i HAVE NOT LOST ANYTHING SINCE 7/26...........IT IS 8/22!

I have been working out at the Y and jogging and walking.............not a budge. Keeping my journal too.

I'm heading on 4 months out in a week and a is this even possible to stall like this? I've had a vew for two weeks at a time... this is crazy.


  • I am only a week post op.. but I have heard from others in my support group that this is common.. I know it will happen to me.. have you tried changing what your eating and when your exercising?.. just a suggestion .. keep persevering...
  • teeduran
    teeduran Posts: 54 Member
    I have had this going on, I upped my calories a little for a week then dropped them down again and now I am losing again. Also I have had inches going away check that out too. And muscle weighs more then fat so remember that. If not real sure call you're Doctor, and ask him about it. but keep going it's all worth it. If you need more support friend me and we can do it. chin up...
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    How many cals are you consuming a day? How much protein are you getting in? How much water a day? That can make a big difference. At 4 months out you should be getting at least 800 cals a day in or more depending on your exercise levels. If you do more than 1/2 hour of exercise you should up it to 1000 cals a day. 80 grams of protein at least in a day and at least 80 oz of water in a day. You might not be getting enough cals in a day and that is why you aren't loosing. Your body will hold onto everything it has during that time thinking you are starving it. Also, the closer you are getting to your goal and smaller you get the harder it is to loose. I averaged about 10-11 pounds lost a month during my loosing phase of my WLS post op journey. Good luck! You can friend me if you like and look at my diary. It is open to friends only to view.
  • itamd1970
    itamd1970 Posts: 17 Member
    There is a point when you stop losing. You need to work your program, count calories and make sure you are below your target limit. If you do that, and drink water and exercise, the weight will melt. You will also not feel constrained. Hang in there, but work the program!
  • Belligerent_Wombat
    Belligerent_Wombat Posts: 63 Member
    You've lost 86 lbs in such a short amount of time. Give your body time to adjust and be patient. Drink plenty of water. Watch what you eat. Exercise, but don't kill yourself. And enjoy the smaller non-scale victories. These things take time. Trust me on this.

    It's 12/4 - I've lost all I wanted and now trying to figure out how to STOP - only 4 lbs to my goal. I don't want to lose anymore I'm more than satisfied with where I am. I am me again. So nice to see MY FACE and feel like me and not imprisoned.

    Discovered just the way my body loses... I hold weight for 3 to 4 weeks then drop big. Which was normal for me anyway. I lost 8 lbs last week after a long hold.

    I'm not great on solid foods - meat is difficult and painful so........... water is also painful. I'm trying to drink more. Going to start weights this week.

    Called my dr to talk to nutritionist.... my surgeon said I willl stop naturally, but after that huge of a loss, not sure it's now and she doesn't even want me below 140 so..... if anyone has any suggestions on what to do I'd welcome it!!!