
lisainpotown Posts: 18 Member
If you can read this, then thank you for joining! I started this group to find support with local peeps. We live in the same place so we can brainstorm on the local fare. We have the same options for shopping, eating and working out so I want to be able to discuss with other MFP friends. I am having a local and free "Fit Club" if anyone would like some encouragement and motivation to exercise. Tell me a little about yourself. My name is Lisa and I live in Highland. I have lost over 80 pounds now and am less than 20 away from my weight loss goal of 100 pounds.


  • ItsAKindofMagic
    ItsAKindofMagic Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Lisa! I think this is a great idea for a variety of reasons. Thank you for taking the initiative to get something like this off of the ground. Count me in!
  • Great idea!
  • Yay! I'm glad to see more locals on this. HI everyone my name is Leo. I am from Newburgh. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks for making this group!
  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    Yay locals! I'm Lora and I live in Hyde Park. Thanks for starting this group & please feel free to add me as a friend!
    Would like to hear how you are all getting/got to your goal weight!
  • This is great! So glad I joined fitness pal and found your group. I am from Catskill and need all the motivation I can get. I've gained 10. Lbs out of nowhere. I go to the gym but I also just started taking cardio kick boxing again . So excited about taking a step in the right direction:smile:
  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    Love kickboxing!! Turbofire is the BOMB!!:explode:
  • Hey fellow Hudson Valley MFP users! Enjoy the beautiful weather! It's a great day for a walk maybe even a run! :)