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Which would you rather do? Random Question

RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
edited January 30 in Social Groups
Ok, putting aside all other issues, like health benefits, cost, etc, and focusing on the basic mechanics involved with each, which would you rather do?

1) breastfeed
2) pump and bottle feed
3) formula feed
4) mix of some of the above

Having done 1, 2, and 3 with my older son and now EBFing my 8-week-old son, I've been thinking about this purely for curiosity's sake. (In other words, I won't stop EBFing, but I've been wondering about EPing since he's getting teeth already.) While pumping all the time would be a major pain, it would allow my husband to take some of the feedings, plus I could say with certainty how much he is eating and no longer have to deal with foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. However breastfeeding is just so darn convenient - just whip out a boob, then put it away, and no bottles to wash!

But given my choice it would be EBFing, EPing, or a mix of BFing and pumping/bottle feeding. Even putting aside the cost of formula and issues with finding which one works for you, etc, making bottles is kind of a pain! Plus I love the extra calorie burn (but also wonder if it's messing with my weight loss...)

Anyway, if all cost and health benefits were the same, which would you choose and why?

ETA that this is a no-judgment zone with regard to breastmilk vs. formula. For the sake of argument, let's assume they are both exactly the same, content-wise and benefit-wise, and formula is also free.


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I mixed 1 and 2 with my first two kids. The last two were EBF and the next one will be too. I couldn't be bothered with pumping and was never very good at it. Couldn't pump out enough. And all the sterilising of bottles, teats, etc... and the colic was worse with bottles... not for me. I'm prepared to sacrifice my time, energy and nights out etc for my baby and be there for every feed day or night. I'm their mum and that's what I'm meant to do, plus it's really only for a few months until they start on solids and can be fed them by someone else on occasion. I know not everyone is so lucky to be there for every feed, but I'm fortunate (or perhaps lazy!). I would not choose to formula feed and feel strongly that if you are able to breastfeed you should, if only for the first few weeks, but also know that not everyone is able. I know I won't get my body and weight back to normal until I quit breastfeeding again, but again that's part of a mother's sacrifice IMO. I think the pro's of breastfeeding outway the con's, for mother and child.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I have done all of the above.
    EPing was the most convenient for me.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    If the health benefit were the same and there would be no cost to formula, i would still do 1. Breastfeed at home and probably do some 3. Formula feed at public places when the baby is bigger.
    I think pumping is the hardest, iI would never do that unless I absolutely had to.
    In my opinion breatfeeding is the easiest of all option if you are home with your baby. No need of washing , sterilizing bottles, , no need of warming up, because it is the right temperature. Plus it feels good, it release oxytocin and relaxes you.
    Plus you are free to go anywhere anytime with no preparation. Your boobs are always with you ;) I have nursed my babies everywhere, stores, malls, parks, restaurants , dr office , you name it . It is soo easy. My diaper bag with my firtsborn was smaller than an average size women purse, because all I needed was a couple of diapers and my nursing cover.

    When the baby is bigger and more curious of the world, it can be a problem though. My 7 months old wiggles so much during BFing, and plays peek a boo with my nursing cover all the time. The result is that she flashes my boobs quite often. If you have small boobs it may not be a problem, but my J cupsize makes a scene when it is not covered, lol
    For this reason alone , I feel formula would be a tad bit easier in public at this point. Now, I made a habit to feed solids at public , and bf mainly home.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    When the baby is bigger and more curious of the world, it can be a problem though. My 7 months old wiggles so much during BFing, and plays peek a boo with my nursing cover all the time. The result is that she flashes my boobs quite often. If you have small boobs it may not be a problem, but my J cupsize makes a scene when it is not covered, lol
    For this reason alone , I feel formula would be a tad bit easier in public at this point. Now, I made a habit to feed solids at public , and bf mainly home.

    I'm pretty much the same. Breastfeed at home, bottles in public because my nearly 9 month old is WAY too curious to focus and stay on my boob. Bottles are great because she can look around.

    So far all of the bottles I've given my baby have been pumped milk, but I hate pumping and I hate having to clean all the pump parts and bottles. I recently reached a point where I have plenty of milk when my baby wants to nurse, but I don't have enough extra going on to pump out a full bottle worth on demand like I used to, especially if I try to pump in between nursing sessions. For that reason I'm going to pick up some formula to keep on hand as back up since my frozen stash is running low.

    Anyway, long story short, I prefer to EBF for the convenience, but I'm okay with pumping/bottles/formula if it's only once in a while.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I just remembered another reason why I like to breastfeed - no periods! Haven't had my period in nearly 19 months and it's awesome! :laugh:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Probably formula feed. I currently EP and have most of the time. Formula is easy and anyone can do it. I guess I'm just so used to cleaning bottles and pump parts. But I do it for the health benefits and cost. But it was nice to have no period for 16 months, had one at 7 months pp but it was pretty light.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I had to EP for a while and absolutely hated it. I decided that if I couldn't just breastfeed, I would probably go to formula. As it happens, I got lucky and managed to get Gideon to nurse. Now I just pump once a day to build a small freezer stash for when I'm away from him long enough that he needs to be fed by someone else.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    4th option.. My first son I EBF and pumped for the night. By 6months he got teeth &I was paranoid and didn't nurse anymore and EP for the next 6 months. it was tough because i had to lug my breast pump w me everywhere in fear of not having anything to give him to eat when he would finish the bottle i had w me. My 2nd daughter I EBF till almost 8months. She wasn't a fan of the bottle whcih sucked because I can barely leave her for more then 2 hours since she had to nurse.. But it got easier when she started to take the breast milk in the bottle. My 3rd is now currently EBF also refused the bottle up until recently. IT's convenient when they BF and also take a bottle of pumped milk. None of my kids wanted to take formula and i was blessed w a good milk supply so i was able to provide breast milk for them all up to a 1yr. (well hoping/planning to for my 3rd as well)
  • jessicaleonminer
    jessicaleonminer Posts: 2 Member
    I like EBF for me. But I'm a stay at home mom and am able to nurse my baby whenever. I have used formula to supplement in the beginning and I do try to pump extra for bottles to use when I have a night out or some drinks.
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I am pumping at work and nursing at home. I wish I could just nurse because even though I was okay with pumping before I went to work, I'm so sick of it now. If I never have to wash another flange (or even hear the word flange) in my life, I could die happy.

    So, I would EBF with the occasional pumping session if I wanted to go out.

    Now if you'll excuse me I have to go pump. Again.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I EP and I wouldnt recommend it if nursing is going just fine for you. .My LO went on a nursing strike so thats why I turned to EP, we struggled with nursing for about 1.5months (until he was 2.5 months) before I decided to quit and just EP. He's6.5 months now and still have a great supply.I want to quit sooo bad but after reading the ingredients on the back of a formula can, I decided I will continue with pumping until he's over a yr old. Just do whatever works for you, my most least favorite part about pumping is washing all the bottles and flangs after each session. ugh. lol
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I would choose 1) breastfeeding

    So convenient, and I get to hog the baby that way :)
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I formula fed from the beginning, and I have no regrets about it. It's really up to the individual thought and what choices best suit your situation.
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    I EBF and wouldn't have it any other way! : )
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I would formula feed. Its easy and bottles can be made on demand so there is no heating up a bottle that has been in the refrigerator. My husband and son can help out with feedings so I do not have to do them all.

    With my first child I never even thought of breastfeeding at that time it wasn't as publicized as it is now and I was really young it never crossed my mind so I formula fed. Which later I found out wouldn't have mattered because I never produced any milk with him. With my second I tried and I tried I went from nursing to pumping to giving up. I unfortunately am very large breasted so I only had one option to hold the baby to get her to latch on. However she had jaundice so I had to supplement with formula to get her to have bowel movements sooner to get her numbers down. I had to pump because I needed to increase my supply which was an epic fail turns out I could only get 2oz every 12 hours. If I could have produced milk I probably would have pumped it seems easier a lot more clean up but easier and you could get help with the feedings. Also by nursing/pumping it helps out with moms blood sugar, metabolism, and hormone levels so thats an even better side to it.
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    I've been EBF for the first 8 weeks, with 1 pump session in the morning to build a stash and to use if I needed to go somewhere without LO, or wanted to have a few drinks. As of Monday I am back at work, so still pumping once in the morning and 3 times at work. PROPS to the EP'ers out there!! I hate it. I wish I could keep doing what I was doing!!!! That darn pump wreaks havoc on my nipples...I've never needed to use the lanolin so I guess now is the time to start :smile:
  • daytolive
    daytolive Posts: 106 Member
    With my first baby,I had to give him formula (and pump) in the beginning which i HATED,I felt like a horrible mama because I was so determined to EBF him but he did not latch on for almost 2 months and my supply was horrible. Finally I was able to nurse but my supply sucked and could only do it until 9 months. This time,my milk has been amazing and my daughter was able to nurse from day one! She's 11 months now and will not take a bottle,with my milk or otherwise. I'm trying to get her to take a sippy cup,just to get her used to not having it to be from me,because I cannot leave the house otherwise. My goal was to go to one year but she's so attached,i might have to nurse longer...which is a whole other topic. lol!

    I think breast is best but its such a personal thing. In my opinion,if you can breast feed your baby,why wouldn't you?

    But again,that's just me.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I EBF until 2 months when I had ot go back to work and then it was EPing until around 3.5 months when she started out eating my supply (she had a major 3-month growth spurt!) and we had to supplement w/formula. Now it's a combination of all of the above, where I'll EBF her middle of the night/morning feedings, she'll get 3 bottled breastmilks and 1 formula bottle at day care, and then 1 bottle formula in the evening since my supply is to the point where I can't produce enough in the evening hours to give her a full feeding and top her off with EBF. It's a crazy mix, but it's been working and we're going on 6 months for my supply which is 4-5 months longer than my mom so I can't complain :)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    I am pumping at work and nursing at home. I wish I could just nurse because even though I was okay with pumping before I went to work, I'm so sick of it now. If I never have to wash another flange (or even hear the word flange) in my life, I could die happy.

    So, I would EBF with the occasional pumping session if I wanted to go out.

    Now if you'll excuse me I have to go pump. Again.

  • i would rather ebf. but Jordan is a big eater and doesnt like to waste time when it comes to eating. the breast is too slow for him. so right now i am bf and ff. pumping was just too time consuming.
  • shnoots
    shnoots Posts: 82 Member
    EBF all the way. I love having an excuse to whip my boobs out in public.
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