member
    First, boy, 38wks 6 days - 9lbs 3oz
    second, boy 41 weeks - 10lbs 6oz
    third, boy, 40 weeks - 12lbs 2oz
    fourth, girl 38wks 6 days - 10lbs 6oz

    fifth, girl, ????? We'll see, she's already measuring about two weeks ahead and I completely expect another 10lber.