My routine C:

I have been working out for a solid 6 days and even before when trying to exercise i cant find anything that i am really excited about. I have trouble finding interest in exercise after being away from it for a long period of time. So for now, I make sure i work out and get cardio in for 40 minutes a day.. Usaually with zumba running or jumping rope. If anyone has any other super fun suggestions just let me know.



  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    Hello Good Morning I am so in this group I want to lose 20 by Nov 1 .I actually joined my gym 90 challenge group to get started and stay motivated to lose weight.

    My routine right now consist of a lot of walk / run on the treadmill ,group fitness like cycling, @ home I workout to Zumba and Jillian M 30 day shred .
  • Inc1961
    Inc1961 Posts: 34 Member
    This is exactly what I need to do! Going on vacation end of October and wold love to be 20 lbs lighter. I've started counting calories with MFP. I also started C25K, not that it is advertised as a weight lose plan, actually most people seem to gain weight :(
    But I am so unfit and it seems manageable. 30 mins 3X week. And it might get me to a fitness level so can I ask my husband to run with me. Even though he is unfit, he can run further and faster than me any day.

    On days between C25K I 'plan' on some light rowing on my rowing machine. Had it 5 years and used it 5 times now :(

    I really need the challenge, support and accountability to pull this off!!

  • zombiedad_wdm
    My routine is 3 days of cardio (kickboxing at a local fitness center) and 3 days of resistance training with bands. I also add in 45-60 minutes of "brisk" walking everyday. Whatever that means. Eventually I will start to substitute Spinning on resistance training days with walking. My biggest obstacle will be eating right.

    10 Weeks to lose 20 pounds. 2 pounds a week! We can do that!

    This is the first time I have joined a group. I am not sure what to expect or what is expected from me. Any advice would be helpful!
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    My routine is 3 days of cardio (kickboxing at a local fitness center) and 3 days of resistance training with bands. I also add in 45-60 minutes of "brisk" walking everyday. Whatever that means. Eventually I will start to substitute Spinning on resistance training days with walking. My biggest obstacle will be eating right.

    10 Weeks to lose 20 pounds. 2 pounds a week! We can do that!

    This is the first time I have joined a group. I am not sure what to expect or what is expected from me. Any advice would be helpful!

    For the resistance training with bands are you doing that at a gym or do you have a dvd or something at home I want to get it more strength training. Because I am weak and food is also an issue of mine too . I love to snack but MFP has really put my snacking in check for me lately I have used it to track everything that I eat and that helps me a lot.
  • zombiedad_wdm
    I go to a fitness class for the resistance training. It also adds in cardio as well but it is mainly resistance training with bands. I am trying hard to not "bulk up" so I am happy with using resistance bands vs machines and free weights. Even though I know I can just use lighter weights.

    The worst part of the day for me is from 6:00p until I go to bed. I can be good all day and if I am not super strict with my dinner I can easily grab a larger portion size than I need. And if I am cooking for the kids as well as myself it is too easy to grab an extra chicken nugget or bite of mac and cheese. Otherwise I can stay pretty tight to my calorie goal.
  • missbutton82
    missbutton82 Posts: 151 Member
    Well I just started exercising about 3 weeks ago and currently I am on the treadmill on Sundays for 1 hour, then I do weight training for half hour 2 times a week and either the treadmill or elliptical for half an hour. So right now I'm working out 3 times a week. Its not a lot but its much more than before.
  • myfbil
    myfbil Posts: 31 Member
    Hi - I'm new here (I joined MFP yesterday) and sure do hope I can lose 20 lbs by Nov. 1st. I'm 60 years old and have psoriatic arthritis- which affects all my connective tissue. This makes exercising very difficult but I have found many things that I can do with the Wii Fit Plus - such as step, some yoga, etc. Some are even FUN to do!
    My chest, shoulders, arms (upper body) have the worst issues with the psoriatic arthritis from exercise or any repetitive activity.
    I found using the chart to track all my food yesterday was interesting. I had a didn't know how to consume all my calories yet was slightly over on the sugar (from bread, fruit, etc - not candy or desserts). The same happened today. Any suggestions? As with zombiedad_wdm the evening is my worst time... I get tired and bored then tend to fill my time with food. Hoping to put an end to that bad habit!
  • super03mom
    super03mom Posts: 63 Member
    Saturday was a bad day for me the kids , my husband and I decided to be lazy the whole day. We did nothing and I fell into my old snacking routine. I ate a total of 2,270 calories and 1020 calories were all snack food . Weekends right now for me suck, during the week I drink a lots of water like I should, eat like I should and workout like a should. Right now I am hating the weekends :(