Wednesday 14th August 2013

llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
Hi guys,

Time to share your weigh ins for the week!

I am two pounds UP :( Really disappointed. I did eat a bit badly over the weekend (in laws were here and it was all a bit stressful) but have exercised a lot and certainly don't think I ate badly enough to go up by 2 pounds. So I'm hoping it's periody water weight. Gah.

How did everyone else get on?

Good luck!



  • walk_fit
    walk_fit Posts: 83 Member
    8/14-192.8 lbs

    Up 0.5lbs .Scale keeps changing .
  • cicibeanz
    cicibeanz Posts: 77 Member
    Down 1.6 lbs 10 173.6...and it just goes to show you how random it can be- I didn't do so hot over the weekend either and was NOT expecting a loss. Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't catch up with me next week.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    D'oh! Almost forgot it's Wednesday weigh-in day...obviously didn't weigh in this morning and dont' think I will this week:blushing:
    TOM is here and am smack dab in the middle, so think I'll just wait until next Wednesday. I am still staying pretty well under my numbers and I am exercising, so hopefully I will break out of this latest plateau. :ohwell:
    Have a Great Week!:flowerforyou:
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    I am down 1.2 lbs this week. Very happy about that.
  • ozbat2000
    ozbat2000 Posts: 5 Member
    I just got back in the groove and am looking forward to getting this weight off! I am so tired of being uncomfortable and I think that losing one pound a week is definitely doable:-)
  • sassyd99
    sassyd99 Posts: 54 Member
    Weighed in this morning after over a week of vacation and am down 1.5 lbs. Helps that our hosts are extremely health conscious and plenty of beautiful landscape for daily hikes! Hope with the stress of getting kids back to school I don't turn to food for comfort ;) Have a great week everyone!
  • llalpaca
    llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
    Wow, lots of losses this week! Amazing work, well done RosyBest, SassyD and cicibeanz!