Friday 8/9 Weigh-In

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
Happy Friday, Diehards! How did you do this week?


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm down 1.3 pounds from last Friday. The scale has not budged since Monday (the last time I was on) so my inconsistency with my eating this week is showing. Not that I expect great results in 3 days, but honestly usually I lose weight during the week and then maintain over the weekend.

    Since the Diethards don't post much over the weekend I'm also going over my weekend goals. :smile:

    I'm going to a wedding tonight so my goal is to not eat everything in sight.

    Saturday I'm running my very first 5K race. I've walked several but have never run one. My goal is to not take that as an excuse to eat everything in sight and just sit on my rear the rest of the day. I ran an equal distance on Tuesday morning before work so just because it's a race doesn't mean I get a free pass the rest of the day.

    Sunday I'm going to the gym to bike & do some homework from my trainer. My challenge is to not snack all day, which I always seem to want to do on Sundays.
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    Well i didn't lose any this week, but i didn't gain any either and thats a small feat itself seeing all the food and drink from the wedding weekend. This weekend, I'm going fishing, so i'll have to watch my food intake as with fishing comes liquid carbohydrate consumption!
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    Well I weighed in at 153 this morning. So I'm the same from last week. Yesterday I went to Planet Fitness with my mom and did the 30 minute circuit (it really kicked my *kitten*) and then 10 minutes on the eliptical and 1 mile walk while at work. I'm kicking my *kitten* into gear.

    Today I commit to eating under my calorie goal and also walking 12,000 steps. (Walking on my lunch break and walking after work).

    Saturday I commit to doing 180 squats (for my squat challenge), walking in the morning, walking in the afternoon with my family, and not gorging my face with foods at my cousin's bridal shower. Also, I'm hoping to get in 12,000 steps

    Sunday I commit to doing 185 squats, walking in the morning, eating under my calorie goal, and working out possibly the 30 minute circuit again.

    Hope the rest of you have an amazing weekend and your butt off at the wedding (that'll burn some extra calories you may eat!) :)
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    I'm up for the second time since April. I guess that despite all the hiking I did in the gorges of Ithaca, NY, the issue of eating all meals out was just too much. I've been back on track for the last 2 days and thought the scale would look better, but so it goes. Back to the grind.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    I weighed in same as last week, 177. Not bad considering I went to a State Fair...cream puffs were amazing! My goal this weekend is to be aware of stress eating (my elderly mother became very sick a little over a month ago and passed away a couple weeks ago) and make conscious healthy eating choices. I plan to do more outdoor activities.
  • okishkash
    okishkash Posts: 142 Member
    I maintained this week. It is very hot here and I just didn't feel up to any exercise. I decided to take a break and eat at maintenance with little exercise.

    Yesterday I decided to get back in the groove and walked 6 miles. Today I walked a mile in the morning. Plan on getting 6 by the end of the day.

    Over the weekend I will plan the meals for the next week.

    Big changes in my house this fall. My daughter has zero hour at school so we all have to get ready to leave the house an hour earlier than usual. I have to find ways to get some exercise before leaving for work. Got two week to find a plan.

    Have a great weekend y'all!
  • reggie83
    reggie83 Posts: 17 Member
    I just weighed in at 205.5 lbs. .5 below my lowest. I'll take it. I'll need it! Next week I go to NOLA and if I don't gain an extra 5 lbs I'll be surprised. lol.

    I also missed a workout this week and a cardio session. I'm going to have to refigure where I'm going to jump rope. I think I'll get a special mat and do so in the gated area in the back. I just don't like to jump on concrete so hopefully the mat will absorb much of the pressure.....
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Despite veering off course last night (not as bad as I could have..), I'm down .7 lb from last Friday. 185.4 lbs. I'm not going to update my weight on here til the whole pound is gone and that will put me at -20 since April 15th! Woohoo! Slowly but surely moving in the right direction.

    Reggie, take it from a life-long resident, stay out of NOLA if you're trying to lose weight…lol On second thought, you’ll be fine, because you’ll be sweating off so much water weight! Enjoy your trip :)
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Uh oh! I've gained 3.4 pounds this week. Up to 184.2...(net loss of 76 pounds total since starting this process).

    How did this rapid weight gain occur? Have been going on lots of after-work drinks dates recently, have been skipping the gym (so really haven't been exercising at all), and haven't been sleeping enough. Yesterday, I ate a lot of carbs. It's AMAZING how quickly the weight comes back on when I slack off!
    Not thrilled about this - but it is what it is. I will refocus. Last night I went to the grocery store and bought healthy foods (which will allow eating healthier dinners at home). Very tired - and still have TONS of work to do...

    Hope you all are having more successful weeks than I!
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    I weighed in same as last week, 177. Not bad considering I went to a State Fair...cream puffs were amazing! My goal this weekend is to be aware of stress eating (my elderly mother became very sick a little over a month ago and passed away a couple weeks ago) and make conscious healthy eating choices. I plan to do more outdoor activities.

    So sorry about the loss of your mother. That would cause me to gain all my weight back.
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Up .4 this week. Struggled a bit with going over my calories several days this week and my workouts weren't as consistent as I'd like. Kids go back to school Tuesday and then I can settle back into my routine. Looking forward to hiking a bit more regularly. My favorite hike is close to my son's school and I'll be driving carpool there 3 mornings a week!