Christmas Challenge Goals!

Hey all! Here is a little bit about me and my objectives for the Christmas Challenge:
I'm 5'9" 182.2 and my BMI is currently at 26.9!

•Underweight = <18.5
•Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
•Overweight = 25–29.9
•Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Technically I am overweight! My total goal is to lose 30 lbs - 22.2 of which is my goal before Christmas that would bring me down to 160lbs (my happy, comfortable, and healthy looking weight). This would make my BMI 23.6/Normal. I am well proportioned for my weight but would like to focus on cardio to shed fat. I'll be using some light free weights on occasion to tone up my arms and incorporate incline and hiking in to my cardio workouts to help build muscle in my legs. For the most part, cardio is where it is at for me - and dieting/tracking calorie consumption. I'm more interested in shedding weight than I am in toning up so, I'll cross that bridge when I get there. 22.2 min (+ extra if possible) to lose before Christmas- I'm 100% confident that this will be done :D !! woo hoo!! Here we go!


  • gail200186
    gail200186 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'3" tall, currently 197lbs with a BMI of 34.9 :(

    My goal is to lose 25lbs before Christmas making me in the 172lb range. I'd love to be in the 160's by then, but I figure I should set a realistic goal for myself first.

    I've been walking with co-workers at lunchtime to try to burn some extra calories, but I think I'm going to combine this challenge with the 3500/day calorie burn challenge and see what happens :)
  • prissybunny
    prissybunny Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all! I'm 5'4 currently 267
    My goal is at least 40 pounds by Christmas
    I walk in the after dinner with husband at 3 times a week. I try fir 5 to 7 day.
  • whitney_simpson
    whitney_simpson Posts: 77 Member
    hello! My name is Whitney, I am 26 years old, 5'3", 158 pounds, with a BMI of 28 and I would like to lose 18 pounds by Christmas.

    I started losing weight February 2012, and lost an initial 45 pounds in just a few months through total diet overhaul and hiking 4 to 5 days a week. I had lost my job a few months before, and I had come to realize that my profession was one of the main contributing factors to my greatly unhealthy lifestyle. After last summer I stopped counting calories and hiking as often and I put back on 11 of the pounds I had initially lost.

    I started on MFP 2 1/2 months ago and have lost all of the weight i re-gained plus more. I started lifting weights and even though I weigh roughly the same as i did last summer I am actually much smaller overall.

    This additional 18 pounds will have my total weight loss at 65 pounds. I will be healthier than I have been in years and that would be the best christmas present I could ask for.
  • Hey there! I started gaining weight AFTER(!) my vacation to Mexico in January. 10lbs to be exact. I am hoping to lose those 10lbs by Christmas. To reach my goals, I recently joined a running club to train for a 10k race. Tonight is the first run and I am both nervous and scared to start.

    Looking forward to chatting with everyone! We can do this!
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Hello! My name is LouAnn and I am 58 years old, 5' 5" tall and current weight is 177. I started my journey last October at 220(+/-) pounds! YIKES! My goal for Christmas time would be to have the last 25 pounds . IS this doable? I'd like to think so. Christmas is 17 weeks away ... so yes doable. I have plateau a number of times and that is kinda where I am now.

    So, let's motivate each other; hold each other accountable; and get this done!
  • anaoliver63
    anaoliver63 Posts: 117 Member
    HI I am Ana and my CW is 212.5, I am 49 y/o 5'3". I would like to lose a minimum of 20 pounds by Xmas and be at 190.

    I am ready for the challenge!
  • Annalieseabbey
    Annalieseabbey Posts: 1 Member

    I am 23 years old, 5'3'' and currently weigh 152lbs. I would like to lose 25 pounds by Christmas. I am going to try to run a half marathon on December 1st so hopefully training for that will make weight loss easy.

    I usually get sick of recording all my food after a few days but this time I'll try to stick with it. Everything I make has so many ingredients and then I have to weigh every thing out. For example, if I make stir fry for dinner I need to find the calorie information for broccoli, carrots, onions, celery, peppers, hoisin, chili, rice vinegar, garlic, coconut oil AND THEN figure out exactly how much of it I'm using. Does anyone else struggle with this?

  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Jillian, Gail, Prissybunny, Whitney, Karlene, LouAnne, Anna, Ana and anyone else who pops in and tells us their goals :)

    I'm Catherine, 27, with a BMI of just over 30 (yep, the obese range!!) and I'm looking forward to getting into the healthy range by Christmas!! I would love to lose around 35lbs by christmas (or 15-17ish) kgs.

    I really want to get fit! That's another huuuge goal. I am walking a few times a week but I *am* to make it every day - and I *am* going to start doing pilates classes 2 x a week.

    Anna, I hate that as well.. i am sneaky but if its vegetables I just say frozen veggies 1 cup.. the good news is if you put it in the recipe builder you have it saved forever and it is much easier next time you have that stirfry.

    Ana, I like your enthusam!! 20 pounds by Christmas sounds like a very achieavable goal!!

    LouAnee, I think 25 pounds is do-able!! Why not give it your best shot? Even if you are a bit off at least you will be close.

    Karlene - Have fun at you run tonight!! Sounds like you are off to a great start losing those 10lbs!

    Whitney - wow! great weightloss so far!! You are so right.. being healthier is the best christmas present you could ask for..

    Prissybunny - great goal, it is close to mine! Increasing walking after dinner with your husband sounds really nice! Spending quaility time together and getting fitter - everyone wins!

    Gail - nice work on setting a realstic goal!! Heh, 3500 calorie burn a week is huge - im guessing you mean a week, not day?? I would love to burn that much but I dont think I could keep up high intensity exercise everyday of the week :bigsmile:

    Jillian - Nice goal! I love cardio too!

    Woohoo!!! We got this guys!! Bring on being fitter and healthier at Christmas time (not to mention fitting into a really nice dress!! Its summer in Aus)

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Hi all! my name is Lori I'm 5'2"...Won't post my weight...hubby doesn't even know. :laugh: I NEED to be back where I was, so I will push myself and set a goal of 34 lbs by Christmas. It may be pushing it with Thanksgiving in there along with holiday parties... I wish us all luck! We can do this!!!! :happy:
  • AliciaKnits
    AliciaKnits Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Alicia, just turned 30 last Saturday, am 5'2", and weigh 145. Would love to lose the last 25 lbs by Christmas. I'm focusing on writing in my food log daily, drinking all eight glasses of water, and walking for 5 days a week. I have found that when I use this exact combination, I drop the weight :) Need to, because my pants are almost too tight to wear any of them right now and I don't have the money to purchase a new wardrobe. My ultimate goal is to purchase all new clothes (well, a few new items) from Zulily and Christopher & Banks, my two favorite stores.
  • comingsize12
    comingsize12 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey All!

    I'm 5'10" and currently 250lbs. I exercise 5-7 days a walk. I lift weights 3 days a week, walk/run every other day and walk uphill other days. My diet is a little different and conversional. I juice daily, sometimes 3 times a day but most of the time 2 times a day. Besides juicing I enjoy something light such as veggies and lean meats. I would like to be under 200lbs by Christmas. I look forward to the challenge.
  • Hi all! I am 5'9" currently 203. I started out my journey at about 270 lbs in March of this year. I would like to try to lose another 40 lbs by Christmas, but overall I would like to get to around 150.

    I am big on clean eating, and I love strength training. I started a blog about my fitness journey and would love all of you to follow me.

    I am looking forward to continuing on this journey with all of you.
  • Hi, I'm Lauren, 5'4. My goal by Christmas is to get a BMI of around 20 which would be 117 pounds. I'm currently at 135ish (depending on when I weigh).

    I've been wanting to get into shape for a while, and I've just gotten serious about it. I bike a lot and do little exercise routines whenever possible. In the past month, I've lost six pounds, so I really think if I have the will power and determination, I can make my goal.
  • br8100
    br8100 Posts: 11
    Hi, I am 43 years old 5'7' and 164 lbs. BMI 25.7 .
    I would like to loose 25 lbs by Christmas.
    I used to weigh 140 lbs and moving around was so much easier. The more I weigh, the less I move and socialize.
    Enough of that. It is time to get my health back and feel good about myself again.
    Thank you for starting this group.
  • kwaichi
    kwaichi Posts: 12
    I'm 32 tomorrow and I was 100kg in April. I've now lost 11kg so now sit around 89kg and want to get that down to 73kg (another 16kg/32lbs). I had set May 2014 as a target but my weight loss has accelerated since using myfitnesspal, Withings Smart Body Analyzer and Withings Pulse. I think I could hit 73kg by Christmas although it would be tough going. Who likes feeling hungry?

    I'm currently losing 0.5kg to 1.5kg a week through cutting down on sodium and calories plus kickboxing on my own in the gym at the weekends. Add me if you want!
  • snowfooper
    snowfooper Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! I am 21, 22 next week.

    SW: 157
    CW: 136
    GW (by Christmas): 116
    UGW: 110

    Current BMI: 24.9 (it's been so long since I've been in the technically healthy range!!)
    Christmas Goal BMI: 21.2
    Ultimate Goal BMI: 20.1
    So 20 pounds by Christmas!
  • My Christmas goal is to be closer to the 170 range of weight, currently right now I am 204.8lbs. My major goal is to be at goal weight by Feb 13, 2014 on the day of my wedding.

    Right now my BMI is 29.4 and I would love to get it below 25.

    SW was around 300 lbs
    CW is 204.8
    GW 160 by Feb GW for Xmas is 170-180
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member

    I am 23 years old, 5'3'' and currently weigh 152lbs. I would like to lose 25 pounds by Christmas. I am going to try to run a half marathon on December 1st so hopefully training for that will make weight loss easy.

    I usually get sick of recording all my food after a few days but this time I'll try to stick with it. Everything I make has so many ingredients and then I have to weigh every thing out. For example, if I make stir fry for dinner I need to find the calorie information for broccoli, carrots, onions, celery, peppers, hoisin, chili, rice vinegar, garlic, coconut oil AND THEN figure out exactly how much of it I'm using. Does anyone else struggle with this?


    Anna, once you do this ... put it into a recipe on your page (no need to share with the MFP population) and save it and then it is ALWAYS there for you!
  • Mayra_121
    Mayra_121 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 25 years old
    BMI: 26

    SW: 187
    CW: 153
    GW: 130
    UGW: 120-125

    I would looooove to be able to reach 125 by christmas, but the truth is even while I've been watching what I eat and doing exercise sometimes it takes more than 1 week to actually lose 1 lb. So I am going to try my hardest to at least be in 135-130 by Christmas and by next spring hopefully I'll be able to reach my ultimate goal weight.

    I'm trying to focus on losing 2-5 lbs a month even though its slow but hopefully that way it's weight that stays off and doesn' t come back to haunt me =P

    I've been in the lowest part of 150's for a little more than a month and I am just dying to actually see the scale say 140 something!!
  • malena126
    malena126 Posts: 18 Member
    Im 33, 5'-2" BMI 35
    cw: 188
    gw: 170
    ugw: 130

    I started around 225 and realized that was almost the weight i was 6 months preggo! that was 2012 christmas. to be 55 lighter would be awesome!