Other workout dvds

JumpinJill Posts: 63 Member
Hi there, I am newer to mfp and about halfway through 30ds (working through level 2 now). I don't have a lot of money for workout dvds which is why I chose Jillian Michaels, her dvds are super cheap on amazon. I like 30ds too, I find they are challenging and I really feel like I get a good workout. On top of 30ds I also do 1 hour of cardio on an elliptical machine. So I have not lost any weight yet so my poor ticker has not been able to move yet :( However, I am noticing differences in how I look and feel like I am slimming down a bit. So onto my question, I have been reading around the site that for people like me who don't have tons of weight to lose, more weights and less cardio might speed things up. So do you guys find this is true? I do see pictures of people here in there 150's and 140s that look a whole lot smaller then me.

On to my second question, since I can't afford a p90 or insanity or anything, I would like to get another Jillian Michaels dvd and I am looking for some suggestions. What would you guys recommend for someone who is looking for a bit more then a cardio dvd? She has quite a few dvds, kickboxing sounds fun, but doesn't sound like it has any weight lifting in it, I was reading reviews that ripped in 30 had similar exercises to 30ds so why buy a copy of something I already have? idk, what do you guys think?


  • mrshallewell
    Im still loosing weight doing 30ds but its 5x slower than when i was only doing diet. definitely loosing the inches though. on day 23 today and as of yesterday ive lost 10 inces total and still have a week to go.

    I will be doing extreme shed and shred next but not watched it through yet. i will do after my workout and let you know.

    lv 3 uses the weights more in cardio.
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    I haven't tried it myself, but I think her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD is supposed to be more cardio focused.

    I found this in an Amazon review:
    "Here's the skinny: 7 six minute circuits, no weights, no equipment. Just you and some free space to jump around (you don't even need that much space; trust me, I live in a tiny NYC apartment and am completely able to do all the exercises). Each circuit is made up of a set of exercises performed twice before moving on to the next circuit: full body engagement, plyometrics and some serious core work mid-way through. But the focus is really on getting your heart rate up and Jillian delivers (my husband walked in after I was done and said he'd never seen my face so red before -- so beware! It's a tough enough workout that you might not look stunning immediately after; you can save the stunning for the beach this summer!)

    Now, I should mention I have done JM's 30 Day Shred and love love love love it. There's no better way to get in a thorough workout in 22 minutes. This is not The Shred. There are many familiar exercises, but it's a much longer workout and the intensity is modulated to make it possible to keep going for the full 45+ minutes of the workout. I was intent on getting through the whole workout, so I can't speak to what the experience would be like for a beginner. But, the dvd is broken into chapters that split at each circuit, so theoretically, you can progressively build up as your stamina increases. I imagine I will have days when I'm pressed for time and just want to hit 3-4 of the circuits, and the chapters are designed to allow me to pick the ones I most like (or hate! depending on how tough they are!)

    Also, I find Jillian's style to be increasingly more mature with each new dvd. No joke, she's a tough cookie -- that hasn't changed. But her instruction is more precise and her explanations of why certain exercises are paired together is really helpful. I find that knowing why things are good for me (even when they're so hard) is powerful motivation. Oh, I should mention I have very bad asthma and doing these workouts has helped boost my heart strength and capacity to grab more air with each breath. It's silly, I know, but I finish feeling like Mighty Mouse!"
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    And I just found the entire workout on Youtube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTT4W8ygJ7w
  • mrshallewell

    i believe jumpinjill wants something with more strength not less.
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Eeek! This is what I get for skimming threads! I'll leave the comments there in case someone else is interested. For more weights, I recommend No More Trouble Zones by Jillian. It's more strength training. I've actually tried that one. It's about a 45 minute DVD, but broken into sections where you can pick and choose circuits.
  • mrshallewell
    Eeek! This is what I get for skimming threads! I'll leave the comments there in case someone else is interested. For more weights, I recommend No More Trouble Zones by Jillian. It's more strength training. I've actually tried that one. It's about a 45 minute DVD, but broken into sections where you can pick and choose circuits.

    haha sounds good to me, i might try that after my next workout dvd is done.
  • tracym22
    tracym22 Posts: 107 Member
    No more trouble zones by Jillian is a resistance and weights dvd. I really like this one, not alot of cardio, just the warm up really. It's very intense, you can do the whole workout which is about 50mins or pick and choose your problem areas.

    Oooops, same as lesliemartina!!!
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    tracym22- I actually appreciate the 2nd opinion supporting it. :)
  • JumpinJill
    JumpinJill Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks everyone for your help! Just looked up no more trouble zones and it sounds like exactly what I was looking for :) And it is only $7. I also like that it is a bit longer of a workout, I can cut back a bit on my hour of cardio and fit the whole dvd into my schedule. Will definitely order when I am closer to having 30ds done. Thanks!