Check in here!



  • Well I managed to drop the two pounds I gained this past weekend! Even after I had sort of a heavy dinner last night! Day 2 of JM's 30 Day Shred is in the books and I am so sore! I'm feeling really good though. I'll probably hold off on weighing myself for a few days after today.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    I think I'm going to hide the scale under the bed for awhile. I can't seem to stop myself from weighing multiple times a day and I get bummed out if the number goes up, even though I know that's dumb. I'm in another MFP group for people who are trying to lose 30-40 lbs and we weigh in on Fridays so I'll try taking it out of the bathroom and only checking in once a week.
  • Finally weighed myself today and am pretty happy with the results.
    SW: 150.6 (13 Aug)
    CW: 145.2

    *About 3 lbs of that was water weight (my period started on the 13th and I retain a lot of water)*
    But, the other 2 lbs I really worked for. My scale does the body fat and muscle % so I'm keeping track of those also.
    BF was -1.2%
    M was +.06%
    I know it's not 100% accurate, but I'm going to pretend like it is -especially if the bf% goes down and the muscle% goes up.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I'm down to 212. One more pound and I'll have lost 30 pounds in ~3 months.

    I feel weird. I'm definitely stronger and definitely losing weight, but I don't look much different (if any) and my clothes still fit okay -- I have a couple pairs of pants that are way too big, but they were moderately too big to begin with. My bras are maybe a little looser, or maybe just getting worn out. If there's any difference in fit, it's just not enough to be sure of.

    I really think I should buy a tape measure, because I'm starting to think I have scale-related hallucinations. I'm seeing the numbers drop steadily, but I don't feel like it's made any physical difference.

    In other news, I managed to squeeze in time to do a small grocery shop yesterday, so healthy meals are going to be easier.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member

    I really think I should buy a tape measure, because I'm starting to think I have scale-related hallucinations. I'm seeing the numbers drop steadily, but I don't feel like it's made any physical difference.

    Do you have any sort of tape measure? I don't have the bendy kind for tailoring but I have a regular one from the hardware store and I just use a string to measure myself. It works great. I guess you could probably use a rule too but that would kind of be a pain.

    30 lbs in 3 months is awesome dude! I love seeing your progress in my little news ticker thing. It makes me feel like I CAN DO EET!
  • I'm down to 212. One more pound and I'll have lost 30 pounds in ~3 months.

    I feel weird. I'm definitely stronger and definitely losing weight, but I don't look much different (if any) and my clothes still fit okay -- I have a couple pairs of pants that are way too big, but they were moderately too big to begin with. My bras are maybe a little looser, or maybe just getting worn out. If there's any difference in fit, it's just not enough to be sure of.

    I really think I should buy a tape measure, because I'm starting to think I have scale-related hallucinations. I'm seeing the numbers drop steadily, but I don't feel like it's made any physical difference.

    In other news, I managed to squeeze in time to do a small grocery shop yesterday, so healthy meals are going to be easier.
    Congrats on 30 in 3 months! Inspiring! You've probably gained some muscle if your feeling stronger. Measure yourself for sure!
  • Hey all. Yesterday was a bit of a flub day, I went out with some friends and had a few drinks, but did order a healthy-ish meal (that was also really yummy!). I realized that if I don't plan out my meals and track them in the am, I will go out for lunch and buy myself something I will regret later. Yesterday I went to Starbucks and got a sandwich and a latte. It isn't horrible, I know, but still- it was 10 bucks, not that satisfying and pretty caloric. I can do better!

    Also, 30 pounds in 3 months?! Awesome!

    Keep up the great work, all! It is so inspiring and helpful to be able to come here and check in with everyone.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Grr. I ended up snacking on chocolate biscuits and chocolate squares while vegging out with the housemates yesterday. It's so silly, logically I KNOW I'm not hungry and I KNOW I don't need to be eating sweets but I just can't say no to the junk.

    I threw out the biscuits (I don't normally buy them but they were left over from visitors at the weekend) so at least I don't have those hanging around tempting me any more. I've identified a definite danger zone, between about 8pm and bed time when I'm bored, I start getting snacky/craving sweet things, especially if my housemates are around because they always break out the chocolate and sweets at this time when we're all sitting around watching TV and drinking tea. I'm so busy from waking up to getting home, it's this one two hour window after dinner where everything just goes to hell and I seem to have no willpower.

    Oh well, today's another day.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    feelgoodnic, try adjusting your intake throughout the day so you have a couple hundred calories left after dinner. You can make some popcorn or buy Special K chips or even just have some veggies & salsa when you're feeling snacky -- all of these are pretty satisfying for boredom eating because they're small, high-volume items that last a while if you're reading a book or watching TV or whatever.

    Also, this is the most obvious advice ever, so I apologize if you're sitting there like, "DUH, Sara, I understand how snacks work."
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    If I knew how snacks worked, I wouldn't be in this position :laugh: thanks avskk, I'll give that approach a try. Part of my problem is that I usually do have around 200 calories to spare at the end of the evening but I try to resist using them for some reason. But 200 calories on a healthy snack makes more sense than 400+ calories on sugary crap. And I happen to have some single serving popcorn too!
  • Semi duplicate post from Gomi...
    Last night our dinner plans got derailed (the place we intended to go was closed.) so we ended up at a place that was delish but everything was very rich. It was tapas style so I was able to have a much smaller portion that I would normally.
    Got home and started to get into the mindset of "well I blew it might as well go whole hog!" and was eyeballing some beer and snacks. My husband snapped me out of it by telling me that if I wanted to snack then snack but he wanted me to be happy and to stick to my eating for the long run so I wouldn't be sad.
    I have asked him to give me such nudges in the past and he never has because he has feared me freaking out on him.
    When I weighed myself this morning I was down a lbs. So yay!
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    ^^^ Way to go!

    I'm trying to stay pretty low carb for the next 2 weeks, sort of like the first 2 weeks of South Beach (but I'm still eating whatever fruits and vegetables I want, I'm not worrying about those carbs). Tuesday night I realized I had a bunch of calories left over so I decided to spend some on an ice cream bar... until I remembered that ice cream =/= low carb. It was almost dinner time so I just waited and had a second helping of squash. I'm pretty proud of myself, because even though there would have been absolutely nothing wrong with eating the ice cream, from a calorie stand point, it doesn't fit with the specific goal I've set out for the next 2 weeks. I usually fall off the wagon at the slightest justification so I'm glad this time I chose something different.

    Now if only I could make myself exercise.... I busted it out hard on Tuesday and I'm still sore haha. I know that moving more will actually make me feel better but omg everything hurrrrrts.
  • Novezero
    Novezero Posts: 17 Member
    Weighed myself again and still at about the same weight (I am guessing that I am about 127 because this was half way through the day) I am worried and freaking a bit about plateauing again. My last plateau was at about 135lbs and it was something like 6 weeks before it started to move again.

    My brain still doesn't catch up with the whole lost-40lbs-thing so I still feel lumpy and weird although I know I am at the best I have looked in a decade and in UK 8/10 on the top and UK 10/12 on the bottom (was a 10/12, 14 before)

    I think this was a bad week (ulcers, other health issues, financial worries, broke mp3 player, only 2 gym visits)
  • bhnguyen82
    bhnguyen82 Posts: 49 Member
    Bahahaha so after my triumphant 2lb weight loss in a week, I have promptly put it back on. Some of it sucked -- we went to an Indian restaurant for a colleague leaving and the food wasn't that great, so it kinda sucked to have gained (even if it's just bloat) and it not being "worth it". Yesterday night though I partied with coworkers, drank wayy too much and ate wayy to much chips and dip and crackers and stuff. The hangover is **** but it was totally worth it cause I had a blast. I'm not too fussed about it all cause I rarely party, and I fully enjoyed it while I was there.
  • feelgoodnic
    feelgoodnic Posts: 66 Member
    Glad to hear you had a fun couple of days bhnguyen82! And I'd wager a significant amount of that 2lbs is bloat. I can gain 3lbs+ in a day from Indian food, beer and salty stuff very very easily but it usually goes away soon enough.

    I've had a good couple of days, I've gotten the crazy snacking slightly more under control thanks to the suggestion of having a designated snack in the evening rather than just trying to tough it out while everyone around me seems to be snacking constantly. I had enough calories left over for a couple of beers last night which made me pretty happy.

    And good news on the injury front, as the stationary bike isn't hurting me knee the physiotherapist said I can do whatever I like on it so now I can add in intervals and stuff to make it a bit more interesting. And he's added deep squats to my exercises so my workouts are starting to actually feel like workouts again. Yay! :drinker:
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I had a fair-food-and-margaritas extravaganza yesterday and I'm still down 1.6 pounds this morning; I was expecting to be up due to cals/bloat, so that's pretty sweet. On the other hand, I'm going back to the fair today with my son... and I haven't had funnel cake yet.

    I bought new pants yesterday, two sizes smaller. You guys know how I said I don't feel like I look any different? Turns out wearing clothes that fit really makes a difference -- I didn't realize it, but I was sort of swimming in my clothes. I've been smugging all over the place ever since I went shopping.
  • So, I said I would only weigh in on Tuesdays, but I'm starting to obsess over the scale. I broke down and weighed myself this morning. The # was down, but only by .4 lbs. ugh...official weigh in will be Tues. I really want to lose at least 1 lb this wk. Honestly, I'd rather lose more, but I just don't know if it's possible.
    I've been here before -145- many times and it's so hard for me to get and stay below this #. I can easily maintain at this weight and eat junk food/whatever I want as long as I work out 5-6 days/wk. I know some people believe in a happy weight or your body wants to stay at a certain weight (idk if I believe that for myself). But, I don't want to weigh 145 (said in a very whining voice). Actually, I don't care about the #. I want to reduce my body fat. So, I really need to stop worrying about the # on the scale. Easier said than done.
    I think I'm doing pretty good w eating. Well, I am still skipping breakfast sometimes -need to continue to work on that. I have 1 cheat meal a wk. Last week it was pizza and surprise - this week it was pizza again. I guess I choose that because I eat absolutely no dairy and very little carbs (in the form of bread) the rest of the week.
    Still working out consistently, I'm doing more this week than last bc I know the smaller I get - the harder I have to work to lose any weight.
    I'm glad that we have this place to check in bc it keeps me motivated. I feel like I have to "answer" to the group. Whether y'all are reading my posts or not. lol For ex. I ran to the gym earlier today -1.3 miles, did 35 mins weights/machines and 7 mins cardio, then ran back w/out stopping which is amazing for me bc I hate running and I was tired and didn't want to do it. 2.6 miles in 24:17.
    I knew I was going to post an update once I was done which I think is the only reason I ran the whole way.
    Anyway, I just need to stay motivated and keep telling myself it's ok if I only lose 1 lb or so a week. Instead of getting frustrated, falling completely off the wagon -eating all the food and not working out-, quitting and having to start over again.
    I'm not too into those motivational/inspiring type quotes, but I do like this one (bc it's exactly what I do):
    If you're tired of starting over, stop quitting.
  • Tomorrow morning is my weigh in and I am somewhat dreading it. Friday on was just a big old hot mess of bad food choices. Today I accidently forgot to have my snack and lunch(was shoppng and suddenly was late afternoon) Then I over ate at dinner and ate food that has left me feeli a bit barfy.
    I'm hoping the 10 hours I walked over the weekend balances it out, my legs are a bit jello at the moment.
  • Really great to read up on everyone's progress. I just reported in gomi that I manned up and did 30 day shred this morning. Yeay! And I just started logging my food here so hopefully I'll keep that up. Kind of depressing to see my old status of 11lbs lost. That's pretty much what I need to lose again. But I did have a baby in the meantime so I'll cut myself a little slack.
  • Well my fretting was for nothing. I lost just over a lbs last week! I have to admit I'm at that stage where I always start slowly going back to my old ways. When I eat crap and lose weight I'm like "well maybe I can eat more junk if I still lost weight eating that"
    This coming week will be especially hard. We made the call that our dogs quality of life is becoming increasingly bad. She is 14.
    So this will be her last week with us. I'm going to want to go mental in the chip aisle.