
Been in a wt. loss slump for a year. Had some initial success with weight watchers. Now giving this a try. How do you find the motivation to get out of your rut?



  • Melissa999999
    Melissa999999 Posts: 48 Member
    I have motivating friends on here that help me because I put up a post in my wall saying my motivation is gone. I also go and read the success stories.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    The success stories always make me think twice about things.
  • OptimisticlyOptimistic
    OptimisticlyOptimistic Posts: 162 Member
    I also read the success stories, and have MFP friends that are AWESOME!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I quietly logged on here for several months before getting involved in the MFP community, but once I did that it helped me tremendously. You've obviously discovered groups but there are a ton of them out there so join several that interest you if you haven't already. When you come across someone who posts things that resonate shoot them a friend request (I usually tell them where I saw their post). The motivation goes both ways - you will find the act of encouraging others gives you motivation too, if you're willing to follow your own advice.
  • ZenMuscle
    Motivation is a key factor in your weight loss journey. I lost over 85 pounds and although the pounds and the way I look in the mirror were amazing motivators, I loved watching success stories and bodybuilding motivation videos on youtube. Even though I am not even close to what they can lifts and can do with their bodies, it motivated me and made me push harder. you also can learn a lot about how your body works and exercise tips.