Inoduce yourselves!

rebelchief Posts: 37 Member
Hey all! I'm Alpha App :)


  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I'm wpgrider! Starting weight - around 235 :| And I feel grooooooss. Not really on a diet, but doing low carb/high protein and have to get off my butt to have more training throughout the week (pretty active during the weekend - 2x riding lessons, boxing, ball hockey, and football practice). But! I ate out lots recently and drank lots too... sigh.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I am DancerLover08 both here and on HGS...feel free to add me!
  • CoreyJ91
    CoreyJ91 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm qhchica on HGS. Feel free to add me! :)
  • rebelchief
    rebelchief Posts: 37 Member
    Nice to see eyone joining! :)
  • I'm Paint_luver on HGS (Hannah). I'm honestly unsure of what my weight is currently (scale broke and have not been to school gym to weigh there recently). My goal weight is about 150lbs though (guessing I'm at 175 ish right now?).

    Good luck to everyone on their goals!
  • Tiffany01 here!!!
  • Luvmymosey here! Please add me!! LOL
  • xgymnast27
    xgymnast27 Posts: 1 Member
    Dream27 here--I'm around 182 now..was 160 in high school, but I'd like to try to get to 150 if possible, since I'm not doing gymnastics anymore. I'm mostly working with 1260 calories a day....not exercising right now just because when I work out, it makes me SO hungry and I end up actually gaining weight because I can't stop eating. Plus, the time isn't there right now to work out. Good luck to ya'll! :)
  • rebelchief
    rebelchief Posts: 37 Member
    Glad to see more members joining! :)

    I weigh a little under 130 and want to get around 115-120... truthfully I just want smaller boobs so I don't have to double bra it when I ride and I want to fit in my old expensive show breeches!

    We can do it! : )
  • Stephanie here (nursestephanie2 here and HGS). Im somewhere around 146-148 and Im 5'3'' and a midge :). My long term goal is <130 pounds. My short term (Feb 6th AKA my birthday) is 143 or less.

    I seem to eat because I like to eat. When I do Im not necessarily hungry and I dont always stop when Im full. Many times I stress eat and binge eat. It doesnt help that my boyfriend loves taking me to really nice places for dinner.

    Im lucky enough to have a boyfriend who is supportive. Hes 6'2'' and very physically fit. Hes fortunate enough to have a career that he can workout at work (hes a fire fighter/paremedic). When our schedules allow we will go to the gym and life together. We also need to start training for a couple of competitiions we are signed up for....tough mudder, warrior dash, and hero rush!

    Im doing this for me. I feel so much better when I am under 130 lbs.
  • Hey guys.. it's ChestersMomma :)

    Doc says I need to shed some pounds so I'm getting back on board with MFP.

    I am currently 5'10" and 175. My goal is to get back down to the weight I was at when I was my fittest, which was 145.
    I'm so mad at myself for letting my weight creep back up! I had 4 pack abs and everything and I let it go to emotional eating.
    I hope to have the weight off by summer. I know that's sort of an unrealistic goal, but I think I can do it with commitment.
    My short term (ish) goal is 160 by the end of February when I'm going for a getaway in Chicago with my boyfriend.

    Please add me!! I need to be kept accountable! ( and I don't really know how to add people lol)
  • mander8611
    mander8611 Posts: 1 Member
    FunSizeFriday from HGS here. Thanks Alpha App for creating this group!

    I'm 5'6" and 145 lbs. I'd like to start by losing 15 -20 lbs and gaining fitness. I need to shed my "grad school weight" now that I have graduated :)

    Please add me :)
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Hey guys! Donavan's Fire here. I've been on this journey for years but have pretty much plateaued for the last year so I'm starting Jamie Eason's 12 week program today. I want to put on muscle so I don't really have a weight loss goal in mind but I figure I'll lose around 10 lbs when it's all said and done. I'm about 5'5 and 152 lbs.
  • rebelchief
    rebelchief Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome ladies! Congrats on wanting to be healthier and doing something about it!

    If anyone needs more motivation/support... add me! And I'm pretty sure everyone else on here is okay with being friended as well. :)
  • SweetIDRider
    SweetIDRider Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Shanna! I ride a pure bred Arabian and a Arab/Appy cross :) starting at 213 but down to 199 since i started :)