Weigh In #2 (8/15/2013)

Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
This thread is for our 2nd Weigh in. I guess the Monitor that made this group made me a monitor and has deactivated her account. I don't know if it by mistake or not.

Every Thursday we will weight in.
You can Copy and Paste with is below to make is easier!
Let lose 15lbs by Halloween!

Last Weeks Weight:
Total Weight Lost Last Week:
Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far:


  • katherine611
    katherine611 Posts: 175 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 150
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 0
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 0

    up 2lbs
    Emotional eating got me again:sad: :grumble: :laugh:
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 150
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 0
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 0

    up 2lbs
    Emotional eating got me again:sad: :grumble: :laugh:

    Shake it off and bring some good numbers next week! Besides weight in is tomorrow so it may be water weight.
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    Current Weight: 190 lbs
    Last Weeks Weight: 190 lbs
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 0 lbs
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 0 lbs

    Still the same no change :noway: :sad: . I do my weigh in on Mondays.
  • katherine611
    katherine611 Posts: 175 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 150
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 0
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 0

    up 2lbs
    Emotional eating got me again:sad: :grumble: :laugh:

    Shake it off and bring some good numbers next week! Besides weight in is tomorrow so it may be water weight.

    thank you for the support:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Iriedee
    Iriedee Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first weigh in. Like MrsBiscoe I'll likely be weighing on Mondays.

    Current weight: 220
    Goal weight: 205

    I would be too thrilled if I made it under 200! Here goes....
  • katherine611
    katherine611 Posts: 175 Member
    This is my first weigh in. Like MrsBiscoe I'll likely be weighing on Mondays.

    Current weight: 220
    Goal weight: 205

    I would be too thrilled if I made it under 200! Here goes....

    We are headed in the right direction so let's do it because we can. We thing not a me thing.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • FHowA46
    FHowA46 Posts: 66 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 145 lbs
    Current Weight: 142.5 lbs
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 2.5 lbs
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 2.5 lbs
  • FHowA46
    FHowA46 Posts: 66 Member
    Also I agree, don't let the numbers on the scales get you down, It's hard but the key is to keep pushing on and not to give up. By still thinking about and doing this challenge you're progressing
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 179lbs
    Current Weight: 177lbs (I weight myself on Mondays only and this was my weight)
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 2lbs
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 2lbs
  • cloudbunny17
    cloudbunny17 Posts: 15 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 131
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 2
    Current Weight: 129
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 2
  • Jameson1984
    Jameson1984 Posts: 100 Member
    Last week: 190.5

    This week: 190.5
    pounds lost: 0
  • Ariana120689
    Ariana120689 Posts: 85 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 198 lbs
    Current weight: 194.6 lbs
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 3.4 lbs
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 3.4 lbs
  • Butterflykisses123
    Butterflykisses123 Posts: 112 Member
    Last week: 157.8
    This week: 156.5
    Loss of 1.3 Yay! :)
    Total so far: 1.3
    Left for challenge: 13.7
  • Oddwee
    Oddwee Posts: 8
    Last week 167
    This week 167

    No weight loss, but my clothes are fitting better.
  • christie_jean
    christie_jean Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight 143
    Current weight 143

    In my defense, I was on vacation this week so my effort was very minimal. Guess I just have to step it up for next week!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I dont think.I weighed in last week. 224 both this week and last.
  • ilovetoeatsweets
    ilovetoeatsweets Posts: 36 Member
    My weigh in will be on Thursday's. I gained this week but I am losing inches...Hey..I can't be upset about that..Less IS more, right?
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Current Weight: 238 lbs
    Last Weeks Weight: 242 lbs
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 4 lbs
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 4 lbs
  • danielle2198
    danielle2198 Posts: 18 Member
    Last Weeks Weight: 149
    This Weeks Weight: 148
    Total Weight Lost Last Week: 1
    Total Weight Loss In Challenge So Far: 1

    Going in the right direction!
  • ilovetoeatsweets
    ilovetoeatsweets Posts: 36 Member
    I did not post my stats:
    Current Weight:197
    Previous Weight 195
    Gained/lost +2
    Total weight loss=1