7 lbs in 1 month :( I want more

comingsize12 Posts: 21 Member
So I lost 7 lbs this month. I wish a 1 or 2 was in front of the 7. I work extremely hard and was expecting a little more. This slow weight lost is driving me bananas. But I guess I have to keep on keeping on. What else can I do? I work out 5-7 days a week and spend a great deal of time doing cardio. According to Dr Oz cardio is a great way to lose weight especially if you burn 500 or more calories a day. My body is tired and I have a long way to go. Wish me luck!!!


  • Pizazz16
    Pizazz16 Posts: 295 Member
    Congratulations on losing those 7 pounds! :bigsmile: That's 7 you no longer have to worry about losing. Be careful, though, not to injure yourself.

    I feel your statement. I want more, too! :sad:

    It's been the same with me this whole month. Lots of cardio and so far I've only lost 3 pounds. It is frustrating. I think I may be having issues with calories in/calories burned. I hope I can figure it out before too much longer. I was very bummed out and did'nt make my goal of burning 3,500 calories this week. I couldn't keep beating up my body at working off 700 to 1,000 calories a day - my joints and feet were hurting too bad. Also, I was crazy hungry and wasn't sleeping well. I just decided to take a break from everything. Tomorrow is another day and I hope to be back in a good place. Don't think I want to push myself quite so hard again, though. We'll see.
  • FusionDancer13
    FusionDancer13 Posts: 10 Member
    You do not want to lose weight too fast or you will have too much excess skin. That is just as gross looking! Just remember that this a life style change not a quick fix. If you want the weight to stay off, go slow.
    Also, add more strength training. Cardio is great for losing weight, but if you are not building muscle you will be losing it--and muscle is what burns calories while we rest! You may lose weight, but it will not be fat burned, it will be muscle. Make sure you take a day rest between each cardio session, and change it up or your body will get use to it, and you will lose weight even slower.
    Also, give your self at least one rest day a week, your muscles need time to repair. That is why you are so exhausted, your body is telling you "Hey! I need a break please!" Rest will help you lose weight too :)
    I know it is very hard to watch weight melt of slowly, and so frustrating! This will not happen over night, it will take time, just focus on being healthy while doing so. You will succeed! :) Congrats on the 7 pounds! That's more than most can lose in a month!
  • snowfooper
    snowfooper Posts: 14 Member
    7 pounds is amazing- congrats! Especially in one month. Wow, seriously. That's awesome.

    You don't want to lose too fast. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Quick fixes aren't permanent. Instead of giving yourself a hard time for not losing enough, remember that this is a behavioral change you are making for the rest of your life. You don't expect someone who moved to a foreign country to know every custom and speak fluently in their language in the first month, right? Your weight loss is already incredible - just remember that!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    You're kidding! 7lbs in a month is loads! Virtually 2lb a week! I wish I lost half that the last couple of months :ohwell:
  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    It's good to strive for higher goals, and I admire your dedication but 7 pounds is actually really good. Most likely you have lost 7 pounds of actual fat due to working hard. Don't beat yourself up, 7 pounds is a lot. Please google what 1 pound of fat looks like, you'll see that 7 of those off your body is a whole lot to be proud of. Good job on your 7 pound weight loss!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Good job on the 7 lbs!!! I know where you're coming from of wanting more. I get so angry when the scale goes up or just doesn't move when I know the thing should be moving down! Go to your fridge and pick up a gallon of milk...That's 8 lbs. So that is pretty much what it feels like you lost! GREAT JOB!
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    You do not want to lose weight too fast or you will have too much excess skin. That is just as gross looking! Just remember that this a life style change not a quick fix. If you want the weight to stay off, go slow.
    Also, add more strength training. Cardio is great for losing weight, but if you are not building muscle you will be losing it--and muscle is what burns calories while we rest! You may lose weight, but it will not be fat burned, it will be muscle. Make sure you take a day rest between each cardio session, and change it up or your body will get use to it, and you will lose weight even slower.
    Also, give your self at least one rest day a week, your muscles need time to repair. That is why you are so exhausted, your body is telling you "Hey! I need a break please!" Rest will help you lose weight too :)
    I know it is very hard to watch weight melt of slowly, and so frustrating! This will not happen over night, it will take time, just focus on being healthy while doing so. You will succeed! :) Congrats on the 7 pounds! That's more than most can lose in a month!

    Believe it or not...You can have gross extra skin even if you lose weight nice and slow. Having more skin is a lot healthier than excess fat.
  • comingsize12
    comingsize12 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the positive feedback everyone. I will give myself a day to rest a week, add more weight lifting ( that lose skin frightens me) and continue to work hard. Thanks again I really appreciate the feedback
  • FusionDancer13
    FusionDancer13 Posts: 10 Member
    You do not want to lose weight too fast or you will have too much excess skin. That is just as gross looking! Just remember that this a life style change not a quick fix. If you want the weight to stay off, go slow.
    Also, add more strength training. Cardio is great for losing weight, but if you are not building muscle you will be losing it--and muscle is what burns calories while we rest! You may lose weight, but it will not be fat burned, it will be muscle. Make sure you take a day rest between each cardio session, and change it up or your body will get use to it, and you will lose weight even slower.
    Also, give your self at least one rest day a week, your muscles need time to repair. That is why you are so exhausted, your body is telling you "Hey! I need a break please!" Rest will help you lose weight too :)
    I know it is very hard to watch weight melt of slowly, and so frustrating! This will not happen over night, it will take time, just focus on being healthy while doing so. You will succeed! :) Congrats on the 7 pounds! That's more than most can lose in a month!

    Believe it or not...You can have gross extra skin even if you lose weight nice and slow. Having more skin is a lot healthier than excess fat.

    If you lose slowly your body has more time to tighten the skin, lose too fast and you'll have a few extra pounds of skin (depending on your initial size). I'd rather have a little loose skin than a lot of it, a lot does not look cute in that two piece. :)