Monday 8/12

sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
Happy Monday to all you diehards out there! I see we have a few people back from vacation, so let's get a little more activity going on these boards to keep each other motivated. What are your plans for making today a good day??


  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    As some of you may know, I crashed and burned this weekend. I at least stayed committed to logging all of it, so I can hopefully learn from my past behaviors. Next time I have a party/event, I think I'll drink a protein shake in the car on the way, because those make me so full I couldn't possibly think of eating...then I won't want to drink because I don't think my tummy would be happy with that combo.

    As for today, I've pre-logged my meals, so I'll stick with that, drink plenty of water and work out tonight at home. I actually feel so funky and run down from all the high cal, low nutrient food I had this weekend, it'll be easy to get back on track.

    I realize there are no do-overs, so I can only change and try to make smarter choices going forward. Hope everyone has a great day and makes wise choices!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank goodness for fresh starts. We can't live our lives eating perfectly all the time, so all you can do is start again and like you said try to learn from it for next time.

    I woke up this morning with a bad attitude. It was dark. I was tired. My legs were still a little sore. Having to run 3 miles on hills on a Monday morning was unreasonable. I finally got myself out of bed and it was a beautiful morning so I went out for a run, after making a deal with myself that I only had to run whatever distance felt good. I did run up a hill that I've been avoiding, which turned out to not be as bad as I thought. At 2.16 miles I stopped my run & walked the rest of the way home. Despite my bad attitude I do think it's time to talk to my trainer about tweaking my running schedule because doing my long run on Saturday then 3 miles on hills 2 days later is feeling like too much.

    But today I hit 50 pounds lost, which I'm ecstatic about.
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Congrats on hitting 50 lbs!! That is an amazing accomplishment! And good for you on getting out there and pushing yourself this morning..I'll think about that when I'm worn out and running through my list of excuses to not work out tonight! It's not always (or in my case, hardly ever) easy, but it must be done :)
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    August 12th Commitment:
    -Drink 10 glasses of water
    -Stay within my 1,000 calorie deficit
    -12,000 Steps
    -Walk for 15 minutes at lunch time
    -Walk 1 mile during work
    -150 squats at lunch
    -Make a grocery list for work
    -Plan my workouts for this week

    *That's a lot of comittments, but I want to stay focused. Today I weigh in for my family's biggest loser competition. This weekend was kind of bad, but I'm determined to win the competition and some money! :) This lady needs some new outfits in the near future!
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    I am doing a cleanse for at least the next 5 days. It is the master cleanse, which I know can be controversial. I've done it before, and I don't stick to the guidelines of the cleanse. I eat fruits and veggies throughout the day when I get hungry, and I have a cup of shelled edamame for lunch to get some protein. Then I have a small dinner of lean protein (chicken, fish or pork chops) and steamed vegetables each evening. The last time I did this I lost 14 pounds in 12 days and didn't notice any big changes to my metabolism or muscle. I'm definitely not going that long again - I just need a little kick start to get back on track after last week. Also tomorrow I'm picking back up on my half marathon training.

    Have a great day everyone!