Has anyone else had a weight gain whilst doing 30 DS?

frogface Posts: 21 Member
Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has had a gain whilst doing the 30ds?

I have done it religiously for 12 days straight (usually at 6am) I am on day 2 of level 2 and this morning when I hopped on the scales, I have gained 1 pound.

I know it's not a lot but I really expected to see the numbers go down. Don't get me wrong I feel great at the moment (albeit a little bit battered).

Just wondered if anyone else had a similar experience?


  • pennystextiles
    pennystextiles Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, but its started dropping again now, I'm on day 18/19. See my post on this group for some info about why this is normal.

  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    For the first 17 days my weight didn't drop at all despite eating at a deficit and having consistently lost weight before 30DS at a rate of about .75 kg/week. On day 18 I was 1 kg lighter than the previous day and it never went back up. Don't lose hope just yet:)
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    I'm experiencing a gain... I was up a few pounds and now it's down to like 1.5. I'm trying to stick with it anyway since I know the shred gets results.
  • cassienoe
    cassienoe Posts: 126 Member
    My weight has gone up since my last weigh in and it's been hanging out there for awhile. However my boyfriend notices that I'm getting slimmer. I'm thinking it's better to not worry about the scale too much and watch our body composition. We're really challenging our muscles so there's a lot at play there!
  • apriljn312
    apriljn312 Posts: 13 Member
    I am on day 18 and the first 8 days I lost 3.5 lbs then last week when I weighed I gained .5 lbs. I can tell I feel better and I have noticed some toning in my arms and legs. I have decided that I am not going to let the scale get me down!!!