Im so confused!

AH! Hopefully someone sees this and can help me.
I just got the fitbit flex around 2pm today, Ive been using it since then. But I am so lost.

I have it connected to MFP and currently trying to sync it to my phone (not going so well there)
But I am confused, I enabled the negative calorie things, which I think I finally understand.
But do I log my exercise? Or does it do it for me? Like I logged that I went walking and the calories burnt matched up with Fitbit and MFP (374) but then there are the negative ones (-387) so my daily goal is -13/238? I don't get that?

I think that's all I have for now....

Add me on here and/or fitbit!



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just went to Fitbit and their site is down for scheduled maintenance, so it's probably not syncing right now because of that. Your flex is still counting your steps so once the site is back up & running you'll get credit for them.
  • MissKikiiii
    Thank you!